Walmart accused of inaccing several food products, says the complaint

The retailer has been charged with misleading advertising products such as "manufactured in the United States".

A complaint filed with the Federal Commerce Commission (FTC) alleges thatWalmart A rated the law by publishing dozens of products online as "manufactured in the United States" when they contain "imported components".

Walmart has about 2,000 products under the "Made in USA" filter on its website, according toTruth in advertising ( Although Walmart has millions of products for sale online, he says that "almost two-thirds of his products are made in America," said the Consumer Group.

Tina.orgcreated a public database, which lists more than 40 of these articles. They include food products, such as Boost Protein Shakes and various types of dog and cat products. A non-profit survey revealed that these elements do not comply with the FTC"Made in the United States" Standard, saidEat this, not that! (In touch:Grocery shortages to wait in 2021, according to experts.)

This is not the first time that filed a complaint against Walmart with the FTC. Organizationfirst sent a letter At the federal agency in 2015, alleging that the Walmart website was "replaced with false and misleading representations". InHis recent complaint, asked the FTC to reopen a probe in Walmart and "take appropriate implementation measures".

"The history of Walmart de DECEPTIVE manufactured in the United States Marketing receivables on its website now extend over five years and are exacerbated by the current needs of consumers / desire to make online purchases during the pandemic. World ", wrote the Advocacy Group. "Obviously, as the largest retailer in the world, non-respect of society can not solve these problems can not be linked to a lack of resources or sophistication."

Although judged is not entirely produced in the United States, Walmart would allege claims on its website that stimulate the original ready to drink rich chocolate and strengthen the high protein ready to drink that vanilla is "made from states -United". Pure balance high protein formula without grain of protein salmon recipe for cats; Pure blank wild and grainless nature of the recipe of dry cat turkey; and choice Nuttro Natural Natural Dry Dry Dog Food Chicken and brown rice recipe are also on the list of impacted products.

There may be even more food involved in controversy, according to The group did not examine all products affiliated with Walmart 's "manufactured" filter ".

In a statement, the retail giant said: "Through Walmart's investment in the US job initiative, we have committed $ 250 billion over 10 years to purchase products. Manufactured, purchased, grown or assembled here in the United States, we have seen a wonderful success of stories based on our commitment and hope to contribute to increased expansion of US manufacturing and employment growth. It's our commitment in 2013 and we are happy to say that we are on the right track to achieve it. "

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