This brand of dessert changes its name

The name is almost 100 years old and obtaining a necessary overhaul.

Dreyer's Grand Great Cream, the brand that ownsEskimo pie, recently announced that they changed the name of the famous chocolate chocolate ice cream bar.

The ad comes afterSeveral other brands have published information on Their intentions to modify the denomination and packaging of products with racial stereotypes. Some of them includeQuaker Oats' Aunt Jemima Syrup and Crepake Mix, The rice of the Uncle Ben de Mars of March, brands of Conagra, Ms. Butterworth's Sirop, and the B & G Foods Inc. hot wheat cereal cream cream.

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The term Eskimo refers to indigenous peoples in northern Canada, Greenland, Eastern Siberia and Alaska. It has been considered a pejorative term because of its use by non-Aboriginal people to signify "raw meat eater" and therefore its reference to violence, according toCBS News.

The name Eskimo Pie is 99 years old. The packaging includes a boy in a fur winter coat with pink cheeks surrounded by white and snowy mountains. The older packaging is similar and also has the child.

Dreyer says they thought about changing the name and marketing for a moment. "We are committed to being part of the racial equality solution and to recognize the term is derogating. This movement is part of a larger review for our society and our brand to reflect our values ​​of our staff", has declared the company in a statement.

In the case of Aunt Jemima, QuakermadeUpdate marketing - change the women's clothes. But the brand recently recognized that change was insufficient as a result of manifestations in the country against police brutality that also recognized other historical cases of racism.

In 1921, the name of the treat was passed from "Cree-to-Head Bars" to Eskimo Pies, according to theSmithsonian Institution. It was the first ice cream bar covered with chocolate in the United States.

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