Sandra Lee just shared exactly how she lost 17 pounds in 2 months

The celebrity leader sheltered a major weight with some simple changes in her daily routine.

Celebrity leaderSandra Lee has been on a mission to get in shape andhealthier In 2021, his dedication paid. In a new Instagram position, the star revealed that it paid 17 pounds over two months and its tips forlosing weight are surprisingly easy to follow.

Read it to discover exactly how Lee dropped the books and for more celebrities who have abandoned some quarantine books, checkChanning Tatum says he's a "completely new person" after pandemic weight loss.


She brought her exercise back.

In search of a black outfit, Lee opened the priorityDaily exercise made a major difference in the way she looks and feels.

In the legend ofHis photo of progressionLee revealed that she now takes between 10,000 and 20,000 steps a day to help keep the weight. With regard to its diet, Lee did not adhere to a specific plan; Instead, it attributes its progress to a combination of a healthy diet andintermittent fast.

For more things about how your favorite stars will stay in shape,Vanessa Hudgens has just shared her intense workout of buttocks.


She makes her fun gym sessions.

Lee did not leave the weather weather of the concealment of her quest for better health. On a photo posted at his Instagram in January, Lee said there is a trick that brings him tostick to your goal When it is in the gym: watch episodes ofFriends on the treadmill.

"I just spent 20 minutes on the treadmill keeping my heart rate at 170 years old and the time stolen thanks to Rachel Ross Phoebe Chandler Joey and Monica (who I am the most like) !!! Thank God for friends - They" I have your back, even when you break a sweat! "


She kicked with cleaning.

TOJumpstart its weight loss Efforts according to a weight gain of 30 pounds, Lee rebuilt its diet and earth exercise habits.

Lee revealed that his plan, which she launched Christmas Day 2020, consisted of "very few carbohydrates", many vegetables, some fruits (including berries, bananas and watermelon),fermented foods, eggs, low sodium broth, and a lot of coffee, tea and "lots of water. "


She cut alcohol.

Among the most important changes in the way of eating Lee'sDelete alcohol from his diet entirely. She launched her netotaling as part of her own Christmas day and was stillalcohol nearly a month in.

"So far, I did not have a cocktail in 25 days. Saint Kashmande January is an entire thing - especially for me!" She subtitled a photo of herself in the gym with her nephew, admitting that, despite her feeling of weight loss, "so slow" she was eager to stick to her plan. "I'll stay the course but Ugh!" She told her supporters.

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