5 grocery rules that you must follow

One-way aisles can be parties most places, but there are still other safety rules to remember.

Enjoy a coffee or a glass of wine,Snacking on samplesAnd taking your time to browse all the islands while grocery stores are now just a dream because of the pandemic coronavirus. Although some stores get rid of some security measures, you should always follow rules. In September,Walmart announced The one-way aisles and a single open entrance of the store would be extinguished. But still there is an entire website dedicated to explaining store policies designed to keep you, other customers and employees safe.

Read on below for a great refresher on all the rules stay in memory! (And make sure to look at the8 groceries who can soon be in the short diet.)


Wear a mask.

couple checking food label at the store

This is surely a broken record now - but for good reason. Masks are one of the best ways to prevent the spread of CVIV-19,According to the CDC. This is particularly crucial when you are insideandaround the food.

Which is just as important as the port of a mask, chooses the moment. Surgical masks, N95 masks and masks fabric with multiple fabric layers are excellent options,The Mayo clinic says. Make sure to wear it with your face, make sure it covers your mouth and nose, and if it's washable, wash it!

For more,These are the safest grocery chains to buy right now.


Follow the social distancing instructions.

grocery store social distancing

"We respectfully ask our members to use social distancing guidelines when buying warehouse in allowing at least 6 feet of space between each person," says Costco on its website. Still not sure how far is six feet? Follow the decals or use a trolley (or two)! A big basket has about 3 feet long.

Grocery stores are not the only ones to apply social distancing rules, here are5 most strange restaurants forces you to the social distance.


Hours special purchase.

Coronavirus pandemic effects: long queue to enter the supermarket for grocery shopping

Elders, those with vulnerable immune systems and key workers always have access to many grocery stores before the rest of the public.Joe's Trader Continue to open an hour early Wednesdays and Sundays for special purchase hours. Walmart's time is Tuesday an hour before general openness. Other stores like Kroger, Aldi, Safeway, etc. Also offer special schedules. It is better to check the supermarket website before shopping to ensure you.

Related:One in four person has this healthy grocery habit


Leaving your reusable bags at home.

Reusable Bags: Unpacking Meat From Fabric Bags

Many shops have actually relaxed their policies on reusable bags, allowing them back inside the store. However, some of these places asWhole foods,Costco, and more asks customers to pack their reusable bags themselves. This limits the number of people affecting food products and bags.

Pre-pandemic and reusable bags were not the cleanest option. Here's why bring your own bad isThe worst grocery mistake you make before entering the store.


Only buy the limited number of marked items.

grocery store shopping

Back in May, Costco Limited customers to only three meat products per person. There are also other limits in the store, also like paper towels, toilet paper, wipe disinfection, etc. "Costco has implemented limits on certain items to help ensure more members to buy goods they want and need," explains the company's Web site. "Our buyers and suppliers work hard to provide essential goods on demand and daily favorites."

Buying in bulk shook the grocery industry when the pandemic began, making it difficult manufacturing plants follow an increase in demand. It isThe surprising reason why brains are increasingly difficult to buy.

For more information about the rules, you should always follow not only grocery stores, but while while in restaurants,Sign up for our daily newsletter!

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