The worst dish, you should never order in a sushi restaurant

Each sushi roll is not a winner. Here is the only option you'd better jump.

Sushis often get a healthy health halo as a clean and healthy option for a meal. And yes,Sushi can be super good for you, as it is often done with fish such asSalmon,Tunaand eel, all that isGood for your heart health and forreduce inflammation. But when you restore a sushi restaurant, it's important to keep in mind that every meal option is not the best. Everything really depends on what you order when it comes to eating a meal considered healthy.

See, if you order some rollers with white rice, opt for sweet or sodium sauces, or choose rollers that have too many additional parts that can add calories, sugar and fats, then you have problems. In addition, the most important problem is the size of the game, saysLauren Harris-Pincus, MS, RDN and author ofThe packed breakfast club on the protein. Think about it: Are you really sitting just to eat a roll for all the meal? Typically, you often order three or more rollers during the restoration, Harris-Pincus says, since you just want to try them all! And you just appeared a piece of sushi in the mouth and dissolve it in a few seconds - you do not save your appetite indices as easily and that you can lose track of the number of pieces you really eat in his outfit.

A slippery slope, right? And there are worse rollers than others. WhileMenu option should you keep an eye on?

The worst sushi roller you can order is ...

Dragon roll

dragon roll

A standard size dragon roll, which is an eel roll garnished with a lawyer and erected with sweet sauce, wears a total of 570 calories with more than 20 fat, 81 grams of carbohydrates and 1,100 milligrams of sodium , Harris-Pincus.

"Considering that many people order 3 rolls for dinner, it's quite heavy," she adds.

But consider the roller itself. It's a lot of calories for a single roll and 81 grams of rice and drizzle carbohydrates add.According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), a portion of carbohydrates is measured in the form of 15 grams per serving and women are allocated 3 to 4 servings of carbohydrates per day (or 45-60 grams per meal) and men are assigned to 4 to 5 servings of carbohydrates per day (or 60-75 grams a meal). This roll is clearly accomplished on the number of grams per meal for men and women, and it's just for the roller itself. It does not take into account other foods you could eat with this unique roll!

If you eat too much carbohydrates (and sugar of this sweet drizzle sauce!), You contribute to an increased risk of diabetes andcardiopathy, says Harris-Pincus. In addition, if you are trying tocarbon Or look at your sugar consumption in general, this roller is definitely a diet convenience store. And this does not even correspond to the amount of sodium, which can also add to this increased risk of heart disease,cerebral accidentand arterial hypertension and cholesterol. (If you are looking for more useful advice,Your ultimate survival guide and supermarket is here!)

What should you eat in a sushi restaurant instead?

A better choice is aNaruto roll, which is generally made fromfish andlawyerBut it is wrapped in cucumber instead of rice.

"This makes low glucidity with only 110 calories and 13 grams of protein," says Harris-Pincus. If you are looking to eat less rice and reduce the number of carbohydrates, you can put Sashimi on the Greens or ask light rice in your rollers. Another solid option is a united salmon or tuna roller with the lawyer, who promotes better cardiac health with unsaturated fat content.

Something else to keep in mind is that you shouldAlways choose brown rice on whiteOr better yet, a low glucidity alternative, such as rice paper or, go for the option that serves you on a lettuce bed.A study I have shown that people who have chosen brown rice over white have lost more weight and stimulated satiety, as well as the decline in blood pressure.

As for the starters, you can not go wrong with a garden or seaweed salad, an aperitif of Edamame (Hello Protein!) Or a Miso soup, as well as healthier choices for rollers or sashimi, Explain Harris-Pincus. Any broth soup works to fill you in order to eat less rollers or rice.

If you see a soft sauce orAny terminology "Tempura" (Which is just another way of saying fried), ditch and go for a simple sauce without sauce without sauce without these crispy and crunchy bits on the top.

"Preferably, a roll less words like Tempura, crunchy, crisp and all that with sweet sauces," says Harris-Pincus. And choose a roller, rather than a heap for yourself.

"For example, a classic tuna roll [from Benihana] has about 210 calories and a spicy tuna roll has 320, simply because 110 additional calories for the same amount of food and the only difference is the spicy Mayo," says -she. Love Mayo? See if you can get it on the side and blur it yourself.

If you are always hungry, some sashimi pieces are usually 30 to 40 calories per ounce and almost all proteins unless you choose a higher fat fish. So it's a great option. Tuna and salmon are two large choices, for example. Now you are Ready to make the healthiest choice The next time you head to a sushi restaurant !

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