The worst Covid-19 error you could do, the doctor warns

Follow my advice and you could save someone's life and yours.

Pandemic coronavirus has been with us for half a year already and is likely to be there for a long time. In the pandemic response, through the nations, several red flags have been missed by health officials. What can we learn from these errors?

The pandemic response was somewhat confusing, since the CDC and that agreed too late that people should wear masks to prevent the transmission of the deadly virus. It should have happened as soon as the disease left Wuhan and crossed international borders. Unfortunately, this happened more than 30 days after the WHO declared the Coronavirus-2019 as a global pandemic.

When infected, patients see a wide variety of symptoms and, in some cases, there are several reports that they can linger for months. So it's different from influenza and common cold. The autumn and winter season will bring a seasonal influenza. Now and until we find a practical vaccine, you do not want to share your air with someone else, but those of your household.

It is important to remember that this virus is spreading rapidly from one city around the world. Although we still do not understand perfectly how it happened, we now know with certainty what works to contain propagation. The disease caused by the Coronavirus SARS-COV-2 is massively spread through human transmission to humans. This means that people infect other people - a mask prevents that from happening.

The public has been confused because of the lack of coordination between agencies, states, counties and cities and some people are legitimately annoyed by the lack of clear courier. But do not make any mistakes, wear masks worked. Here's how Singapore, South Korea and New Zealand managed this public health crisis.

Studies have shown that early prescriptions at home contained the best of COVID-19, and the number one reason for this is that people did not share the air they were breathable with foreigners.

Thank you American Goodness initiated, only and maintained physical distancing. A recent study has just released robust evidence for how physical distancing and not share your air with other people has helped prevent and slow the spread of coronavirus.

Avoid interior areas, congested beaches and, outdoors, wear a mask.The first mistake you can do does not wear a mask.Here is the final result: Do not share your air. Wear a mask. And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss theseThings you should never do during the coronavirus pandemic.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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