The CDC has just changed this large face mask rule for everyone
The agency has changed again.

In the last six months, disease control and prevention control centers have changed their official position on protection coverings more than once. At the beginning of the pandemic, the governmental health organization did not recommend to Americans to wear face masks, instead, discourage them due to a shortage of PPE in health care. . Then, in April, the CDC has changed melodity, suggesting that Americans wear fabric tissues or fabric masks, explaining that "Fabric coatings made from household items or at home. cost can be used as additional and voluntary public health. measure. "Some stateseven causes mandatory masks. And, now, after several studies have confirmed that face masks can effectively prevent the propagation of COVID-19, the CDC has changed again.
This time, they use a much stronger language, saying you should wear a mask each time in public.
On June 25, the government agency has updated several of the coronavirus guidelines, adding a much stronger clause on facial masks. They inform, "Everyone should wear aFabric face coverWhen they have to go out in public, for example to the grocery store or to recover other necessities. "
However, they remind you that fabric coatings should not not be placed on young children under 2 years old, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, not incapable or unable to remove the mask without assistance .
They also said that wearing a mask did not necessarily protect yourself from being infected, but to infect other people if you are asymptomatic. The fabric facial lid is intended to protect other people in case you are infected, "they continue.
In addition, with regard to the type of mask you should wear, they urge the use of fabric or disposable, but you should "do not use a facial mask for a health worker".
Finally, they urge you to continue to distance social, to keep 6 feet apart from the others, even if you wear a mask, because "the face lid in fabric is not a substitute for social distancing".
Infection rates fall with masks
Although the experts are initially on the closing of knowledge if the masks were effective in preventing the transmission of persons to the person, a number of studies have confirmed that they constitute a major method of protection. One of the most recent, published last week inActs of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, compared the trends in infection rates in Italy and New York, before and after wearing face masks was the status quo. Infection rates fell in both locations according to the implementation of facial mask rules. Between April 6 and May 9, more than 78,000 infections were prevented from Italy and 66,000 in New York.
"The wearing of facial masks in the public corresponds to the most effective ways to prevent inter-human transmission and this inexpensive practice, together with simultaneous social distancing, quarantine and contact tracing, represents the most likely struggle. 'Stop the Pandemic of Covid-19, before the development of a vaccine "the researchers of the study wrote.
According to the Institute of Metric and Evaluation of the University of Washington, if 95% of Americans wore facial masks in public,This could prevent 33 000 deaths before October 1st.
RELATED:15 errors you do with face masks
Now, infections strike high records
Unfortunately, as the on-site shelter orders have been loose throughout the country, many people have failed to respect the practices recommended by the CDC - including the bearing mask - andInfection rates strike high recordsin many parts of the country.
Some states, including California, have the mandate of their mask. GovernorGavin NewsomPeople in the state are now required to wear masks in public contexts - including public transportation and health care facilities - when social distance is not possible.
"Let's say, we see too many people with discovered faces-put at risk the actual progress we have done in the fight against the disease," said Newsom. "California's strategy to restart the economy and remedy people at work will only succeed if people act safely and follow health recommendations. It means wearing a face covering, washing hands and driving distance. physical." So do that please! And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these Things you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus .

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