The ingredients of your yoghurt can change soon, says FDA

New standards have been adopted after more than a decade.

The ingredients of your yoghurt will never be the same after July 12th. New American and Drug Administration (FDA)decisionAllows you to include new "Identity Standards for Lowfat Yogurt and not to which" to be included in the general definition of yogurt.

The change of rule means that more products made with appropriate milk derived ingredients can be classified as yogurt under certain conditions. The change follows new technological advances (dyes, cultures, flavors and preservatives), as well as changes in the types of milk used to make yogurt (cream, partially skimmed milk and skim milk).

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Yogurt aisle grocery store

The declaration "contains live and active cultures" will be necessary to appear on containers if there are 10 million colonial training units per gram (CFU / g) of living and active crops. If a product has no viable microorganisms, it can not be labeled with the same statement.

The decision refers to a citizen petition of the National Yogurt Administration as one of the reasons for the update. AsSupermarket News Notes, more than a decade has passed since the last update of the FDA yogurt.

The International Dairy Food Association (IDFA) called the move "a very awaited and very necessary step." The President and the Chief Executive Officer, Michael Dykes, saidSupermarket News That the organization was "optimistic that such an encompassing regulatory modernization effort can make it possible to pursue changes to the yoghurt standard in the near future, in accordance with the interests of the yoghurt industry, as well as the modernization of the other standards Dairy products from the FDA regulates. "

Which yogurts are the best for your health? Here is a registered dieticianChoice for Greek andLow sugar yogurts. To get all the latest news from the grocery delivered directly to your inbox by email every day,Subscribe to our newsletter!

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