Shortages of meat and rising prices expected after hacking the world's largest supplier

The JBS canceled the changes and stopped production after the computer hackers attacked the Company's computers on Sunday.

The largest global meat company has been forced to close slaughterhouses because of a cybercrimination compared to the Weekend of the Memorial Day ... and the benefits can lead to shortages and meat more expensive in your local grocery store.

JBS SA canceled changes and stopping production after computer hackers attacked the Company's computer systems on Sunday,according toBloomberg. JBS is responsible for about 25% of US beef production and 20% of pork, as well as a vast meat supply in Canada and Australia.

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"The Company has taken immediate action, suspending all the systems concerned, notifying the authorities and activating the Global Network of the STI professionals and third-party experts to resolve the situation," said Jbs of the attack inA statement of May 31. "The company's backup servers have not been affected, and it is actively working with an incident intervention company to restore its systems as soon as possible."

It also says no client, supplier or employee data has been compromised during the attack, but a total solution will take time and can delay some processes with customers and suppliers that can end up affecting grocery buyers across the country.

Although it is not known, how many JBS plants have been affected by piracy, five of the largest US plants of the company have stopped production, including Utah, Texas, Wisconsin and the locations. Nebraska. Changes for Tuesdays have also been canceled. Combined, these five plants deal with around 22,500 cattle a day and, if the judgments continue, it could make the whole unstable American meat market.

Other meat suppliers such as Pilgrim Pray Corp., the second largest chicken company in the United States, also took immediate action by closing some of their locations or reducing operations, according to Facebook positions. Factories, reports Bloomberg.

This is not the only reason for hamburgers, chicken or hot dogs and baconwill be more expensive during your next trip to the grocery store. The average procurement and high demand prices will increase from 25 to 30%.

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