This deli staple is being recalled

A producer of virginia-based food products is more than a thousand product books.

If you or a loved one suffers from an allergy to the nut, there are supermarket items that you do not touch with a ten-feet pole. But there are also less known threats to your health, such as pesto sauce, vegan cheese and chicken salad, apparently.

Homesty foods in Ukrop, a virginia-based food producer, isRecalling their ready-to-eat chicken salad due to undeclared allergens. After a customer complaint about the product containing almonds that were not listed on the label, the Food Security and Inspection Service of the United States of Agriculture (FSIS) announced that the company recalls nearly 1 200 pounds of packaged products.

The chicken salad, generally found in the grocery store refrigerator alley, is sold in various retailers of North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and Western Virginia.

The product in question comes in 15 oz. Round plastic containers labeled "Ukroprops chicken salad". The lot was produced on August 26, 2020 and has a sales date of September 2,2020. If you are wondering if the chicken salad of your UKROPROPA is assigned, look for the "P-19979" establishment number inside of the USDA. Inspection mark on the packaging.

This reminder is categorized asClass I by the FDA, which is the most serious category of reminders, because of the fact that the consumption of the product could cause "serious harmful consequences on health or death".

So far, no condition of illness has surfaced in relation to this reminder, but consumers are advised to have the product regardless of their allergy status.

The company was facing a much larger product reminder in 2018, when 18,269 pounds of meat products and poultry eating were pulled from grocery stores due to potential contamination with Listeria.

More recently, Progreso recalledthousands of books of his chicken soup Due to a packaging error in which the cans were filled with a pork and beef product, while Frito-Laïve recalledbags of their barbecue flavored potato chips Due to a case of undeclared dairy allergens.

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