Insider Notit: We are 3 weeks of no pork in grocery stores

Serious concerns about the shortage of meat due to coronavirus closes treatment plants.

Thecoronavirus The epidemic is dangerously threatening the sourcing in America and a member of the Minnesota Congress is expected that we may only be three weeks of pork in our grocery store. This is true, no more bacon, ham or pork chops in your grocery meat by May 21st.

representingCollin Peterson Sounded the alarm in a joint press conference with the governor of MinnesotaTim Waltz In a recently clogged pork plant in which about 500 employees have been positive for COVID-19. About 20 meatprocessing plants have recently been forced to close because of the spread of mortal contagion, which has led to multiple expert warnings from the industry.

A pork treatment plant Sioux falls earlier this month, leading the largest pork provider in the country.Smithfield Foods to ring an alarm. And the CEO of Tyson FoodsRecently placed a complete ad Warning on the perilous position The United States is found on our food supply.

It is in this context that Rep. Peterson warned his constituents. The Minnesota Congress member is not only a politico in search of attention, he has some expertise on this issue as Chairmen of the Chamber Committee on Agriculture. "I think it's probably difficult for someone who thinks their food comes from groceries. It's a big problem, not only with pigs, but all the rest of this country. Unfortunately, if we do not Let's not meet this resolute, people will discover, "said Rep. Peterson.

"We are about three weeks since not having pork on the shelves of the grocery store. Maybe it will wake up people," he added "is a more important issue than we know if we Let's be hungry or not, it's a national security problem. The United States must have a food supply that we can depend on national security. If people have no food, we will have riots. "

Several reports have hundreds of thousands of pigs and chickens "depopulated" (or euthanized) due to serious kings in the food supply chain from coronavirus. There aremany reasons For this, especially including the triggering of restaurants, schools, hotels in the home of the guidelines that seem to effectively reduce the epidemic, but also causing a dangerous imbalance of supply and demand.

So add your bacon slabs now, because, in three weeks, it can no longer be available at your local grocery store.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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