Costco just soothed discreetly this product

Buyers say it reminds them of other articles ... Remember half gallons of ice cream?

There is no doubt that grocery shopping experience is different now because of coronavirus. Costcorecently lifted a pandemic rule set up in March 2020 and brings back from back samples (There is a twist, although) But now, it is proven that the products themselves also change, and some clients say it's not for the best.

Costco paper towels are a favorite in the warehouse (and they were there with toilet paper when the pandemic started), but a buyer in the eyes of Eagle has just noticed thePremium Rolls now comes with 20 leaves less. (In touch:Costco Foods You should always avoid, according to the nutritionists.)

Costco says that change is temporary due to the demand for paper towels. "This change has allowed us to increase the number of sales units that we can provide to our members and to better provide stocks so that members can easily find the product in our stores," said a spokesman. in a statement toEat this, not that! "We want to make sure we have not increased the price per sheet to our members ... we recognize that this change is not ideal and hopes to return to the original 160 sheet by roll as soon as possible. "

The 160-sheet rollers were $ 16.99, but the channel indicates that the 140-sheet rolls are $ 14.79, which keeps the price for 100 sheets at 0.88 dollar. OnlineKirkland paper towels 2 folds Come with 140 sheets by roller and the 12-roll pack is $ 19.99. With the reduction of the workforce, it's 240 less sheets throughout the pack. Typically, online items are more expensive due to shipping and shipping costs.

Costco Shoppers on Reddit commented on change, claiming that they are not surprised and reminding them about some other grocery items that have seen significant changes in recent years.

If you need to store paper towels and even toilet paper, in Costco, you're lucky because there isno limit to the number of packs that you can get. But while some grocery items are narrowing, others are increasing price. Get ready to pay more for summer kitchen staples likeHot Dogs and Bacon, say experts.

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