The real reason Walmart wants you to pay this way

Problems related to the coronavirus supply chain go beyond food.

Walmart's locations across the nation are now asking customers to use credit cards or debit cards when purchasing. The reason? Ashortage of money Change the way they do business. Although money is always accepted in all Walmart stores, many self-registers now only allow customers to pay with a map.

Turns out, theCOVID-19 epidemic has led to a growing concern of a grave currency shortage for many retailers across the country.

"Like most retailers, we meet the effects of the scarcity of pieces at the national level," said Avani Dudhia of the spokesman of Avani Dudhia in a declarationVIA KXTV. "We are asking customers to pay with a map or use proper changes when possible to pay with money." Walmart is not the only national channel to launch a new payment policy because of the shortage of coins. Kroger recentlyannouncement They will no longer give change of money to their customers. This money is now added to customer loyalty cards and automatically applied to their next purchase.

The scarcity of coins is very real and many grocers limiting the total number of parts exchanged by the exchange of upstairs up and down on amounts due. Why does this happen? Well, it seems like the arm along thecoronavirus pandemic has not just affected the offer ofMeat,produce, andSeafood these days.

The models of the supply chain and the circulation of the parts have been "considerably disrupted" by the pandemic coronavirus, according to a declaration of the Federal Reserve. Banks that usually provide laminated currency boxes for this purpose are very low in supply. "What happened is, with the partial closure of the economy, the flow of coins through the economy has a kind of decree," said Jerome Powell, President of the Federal Reserve ,CNBC last month. "The places where you will give to your coins and get a credit ... those who have not worked."

"The deposits of coins of the institutions of deposit to the Federal Reserve have decreased considerably and the production of parts of the American currency has also decreased due to measures put in place to protect its employees",Explain. "The orders of the Federal Reserve Medal of the Deposit Institutions have begun to increase as the regions rely, resulting in the inventory of the Federal Reserve Medal being reduced to lower levels than normal."

As a result, grocery stores and supermarkets had to propose new solutions to unexpected problems. Walmart, Kroger and the Midwest Meijer Ha-based grocery chain have stopped taking money to its self-scan routes because of the scratch of parts, requiring all buyers to use debit cards or credit. Others are simply rounded up at the value of the quarter or total total number. So, do not be surprised if you are at the grocery store and your bill is $ 45.78, but your cashier requires $ 45.75 to limit the pieces that need to be exchanged. And for more good grocery shopping advice, make sure you are up toThe only worst thing you can ask the grocery store right now.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: News / Walmart
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