17 Costco articles ceased to sell this year

Golf balls, leaves cakes, jeans, etc. Here are the beloved products we said goodbye in 2020.

As for the convenience of a one-stop shop, it's hard to beatCostco. The chain of wholesalers is beloved from an ocean to the coast to facilitate the search for all fresh produce at a pair of jeans - not to mention the customer's favoriteFood Tribunal And the legions of the fans devoted to the internal brand of the store, Kirkland. But from time to time, the articles will disappear warehouse style shelves, never come back.

Whether it's a lack of popularity, a change of policy of the company or only 2020 being 2020, there are things you gonever be able to pick up again at your favorite wholesaler. These are some of the items that Costco ceased to sell recently.

And before your next trip ticket, read on the8 groceries who can soon be in the short diet.



roundup weed killer

Costco is proud to provide high quality products to its customers, but it also takes their health and safety very seriously. So when a couple of Californiawon a trial of $ 2 billion Against the Mother of Roundup, Monsanto, after claiming the famous weed killer contained a cancer-causing ingredient called Glyphosate, the company took note. After receiving more than 85,000 signatures on a Change.org position, COSTCO has agreed to remove Roundup-as well as any other product containing glyphosate-based ingredients - permanently of its shelves.

Related:Costco sells this beloved grocery grocery


Half-leaves cakes

costco sheet cakes

To call 2020 a disappointing year would be an underestimation of epic proportions, but a major change Costco changes is what some would call the icing on the cake. In May, the wholesaler announced sneakily that it would bedrop his wild-leaves cakes From his offers and replace them with 10-inch round cakes.

"We do not currently sell our 1/2 sheets in American places and from now on, we do not have an immediate project to bring them back. We focus on our plus small chocolate cakes of 10" white and 10 " which seem to be resonant with our members "A spokesman of the companysay itSee today.

The 86 ING of the affordable dessert element has caused nothing to be rash on social media, with supporters dedicated to taking cards to make known their grief. But the realities of security in the workplace in the pandemic seem to be at least partially to blame: the company responded in a social media position that the decision to drop the cake was made to "help limit the contact staff and to create more space for social distancing ".

While this little treat is no longer available, here is here15 desserts you can buy from Costco.


Kirkland Signature Performance One Golf Balls

kirkland golf balls

Find a daily staple you like toCostco may want to hit a hole in one. This is especially true for golfers, including highly specific tastes have made Kirkland golf balls signature a hot ticket article for anyone to strike the links. But after an update of the product and a name change brought golf balls from Kirkland on the shelves, customers quickly noticed that there were serious problems with reduced quality, according toGolf digest.

When the customer follows, the company contacted a person who had used a credit card to purchase the product and offered them a full refund, claiming in a statement that the performance that a model does not "meet the High standards expected for Kirkland. Signature mark. "

Related:The worst grocery stores of 2020


Polish HotDogs

costco food court signs and seating

The honored for oneself of oneself of oneself at a front or post-shopping snack at the Costco Food Court is as popular as the stores the store stocks itself. But in order to turn to healthier offers such as Acai bowls and meatless salads, the retailer decided to gradually eliminate the extremely popular hot-dogs of the nationwide menus-a lot to disappointment Distributed dog enthusiasts.

But Frank fans should not have too much freetry: the locations always offer a combo meal of a beef dog with a soda for a negotiated price of only $ 1.50. And this offer will probably never go anywhere from a co-founderOnce apparently threatened the CEO of the company on changing the price of the Food Tribunal's clip.


Endangered seafood

frozen fish

Although it may become in vogue to make ecological business decisions in recent years, the wholesale chain uses its influence to help protect the planet for decades. This includes its policy to start the sale of endangered seafood products or overexisized from its offers in 2011. Since Costco has ceased selling endangered seafood, theList of bannersThe species has spread to include wild swordfish, tuna redfin, sharks, the Atlantic cod, the bass of the Chilean Sea, the grouper and the last wild king salmon. Instead, the company chooses only sources from fisheries certified by theMARINE CONSEIL STEWARDSHIP (MSC).

Related:It is dangerous to eat a lot of this type of seafood, study says


Chocolate dipped ice cream bars

costco menu signs with acai bowl and frozen yogurt

Anyone looking for a real treat after traversing the costo aisles, will be cruelly disappointed to see one of the portions of the chain that has disappeared forever from its menus of its food courts. The ice cream bar at affordable price and $ 1.50,Bachelor's Offers of the Warehouse Retailer, stimulating a flow of online petitions to save the article. Unfortunately, none so far have been seemed to have managed to restart the dessert.

For more things about that, here's5 The articles of the Beloved Costco Court miss us the most.




The major return of the number of retailers offering tobacco products has increased over the last decade and costco can be counted as a member of the list. In 2016, the company began eliminating cigarettes from its shelves, supplementing the world's deployment in a few years.

But that does not seem to be aDecision based solely on health concerns of his clients. In an interview withMoneyA spokesperson of the company said: "Tobacco is a very low margin activity, tends to have a higher flight and labor intensity in some cases (due to local regulations of the Municipality) -Further, we felt that we could better use the space for the merchandise of other articles. . "


American Cheese Signature Kirkland

kirkland american cheese
Courtesy of Costco

Some Kirkland products fill an important emptiness for customers that many do not realize before they leave. This seems to be the case with its slices of American cheese, which have been sold unfounded, unlike Kraft Singles until they are drawn from the shelves.Customers support This is not only that the additional plastic used in the package of each tranche of the name of the name makes it offset, but the internal brand has simply tasted better to start.

