15 seductive sentences Food brands use to deceive you

Unfortunately, it seems that brand food has learned to master the game of meetings. Yes, you read that right. Food companies are starting to flirt and use the perfect words to attract us.

Just like when we pursue a new potential romantic partner, food packaging tells us exactly what we want to hear. And just as we will ask you to have an idea of ​​who is really our new flame, we should do the same thing in food products.

It may seem stupid in writing, but the reality is that when you decide to buy a product on another, you really pay attention to the package. And that's exactly why manufacturers use attractive sentences to help sell their products on those they share shelves. Would not you like to choose thenatural sweetener on simply old sugar?

Unfortunately, the FDA does not regulate these marketing expressions that encounter nutrition claims. And it gives a lot to companies in the Wiggle Hall to bend the rules. Take a look at the sentences below that we found in strolling in grocery alleys. We share the seductive sentences below and how they convince you a product is healthier than it seems. This only happens in supermarkets. Stay healthy while remaining eating with these35 tips for eating healthy restaurants.


"Slightly soft"

teas tea lightly sweet

The Teas' Organic Tea Granada Mintry Green Tea

Tea tea may seem particularly seductive when you see "slightly sweet" if you try to reduce sugar. But once we watched beyond the label and nutritional facts, we were so disappointed to see 20 grams of sugar! Does it soundslightly sweet for you? I do not think so! Seeks to drink tea and loses weight? Do not miss these21 best teas for weight loss.


"Thin girl"

skinny girl chardonnay

Skinny wine

A line designed for women trying to lose some - a lean girl is not very promising. We say that wine would have fewer calories, leaving women believe that they can "go to the wild". However, this is not the case, these bottles averaged about 100 calories by 5 ounces serving while your 5 ounce server typical of white averages about 115 calories. If you are really looking to lose some,drop the drink.


"No added sugar"

naked mighty mango


Although it can be naturally sweet,"Healthy" juice " As Naked's "mighty mangro" is not a free pass to drink with abandonment. They are not an excuse either to consume nearly 60 grams of sugar! This probably eat 22 kisses Hershey!


"Personal pizza"

digiorno traditional crust small size pizza

Digiorno traditional crust small size

You are down in the frozen section deciding pizza to buy for your last minute dinner. You choose the pizza of personal size, relatively weak and said to have a "traditional crust". Did you take charge of looking at nutrition size or list of ingredients? Not only the nutritional information forhalf The pie, but the ingredients like methylcellulose (which is more commonly used as a laxative), certainly do not belong to "the traditional crust".


"Veggie Straws"

garden veggie straws

Sensitive portions Garden Veggie Straws

With the promising name of nutrients, you would think that vegetables will become a leading role in the list of chip ingredients. Unfortunately, the form of powder vegetables simply does not do it for us. Labed as if you get vegetables, but instead, you get potatoes filled with starch, covered with oil and salt.


"Gentiment attractive"

Skinny Cow Divines

Lean cow divine

At least one lean cow knows that you will come back more with these "simply indulgent" treats. The problem is justa The portion of these treats is 140 calories and 14 grams of sugar. Who will really cut after some quick bites? Not to mention these "naturally flavored treatments" show no sign of rambosis anywhere on their ingredients.


"Dark special [chocolate]"

hersheys special dark chocolate

Special Black Chocolate Special Hershey Miniatures

Sure,dark chocolate Can be "special", but this is not the case when it comes to cocoa treated with Alkali. This vanquished agent removes all antioxidants that you may get your bite. Not too much mention these small treats are far from low.



Slim Fast Original Protein Shake


Who laugh? "Pack with nutrients to help you lose weight without feeling like you are on a diet." The addition of a high fructose corn syrup adds to an amazing 19 grams of sugar. In addition to some chemicals and a list of more than twenty ingredients, were not too sure of how these products make you feel thin, fast.


"Yogurt bars"

Quaker chewy yogurt bars

Yogurt chewy yogurt granola bar

Do not be fooled by these so-called yogurt bar. With the word "yogurt" largely printed on the label, you are configured to missflavoring below. You will eat betterGreek yogurt And add your own fittings.



think thin chunky peanut butter bar

Think a thin bar of chunky peanut butter

Now, with the help of Wonder Woman Gadot, think that thin bars are focused on women more than ever. But let us think again. Saturated fat andfake fiberWe are not too sure how we think of these weight loss aid bars, providing protein. A key factor for losing weight takes enough fiber, we were disappointed to only see 1 gram on their chunky butter flavor in the peanut.


"Smart Start"

kelloggs smart start


TheBest way to start your day Does not include tons of sugar and protein little to any protein. No, there is nothing smarter about it. Instead, you'd better eat eggs on a beautiful piece of whole grain grain.


"Whole grain is our first ingredient"

Stroehmann Dutch Country Whole Wheat

Straohmann Netherlands 100% whole wheat

Yes, we always recommend looking for a bread with whole grains. But you have to look at the real ingredients. Expressions like these often cover the list of ingredients that may contain cheap additive loads. Additives such as diglycerides are added to prolong the flavor, improve texture and increase size. What does this mean to you? This "whole grain bread" is likely to contain carcinogenic by-products and similar features to the FDA forbids transverse greases. To choose a better bread, do not missEat this, do not!: Bread birds.


"No cage"

Egglands best cage free

Eggs without cage

If you really care about the quality of life, your chickens are sure to do a little search on your product. Unfortunately, the cage is not very free at all. To be hens without cage, he must have a minimum of 120 inches square. And although it can be a step forward chickens in battery cages, these "cageless" chickens are rarely exposed to the outside.


"With a real lawyer"

el sabroso guacachip

El Sabroso Original Guacachip

Certainly not! Weight loss supporting lawyers in a chip? To put back! Unfortunately, this product is crying a disappointment charge that you will run the ingredients to find "lawyer powder". You thought you had advantages of lawyers in a crunch? Still think.


"Made with real fruits"

Welch's Fruit Snacks

Welch fruit snacks

It's time to watch nutrition labels. Snacks like these often make use the favorite labels "made with real fruits". The biggest question is that the FDA does not implement a standard as to the quantity of real fruits to use for companies to use this marketing request. So what does it mean? "Fruit snacks" are often made with more artificial aromas and sugars than they are with real fruits themselves. This is not the only deceptive fruit product. Check these14 "health" foods worse than a donut.

Categories: Groceries
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