Why you should be microwaves from your tea

The tea is the closest thing we are currently having a magic weight loss Elixir.

Sip the drink regularly can fry obstinate belly and even beat the disease. There are not many other drinks that can do wonders like that! But if you want to harvest the best body benefits, get a cup, but you will not do it and follow the brewing instructions of tea manufacturers are not much better. You miss catechins at the breathing of health, inside the tea bag if you follow the instructions on the box, according to the results published in theJournal of Food Composition and Analysis and our new e-book,7 days old flat belly tea, who shows you how to eat and drink - and always shrink!

After performing a series of preparation scenarios in a laboratory, the researchers found that the use of a microwave as part of the extraction method has improved the amount of catechins in your cup of nearly 20% . It also increased the extraction of caffeine slightly. To harvest the nutritional benefits at home, follow the brewing method of scientifically researchers: put your tea bag in a cup of boiling water for 30 seconds, then keeping the tea bag in the water, zapEZ Your microwave cup for a minute before enjoying. Who would have thought that something so simple could have an impact as powerful?!

Before you start sipping your tea, however, be warned it can taste more bitter or astringent than usual because of the extra catechins of your cup. Researchers suggest looking for fruit-infused green tea varieties to help hide taste.

To learn more about the wonders of tea and start at a 7-day plan that will melt up to 10 pounds, buy the7-day flat-stomach tea cleaning Now, exclusively in e-book format. Available forLight up,iBooks,Corner,Google Game, andKobo.

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