The movement of infiliator food purchases

Turn this bad move around now.

Grocery store has become a strangely dangerous experience in thisCOVID-19 [Feminine era, requiring caution and vigilance when you take food, you have to feed you and / or your family. But also cautious that you might be, once you go through the store, old habits launch and you will find yourself so focused to get the ingredients of thislasagna WhereTacos That you forget for a moment that there is a global pandemic that is happening.

These are moments like these that we could end up doing the only thing that will lead to alarm, annoyance and unnecessary risk to other buyers and grocery stores: Ignore these one-way arrows in the Alley.

Since the pandemic stroke, most grocery stores,Including Walmart, Kroger and Giant, have put in place a one-way policy in their aisles, requiring buyers to move in one direction, thus avoiding congestion or the likelihood that buyers face the other.

"The search on airlines shows that the risk increases when people come closely to the other moving in opposite directions," says Amy Baxter, Mr.D., aemergency doctor And specialist in pain management that founded pain-based laboratories based in Atlanta, Georgia. "Moving a single direction Help Because you will not be face to face with another client when you pass the aisles - it's less likely that someone can touch directly in your face." (In touch:These are the most at high risk moments to visit the grocery store.)

Although it is an intelligent practice that has been deemed effective, following one-way arrows, it is also a move that many buyers-who are suddenly realized that they need a soup can is halfway from an aisle going in the wrong direction - choose to ignore.

"In grocery stores, balancing the need to encourage people to run races quickly with people at a distance of six feet, it's a challenge," says Poston, Mr.D., medical expert withMedical vibifier. "The shops marked the aisles as a way to speed up the transit in the store while keeping people away. Ignore these brands can lead to a larger group of people in the same alleys or frustrations expressed by other buyers As they followed the brands even when it's troublesome for them. "

Chad Sanborn, M.D., an infectious pediatric disease toKidz medical services, agreed that one-way signs are useful for ensuring social distance and should be respected.

"Ignoring these signs will increase the chances that you will transmit too close to the person next to you in the driveway, where to stay at six feet away with a bidirectional traffic is virtually impossible," said Sanborn. "The signs also serve as a reminder not to get closer to the person in front of you in the alley. If everyone ignores the one-way signs, in theory, you could have two clouds ofDroplets drifting in different directions In an already small allete, which is a problem. "

Although it is important that you follow the arrows, the fact that you can not assume that all other customers will follow these rules means that you will want to play a little defense on your purchase trip. According to Dr. Baxter, that meansmask, which will keep viral particles to yourself and "prevent you from sniffing in a large viral load of sneeze before you."

She adds that most viral cases pass through the nose rather than eyes or mouth, so do not let your mask sag and adds buyers should "keep a small thing fromdispel In your car door, to stir his hands before touching your steering wheel, and when you come home from the store, mix the mask in the wash. "

Dusan Goljic, Pharmacist and Certified Co-Founder of the Board of DirectorsDealsonHealth, Suitable that respect for one-way arrows is important. "But I think the best way to stay safe is to properly clean grocery stores after buying them, wearing masks, avoid touching your face with your hands and have fewer purchases in stores. Interior. "

For more, check these6 errors at the grocery that you can not afford to do now and make sure Subscribe to our newsletter To keep you informed of the latest grocery news.

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