This company has made its coronavirus tea Destroyt, FDA says

Claims that it can get rid of symptoms and reverse the virus has not been confirmed by the organization.

A website selling "coronavirus destroyt tea" received a warning of the Food and Drug Administration due to misleading information, according toA letter posted on the FDA website.

After reviewing the website, the FDA determined that the product, which "is intended to mitigate, prevent, treat, diagnose or cure Covid-19" is a malproof drug that has not been approved by the organization and is in violation. of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act (ACT FD & C).

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The website says that a doctor and colleagues have recommended the formula that he reversed Covid-19 in seven days, each time, with a complete relief of symptoms in three days. FDA states that consumers should not buy tea or other coronavirus products in violation of the FD & C law. A complete list of these items can be foundhere.

"We ask you to take immediate steps to stop the sale of any non-approved and unauthorized product", Lion of the FDA letter to society. "We advise you to review your websites, product labels and other labeling and promotional materials to make sure you do not represent your products as safe and efficient for use in Covid-19 for which they have not been approved by the FDA and you do not make claims that do not hurt the products. "As of February 9, tea is no longer listed on the sale on the website.

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