Amazon has just closed this grocery service for a good

The distribution giant says goodbye to Amazon Pantry after six years of operation.

In 2014,Amazon launched Pantry (originally known as "premium office"), a service for its premium members who sold not onlygrocery stores but also other essential elements of cooking and household that the company started billing $ 5 a month for 2018. Last week, the companyClose the service for the property, Fold all its offers Pantry Amazon in the Amazon More.

"As part of our commitment to offer the best customer experience possible, we decided to transfer the selection Pantry Amazon to the main store so that customers can get current household products faster, without additional subscription obligation or The purchase, "a spokesman for the company indicated in an email atBloomberg News. (To learn more about foods to buy in fact, be sure to check the7 healthiest foods to eat right now.)

Office was launched as a means of cooking clients target and offer a way for Amazon to compete with local grocery stores more directly. For a monthly fee, guests can obtain unlimited essential Pantry food to cleaning supplies that assume invoices exceeded $ 40 a month. (If customers have not reached this figure, they were charged with $ 7.99.) The giant marketing field of the distribution for the service was: "Make the trip to the grocery store and let us do Lifting heavy. »

Fast forward at 2021, and the enormous footprint of Amazon in the looks of the very different food and grocery store. The companyacquired Whole foods In 2017 and now offers its services both the delivery of fresh and entire products that skyrocketed since the beginning of loopbacks beginning of last year. Given the success of these efforts and the fact thatAmazon deploys its own Amazon Go grocery stores-It is hard to say how many Amazon users will actually miss office.

For more new news in the world of grocery store, read onThe only best place to buy new food products, according to new data.

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