This change of grocery store will help you eat better

According to a new study, this update of how food information is presented to consumers is a play changer.

When you scanThe aisles of the grocery store, If an article attracts your eye, you have a good chance that you just catch the article and throw it in your cart. Although some people can take the time to pick up the food product and transform it to check nutritional information, it's not something that everyone is as often as they should. But what would happen if the nutritional rupture of thisPotato chip bag was on the front of the parcel instead of the back?

This passage at the front of the packaging labeling (FOP) prevents you from stopping and reading nutritional information, which would then influence large food companies to offer healthier choices?

That's exactly what weNew study of the University of the State of North Carolina said will happen.

The study analyzed16 years of data On tens of thousands of products, such as energy bars and soups, to closely examine the impact of FOP labels on individual food products and their broad categories of food. (And to help you stay on track with your healthy and healthy goals, here's21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time!)

So, how did this study work?

The researchers watched foods that included facts about the front style of the FOP nutrition labeling. You may not know it, but it's actually a voluntary program of tons of companies in the participating food industry! Manufacturers who participated in the program listed calories, saturated fats, sugar and sodium by serving size of their food products at the front of food packages instead of the standard rear of items.

Researchers have evaluated at least one food product by specific food category beforeand Once the FOP labels have been adopted and noted that some changes have been modified when they calculated the nutritional content of a product using the nutrient profiling system. They discovered that brands and brands of bonuses with narrower lines of products actually improved the nutritional quality of food more than non-premium brands in the same category.Products in categories that are often unhealthy, such asin case, had a great answer.

Overall, there was a 13% reduction in calories, saturated greases and sugar and a 4% reduction in sodium in the food categories that adopted FOP tags.

These main conclusions suggest that extremely visible nutrition labeling could simply result in a big evolution towards healthy restoration. The main food companies will want their food to be"The healthiest," As consumers will see this information at first glance. So, if global options are offered to start, this will naturally lead people generally to eat better.

"We wanted to know if food companies responded to increased public participation in healthier cooking," said Rishika Rishika, co-author of the study and an associate professor of marketing in the College of University of Management North Carolina. "For consumers, we found that the presence of information on the FOP label before on a package generally meant that the product had a better nutritional profile than competing products that did not have a FOP tag."

This is a voluntary program, so all catering companies are registered, but it will be interesting to see if it becomes the new standard. And know that you eat better for yougranola bar Wherecookie box Is a winning victory for everyone, right?

If you are looking for more tips and tricks,Your ultimate survival guide and supermarket is here!

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