7 ways your grocery store secretly spends more

Do they control your portfolio or are you?

The grocery store is quite difficult these days. Add onerecession In the mixture and spend more timeinside a supermarket is probably the last thing you want to do in this wayCOVID weather. But here is the thing: grocery stores still need your hard earned money and, in the event of a pandemic or not, continue to operate as they always make you think that you are in controlling your purse cords.

The next time you gogrocery store, Remember that you are playing. Here are 7 grocery ways to make you spend more money.



grocery shopping

According toMusic cloud cover, Which offers licensed music for companies, "it seems that, an overwhelming majority, music can have an impact how long a shopping stay in the store, how long they perceive they have been in the store However, how much they buy, and how they think reasonable the price being. "This is often why easy listening or classical music is played in grocery stores, it's slowing down and keeps you inside the store more.

AStudy 2010 Entitled "Using the background music to affect the behavior of Shoppers Supermarket" found that average raw sales of a supermarket increased from $ 12.12,35 for fast tempo music at $ 16.740.23 for slow tempo music. Perhaps listen to your own playlist when buying next time. (In touch:Sign up for our daily newsletter to keep you informed.)


Large shopping trolleys

Cart full of groceries in a grocery store

This one is quite obvious once you are aware. The food stores prefer that you use a larger basket so that you do not realize how much you bought until you reach the registry. A great distance from the grocery store does not seem almost as intimidating in a big basket as it does a small one. This trick also works with ice cream and large bowls. (In touch:10 groceries you will never find again under the same name.)



pushing grocery cart through store

It is not a secret that some colors are providing precise answers from us. A fat red wall will cause a different reaction from that of a soothing blue hue. And it is no different in grocery stores, which is a great game of psychology. Cold tones, like blue and green, have a calming effect, which encourages us to spend more and stay longer. On the other hand, warm colors, like red, orange and yellow, will probably attract us inside a business, because these colors are often associated to be "guest" and "reassuring".




Products that turn the most profit for a store will be placed at the eye level. Thought is here that it takes too much effort to reach or lean for a product, which means that you are more likely to buy items that are at the eye level. And while many expensive articles will be placed on the upper shelves (so why the alcohol is expensive called "upper shelf") and cheap items on the bottom, there is an exception: a lotjunk food And sugar cereals will be placed at a lower level, to attract children's attention.


Store layout


Retail Management Software SocietySell That a store arrangement essentially defines the path buyers will take in a store, explaining that, "a well-designed layout will give customers a clear path, promote discovery and interaction (read: increase stay time), The products highlight, and ultimately generate conversions ". A presentation of the grid, which you will most often find in grocery stores and high-area retailers, creates aisles for clients to go. They also suggest articles keep out of the entrance of a store, which is often neglected by buyers. Instead, they recommend placing everythingPriority products in more attractive areas more inside a store. There is also the fun reality as "core foods" like milk, bread and eggs are placed at the most remote corners of the store, so you have to go to all other temptation objects to get to them. Who knew you needed an extra bag of chips? store frames, that's. (In touch:17 things costco will not be brought back.)


Free samples

farmers market samples

This is probably the most obtuse way for grocery stores to attract you into the purchase of new products. leave peoplesample the goods Before opening their wallet takes all kinds of riddles on they like or not. There is also a subset of buyers who feel obliged to buy an article if they have received a free sample first.


Non windows or Clocks

grocery store interior

I bet you never stopped asking why there are no windows in grocery stores. Or clocks, elsewhere. And that's exactly what grocery stores are banking. When you lose a trace of time, you will probably spend more shopping. Add to that some soothing tunes and before knowing it, you could push a trolley for an entire afternoon. Who needs a life when there is still a bakery section to go? At least we have our smartphone clocks. To check these 33 The worst errors you make at the grocery store .

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