Progresso reminds thousands of chicken soup books

The giant of the soup shot an accidental switch and the customers were confused.

If you have recently bought Progresso's organic chicken noodle soup, only to find meatballs and pasta once you opened the box, you are not alone.The food giant recalls thousands of canned soup products because of several poorly ignorant problems.

The recalled cans, produced by Faribault Foods Inc. on May 26 this year, have had clusters complaining of several problems. For a,Some of the chicken soup cans contained a pork and beef product Instead of the soup of chicken noodles. On a subsequent investigation of the United States Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service, someUnrealized allergens-soy and dairy - were also found in the cans in question.

The problems have been discovered when the company's distributor has informed the SSI of a growing number of platter clients reporting meatballs and pasta in chicken soup cans.

Fortunately, no adverse effects have been reported because of this switching situation, but the FSIS advises customers not to consume the content of these cans if they meet them. "These products must be thrown or returned to the place of purchase," said the agency.

If you hate surprises, you can also identify these 14 ounce 14 ounce 14 ounce 14-ounce chicken noodle boats by a "BestByMay262022" date, printed at the bottom of the box and a date of "09Jun2022" on The case of the product.

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