This is not the only cost of costco cheese ceased to sell this year. In September,Costco abruptly removed this popular cheese brand from its stores.


Chocolate frozen yogurt

menu at costco featuring acai bowl and churros

Menu changes can be difficult for large chains to move, even for operations with concise offers such as the Costco food courts. But a decision to eliminate the frozen chocolate yogurt of machines to make room for ACAI was first felt inLocations of southern California in 2018 Before putting through places nationwide. This is accredting chocolate cones and vanilla only to memories.


Chaokon Coconut Milk

gallons of milk at costco

Taking a stand against the cruelty of animals is hardly a new concept in best business practices. But when Peta revealed in 2020 that the popular coconut milk brand, Chaokoh uses forced monkey work to produce the product,Companies like Costco started taking note."When it is not obliged to choose coconuts or occur in circus style shows for tourists, the animals were kept tied, chained to old tires, or limited barely larger than their body"Peta said in a statement. "A coconut farmer confirmed that when the monkeys are terrified and trying to defend themselves, managers can have their teeth out."

Although Costco has never been officially commented on the issue, a letter from the vice-president of animated nutrition and Ken Kimble sun sessions to the President of Peta, Ingrid Newkirk, has made a decision clearly made,CNN reports. "We have stopped buying our Chaokoh brand supplier / owner," said the letter of September 23rd. "We have clearly stated the supplier that we do not support the use of monkeys for harvest and that all crops should be done by human work."

If you are looking for another brand to buy, here is hereThe best coconut treatments, according to the nutritionists.


Kirkland Signature Turkey Burgers

kirkland turkey burgers
Courtesy of the instatacart

A commitment to provide healthier options does not always dictate what ends on the shelves of Costco. By the end of 2018, the company began eliminating Kirkland's popular signature Turkey burgers from its freezing sections, withCustomers soon becaming their loss Like a skinny 200 calorie alternative to beef cakes.

Related:Unhealthy hamburgers in America ranked!


All American chocolate cake

costco chocolate cake
Courtesy of the instatacart

These are not only wracks that did not do it until 2020: customers also noticed that the popular Costco four-layer chocolate cake was no longer stocked. Apparently, the absence made the cores more affectionate for the decadent dessert,Invite a Change.org petitionThis has so far received more than 5,000 signatures.

There is currently no word about why Costco ceased to sell this huge dessert pleasure. But what would you say to yours? Here is our recipe for aFault and low carbohydrate chocolate cake.


Kirkland Signature Light Beer

costco beer

Most savvy buyers know that Kirkland Signature's Kirkland Signature wine and spirit products can be among some of the best value purchases on the market. Unfortunately, these quality standards seem to have stopped short of doors of the brewery. After aWave of horrible critics surboied online Failing against Kirkland Signature Light Beer, the company has decided to interrupt the line and have drawn shelves at the national level.

Although only 105 calories per bobbin and only cost only 50 cents each, it appears that no good deal is worthwhile to be experienced with a product described in a living way like a "layer soaked in urine", according toInternal business community.

Even with fewer calories, there isDangerous side effects of alcohol drinking daily, according to science.


BBQ beef chest sandwich

costco food court food with pizza
David Tonelson / Shutterstock

Although it has never been available in all places, Costco's Food Court seemed to have generated another fan fan with its beef chest sandwich. But as healthier options have been inaugurated at Nationwide Menus, the $ 4.99's sandwich was another of the offices that have been started.

BBQ Die-Hards can rest a little easy:Kitchn reports Whether the sandwich has saved as a limited seasonal article in some stores, at the recent year.


Kirkland Signature Young 5 pockets

costco 5 pocket pants
Courtesy of Amazon

He may not have landed in the pages ofVogueBut Costco managed to create a slight Sartorial tumulture in 2016, while they pulled wildly jeans of Kirkland's 5-pocket signature for men's men. After reintroducing the design, the customers complained that the quality of the cut and the fabric had been considerably reduced, Costco ceased to sell the style months ago,According to Yahoo!.


Eggs without cage

cartons of costco eggs

Like any responsible business, it is clear that costcoTakes the well-being of animals seriously. This includes the supply of its poultry products, which the company has committed to reorganize only eggs produced from cageless chickens. To date, the company has become close to its supplies, including 94% of inventory eggs currently respond to the requirement, butThe company has announced It will reach its goal of going totally without cage by the end of 2020.

Related:Eating these many eggs might be terrible for your body, a new study shows


COSTCO brand cookbooks

costco cookbook
Courtesy of Amazon

Whether it's a julia child or back of a box, any decent home leader knows that a good recipe is worth his weight in the ingredients. Unfortunately, after 2020, you will not be able to rely on an annual costco tradition to help you prepare new dishes: the company announced that it wasInterrupt its "cooking of the Costco way" Range of traded recipe books sent to members around Thanksgiving.

Fortunately, previous editions still live online and they decided to restart the recipe source as a section called "Table Farm" in the company's digital magazine,COSTCO chestSo, even if Costco has ceased to sell the paper copies, you can always inspire you before getting you worse for ingredients.

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