The worst thing n ° 1 that you can do in the grocery payment line
We talked with a doctor to see what is the greatest health risk when preparing for payment.

There is a lot ofsafety precautions You should take before going to the grocery store, but what about when it's time to pay? What is the safest way to make sure you do not inflect you during this transaction?
Dr. William Lang, Medical Director at the Practice of Private Concierge MedicineGlobal, says there's something you should never do when you're in the grocery payment line and you do not touch your face.
"It's a hard because people without thinking about it, touch their face somewhere in the order of 30 times an hour without thinking," he says.
When you do not touch your face, you eliminate the chances of transferring potential viral particles that could be, without your knowledge, on your hands after handling the grocery store or touching theKeyboard on the credit card machine- that hundreds of other people have touched.
"A positive action would be to use a hand disinfectant and make sure you use enough," says Lang. "The gelled alcohol needs enough time to kill the virus and most people do not use enough so that hands are causing alcohol long enough."
This is another reason why it's so important to wear a mask during the grocery store because you have to touch your nose or mouth by mistake, you will havesome Protective recovery for blocking infectious particles. From recently, the air has become another point of concern. A new study published in the newspaper,NatureFound RNA in aerosols of two hospitals in Wuhan, China. RNA, as the Lang described, is the chemical code that the virus uses to tell your cells to build protein and make more copies of itself.
He also says that, although there is good evidence, coronavirus RNA can be detected in the air after someone touches or sneezing up to 27 feet, and for several minutes - RNA ,"In itself, is not infectious, though. It must be packed in a capsule that has proteins on it that get cells in your body to let it in."
Without this capsule, the floating RNA can not infect you. And even when someone sneezes, the respiratory droplets that are suspended in aerosols (then picked up by the wind) are not infectious 27 feet away. They are only believed to be infectious of a much shorter distance.
"There is no good proof that the viral particles are infectious beyond four to six feet, which is the distance traveled by small droplets when you touch, sneezing or even speak," he adds .
Now you know exactly why the CDC recommends youstand up other people. Fortunately, many grocery stores encourage you expect online outside the store, as well as in the cash register, the greatest thing you need to conscience your face.
"The biggest thing that wears and transmits the virus is your hands," says Lang. "The more you have to touch things, and the more the other people have touched, the more the chances of touching something that someone with infection has touched."
In order to contract it, you must touch an object with the virus still active on it, then touch your face. Essentially, the best way to protect yourself in the payment line is to use a hand disinfectant immediately after paying your grocery store - and make sure to avoid doing these10 errors with hand disinfecting.