Things you will never see in the command line

Here's what you can and do not expect to see when you pay for the store.

Grocery stores have had to undergo a relooking in the light of the pandemic by introducing new restrictions, such as the recovery of the number of persons entering the store and requiringConsumers to wear masks as they move to protect yourself and others.

Among the many things that have changed in store are the crate. The cashiers now bear masks and gloves so that when they sound your grocery store, they mitigate every chance to contract the virus. But that's not all that has changed. Below you will see the three things you will not see in the payment line in grocery stores. And make sure to read7 precautions you need to take before going to the grocery store before going out the door.

Something you will not see in the payment line is ...


A cashier without a protective shield in front of them.


Almost all grocery stores in large cities now have protective shields that separate the customer's cashier. This will probably probably be the new normal for a long time to help protect staff from becoming infected. Most of these shields are made of plastic and cover the entire face of the cashier.


More than one person putting the grocery store on the conveyor belt.

grocery store conveyor belt

Remember grocery separators? You may not see them for a moment and as long as the regulation of social distancing is always at stake. Think about it, if you need to separate your races from someone else, that means that They are not standing at six feet from you. If they are still present in the post-pandemic world, they should be disinfected often because they are common contact points.

Although it is still not clear if you can contract the virus objects, what we know is thatThe virus can survive on plastic and metal for three days up to three days. The main point of concern would, however, be if anyone before you sneezing or all coughs on the conveyor belt with the divider directly under them. If their breathable droplets land on the divider, then you touch it immediately after and go to your hands on your face, it is when you risk becoming infected.

It is unlikely that this event sequence would happen even because the timing should be perfect and the person in front of you should not wear a mask. Most stores do not even allow people to come buy without mask.


A cashier knowing your grocery stores with your own reusable bags.

grocery store checkout

Depending on where you live, a lotPopular grocery chains Such as Trader Joe's and whole food will always allow you to bring reusable bags, but only if you agree to assert your own grocery store. This is just another precaution that you can take to reduce the chances of infecting someone with the virus. Some states, such as the new Hampshire, havebanned the use of reusable bags absolutely.

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