If you have more than 60 years, be very worried about this side effect of COVID-19

Protect your health while remaining young at heart, said a study.

Due to the insulating nature of social distance, it is not surprising that researchers have found a link between pandemic and mental health problems Covid-19. Although the total population is more prone to the physiological impact of the health crisis, whether they have fought first-hand or not - there is a group that is struck the hardest mentally: older adults .

According to a new study published in theAmerican newspaper of geriatric psychiatry,The elderly were more likely to experience the loneliness of COVID-19, psychiatric symptoms, including symptoms of anxiety, depression and trauma.

If you are "young in the heart", you are less at risk

Interesting enough, physical age was not the only factor. The researchers have discovered that these symptoms of mental health were more important with individuals who felt older than their age. "Young at heart" were not only less likely to be affected by these psychological problems related to coronaviruses, according to researchers, but older adults who felt younger than their age showed zero psychiatric symptoms related to loneliness .

"This study suggests that in people over the age of 60, the subjective age is an important factor in determining the impact of loneliness on his psychiatric status. In other words, if you have more than 60 years and that You feel younger than your indicated age, loneliness is less likely to make you depressed, anxious or developing symptoms of SSPD, "Paula Zimbrean, MD, a psychiatrist of medicine of Yale and Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the School of Medicine of Yale, who was not involved in the study, explains toEat this, not that! Health.

"The way older adults perceive old age and their own aging can be more important for their adaptation and well-being than their chronological age", Professor Amit Shrria, the Interdisciplinary Department of Social Sciences Girona Program Bar-Ilan University explained in aarticleaccompanying the study.

Researchers hope that their conclusions will help identify seniors at a higher risk of developing such issues. In addition, it can help "guide the development of appropriate interventions aimed at reducing age perception to mitigate the negative impact of this loneliness and create a protective factor to prevent such a link" - not. only during the current pandemic, but in the future too. "The subjective age can help identify high-risk people to suffer from loneliness and suggests interventions aimed at improving loneliness and older subjective agepec", write researchers.

Paul Hokemeyer, Ph.D.Adds that the study also demonstrates the power of the human connection. "We need physical contact with other human beings to quickly survive and transform different forms of illness when we are isolated," he explains. "This is especially true during periods of stress. When we are stressed, our central nervous systems enter hyperactive mode. One of the main ways we find balance and reduce our stress consists of feeding relations with others Human being."

How to feel younger than you are

According to Shrria, a clinical psychologist in training, there are a variety of ways to do so, including "providing ongoing assistance and communication while adhering to relevant health guidelines." In addition, ensuring that the older individual is engaged in regular conversations with anyone who coming from friends and family to foreigners can prevent loneliness "and the meaning that no one is ready to hear their pain. " AsFor people with boredom, reading, listening to music, puzzle resolution, cooking and cooking, physical exercise (even minimal) and other leisure activities can also be useful .

"Although we need more data before generalizing these conclusions to all people over the age of 60, this study can help identify people at risk of being affected by isolation imposed in response to the pandemic of Covid-19 and allows the company to lead interventions with respect to people risk, "says Dr. Zimbrean.

As for yourself: go through this pandemic at your healthier, do not miss these Things you should never do during the pandemic coronavirus .

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