The most decadent banana and the weakest of bass banana

Yes, it's always a low and decadent calorie dessert even with a hint of alcohol!

The division of banana has never been deceived for health health, but at least there was some honesty of honesty: a trenchbanana overcomeice cream, walnut and whipped cream. Now the typical divided banana recipe is more than a scientific experience than true food. Take the most popular split in the country, that ofBaskin Robbins. It has no less than 50 ingredients, including food dyes, construction gum and polysorbate 80. It also has as many calories as you should consume in two full meals. Our recipe divided to banana, on the other hand, has a third of the calories, of a hint of alcohol and honesty that approximates the days of catering of the sea.

Nutrition:350 calories, 17 g of grease (6 g saturated), 26 g of sugar

Serves 4

You will need

1/2 c.
2 bananas (you wantmature bananas but farms who will always hold their shape after being struck with the heat of the pan.)
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 c. Black or Bourbon Rum (Optional)
4 large spoons with glaze vanilla (preferablyBreyers all natural)
1/4 cup of pecanes, grilled and chopped
4 tablespoons of dark chocolate syrup or hot fudge sauce

How to do it

  1. Heat the butter in a large medium heat pan.
  2. Slice the bananas in semicaking, then in the direction of length.
  3. Place the banana quarters in the hot pan with brown sugar and cook on one side until deeply caramelized, about 2 minutes.
  4. Transform bananas and cook for 30 additional seconds.
  5. Remove from heat and add the rum. Be careful, even when the pan is removed from heat, alcohol can still ignite.
  6. Place 2 banana and all liquid accumulated in each of the 4 bowls. Top with ice, nuts, chocolate and whipped filling.



The point of adding alcohol to a recipe is not to give you a buzz; It's add complex and rich notes to your food. Dark Rum and Bourbon, redolent vanilla and caramel, perfectly pair with sweet foods; Red wine and beer Add Nuance to Savorystew andembers. In both cases, the heat burns most of the alcohol itself, just leaving the flavors concentrated behind. When cooking with high strength alcohol, take a few stages of precaution: always add the liquor to the heat pans and always keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen.

This recipe (and hundreds of people more!) Came from one of our cooks, not that! books. For easier cooking ideas, you can alsobuy the book!

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