Why does chocolate have a Valentine's Day clip?

The sweet tradition has a very long history.

February 14 will soon be on us, and although many people will choose cards, flowers or jewelry as gifts to give to those they like forValentine's dayChocolates are a popular popular way to show someone you think they are special. The heart-shaped boxes filled with chocolates are a relatively recent tradition, but the link between chocolate and love actually goes back thousands of years.

Stand on your sweet tooth when you read to know exactly how and why we give ourselves to the chocolate on Valentine's Day.

It starts with an old tradition.

Mayan chocolate

The Mayas appreciated very clearly the magic of chocolate while they drank it,First roasted cocoa grains, then grinders In a dough mixed with peppers, corn corn and water. In addition to using chocolate in religious ceremonies and savor them at the end of the holidays, they were the first crop to make the link between chocolate and love. Some Mayan wedding ceremonies included a ritual where the bride and groom with chocolate sprilled milk.

So, there is, the first big screen of chocolate and love meets together.

Introduce an aphrodisiac.

Chocolate in different forms

The Aztecs also advised the chocolate and negotiated with their Mayan neighbors to get it in large quantities. Sovereign of the sixteenth centuryMontezuma II Chocolate allegedly consumed large quantities to rob his libido. Spanish explorers quickly understood the appeal of chocolate and a cocoa paste mixed with cinnamon and cane sugar to cut bitterness.

From Great Britain with love.

Heart box chocolates

Although chocolate becomes popular throughout Western Europe after its introduction by Spanish explorers in the 16th century, it was so expensive that it wasmainly consumed by the rich. It was not until the middle of the 19th century that J.S. of the British society J.S. Fry & Sons created the first bar of chocolate by combining cocoa powder and sugar with cocoa butter. In a few years, the filled chocolates have become madly popular, with the competitor of Fry & SonsCadbury Presentation of the first box of chocolates - Nicknamed the "Fancy box" - in England in 1861.

Only seven years later, the company produced its first box of fruit, ganaches and chocolates filled with walnuts for the gifting of Valentine's Day. Because decorative boxes could be used to store love letters and other memories long after the chocolates had been eaten,They have proven to be reflected as well as teeth gifts.

Think in a classic way.

Box of chocolates

Giving chocolate the day before Valentine has been so popular in the United States as in Great Britain. Hershey presented his small size, named romanticHershey kisses In 1907, and the emblematic yellowWhitman Sampler Member of Parliament in 1912. Whitman's even turned to movie stars like Jeanne Crain and Elizabeth Taylor to promote their treats.

Meanwhile, Chocolatier Russell Stover began to market their distinctive line of heart-shaped boxes - which, to this day, let's quote the small "red heart" and the "secret lace heart" covered with lace -aross the Midwest in the 1920s before developing to be theBoxed-Chocolate brand in the United States.

Kingdom reign.

Chocolates and flowers

Wondering what to get your darling on February 14th? Go ahead and say you love them with chocolate, because that's what everyone does. If history is a predictor, chocolate will go from cards and flowers on this v-day, as it is always done.

According to data collected by Nielsen, Valentine's Day Candy generated $ 695 million in sales in 2017 - andChocolate played a major role. In fact, Americans spent $ 11 billion with chocolate throughout the year.

So when it comes time to show those who make you feel hot and fuzzy how much they want for you, there is a good chance that you say it with chocolate. And if something, you simply do a very soft, very sweet tradition.

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