Experts want grocery stores

The Ministry of Labor suggests that this is one of the best ways to protect employees.

The Ministry of Labor isNow proposing new guidelines On how grocery chains can keep their employees with the safety of COVID-19 mortal contagion. In recent weeks, dozens of grocery employees died as a result ofCOVID-19 [Feminine, who even led to acontinuation of unjustified death deposited against Walmart.

Recently protect workers, the United States Department of Labor Labor Safety and Health (OSHA)emitted a Alert List of Security Tips Employers can follow to help retail workers avoid any exposure to coronavirus.

According to OSHA, employer security measures can implement to protect employees working in pharmacies, supermarkets, department stores and other retail establishments.understand "Using a training window or offering a support for the border," in addition to the safe social distancing, mask and routine cleaning and disinfection.

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Of course, grocery stores have already implemented masks, gloves, sneezing guards and routine cleaning. This presents the following question: should grocery stores pivot for border pickups and do not allow buyers to enter their stores to protect their employees and buyers?

It's a charged question.

Anew survey By Harris Interactive / Toluna found that, despite the public health risk presented by the CVIV-19 pandemic,70% of Americans always prefer the grocery store by visiting a supermarket rather than place an online order.

Despite the risks, buyers still want to go to the grocery store to get theGrocery store and essential supplies they need. This is probably because they can think they will have a better shot of providing on demand (such as hygienic paper and frozen food), and will not have to fear secure a fast delivery window or pay delivery costs. (Although it's important to note thatShopping Apps downloads which offer pick-ups and a delivery of the border have increased during thecoronavirus pandemicAnd suppliers do their best to mitigate these problems.)

Nevertheless, grocery stores and consumers are disputed on the best way to balance the necessary ritual of food purchases to manage the very true public health risk. For employees of the essential grocery store who are literally on the front line lines, the act of taking up at work every day is brave and scary. It's a private experience on both sides, but prohibits in-store purchases and set up pick-ups at the edge of the answer?

Honestly, we will have to wait and see if major chains implement only restrictions, and the way they play.

READ MORE9 The worst grocery chains to shop during the pandemic

Categories: Groceries
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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