Walmart plans to delete this shopping workshop from all shops for good

The giant of retail selling to forces with other channels in a new ecological effort.

Grocery stores go under a place ratherSignificant transformation Following the coronavirus:one-way aisles,Guards in plexiglass at the checkout, andLarger shopping lanes are just some of the means in which supermarkets have recently evolved. Now, there seems to be a new change to come to many epicators and points of sale that have less to do with COVID-19 and all that concerns the environment: to re-imagine shopping bags to minimize the use of bags in plastic.

This new effort is led by closed loop partners with some of the largest retailers in the target world, the health of the CVS and the largest retailer in the world, Walmart, which comes fromannouncement Let's plan to reduce dependence on plastic bags of all their locations around the world in a common effort with other retail giants.

The environmentally friendly initiative is called "beyond the bag", and according to a statement published Tuesday morning, seeks to find an innovative solution to take the place of the plastic bags for single use. Of the declaration:

Because Walmart has defined a goal of zero suction waste, we have joined the initiative "Beyond the bag" as a founding partner to accelerate innovation for indispensable solutions. With Walmart's funding, target and CVS Health, this three-year initiative is led by closed loop partners with the aim of identifying, testing and implementing viable design solutions and models that serve solely. more durable for the purpose of the current bag. Collectively, founding partners have committed $ 15 million to launch the Beyond Bag initiative.

These companies are generally competing for buyers, but they all face the same problem when it comes to a surplus of plastic bags having a harmful effect on the environment. Walmart Notes in their statement that "the average life of one of these bags is only 12 minutes", adding "it is estimated that 100 billion plastic bags are used every year in the United States , and less than 10% of them are recycled. "It's a lot of plastic bags that go to waste. And a lotresearchers Believe that plastic bags never decompose completely.

"We know that this is not something we can solve alone," Eileen Howard Boone, Director of CVS Health Sustainability, said in a statement reported byBloomberg. This is why this joint initiative seems to be supply solutions for the crowd with a call to "inventors and innovators around the world to submit their solutions to theBeyond the Challenge of the Bag, which will be launched in partnership with Global Design Fire Ideo on August 3rd. (Design concepts should have a concentration indicated on the implementation in the United States))

The plastic bags were introduced for the first time in supermarkets in 1977. Since then, a number of states have settled their use as in 32 countries. But the coronavirus saw a resurgence of the use of plastic bagIn the midst of safety concerns With virus being extended via tote bags or even paper bags.

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Categories: Groceries
Tags: News / Walmart
By: aileen
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