This Costco snack gets mixed criticism from Keto Dieerers
Do you want to try this "Keto" test mix or are there too many carbohydrates?

There are few things younotFind in Costcoeven seemingly impossible. The warehouse has a new mix of Keto trails and, while some buyers are excited to try it, others areskeptical.
Instagram@COSTCO_DOESITAGAIN recentlyshare The mix of dark chocolate and coconut coconut coconuts with covenants to its over 980,000 followers. The 29 ounce bathtubs cost $ 13.99, but the price is not what has some people on the fence on this subject.
Inside, you will find a mixture of almonds, flavored almonds with coconut, dark chocolate drops, dried coconut and macadamia nuts. A portion has 6 grams of net carbohydrates, which is a bit high for some that closely follow the fat and low-carbon diet. (In touch:Costco Foods You should always avoid, according to the nutritionists)
See this article on InstagramA message shared by costco_doesitagain (@costco_doesitagain)
"It's delicious, but 6 grams of carbohydrates is much for the size of the portions," said a commentator. Even with coconut and nuts, which are rich in healthy fat, "it is not for Strict Keto," another pointed out. But others do not let them away from this "dangerous" ( LU: Hard to resist!) Food for chocoholics and snackers.
The trail mix has not always had a good reputation, even if it was created to keep your energy up to hike on literaltrails. Thanks to a variety of innovations, this snack can actually be healthy as long as you do or select the voucher. For more things about that, here is the4 best trail mixes at the supermarket and to avoid, according to a registered dietician.
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