5 Best 'Bad for You' Cereals

Yes, we know, sometimes you just want to cheat, or feel nostalgic on a bowl of sweet, Milky Tony Tony cereals approved by Tiger.

Crack Open a box from one of these best brands "bad for you" from time to time (emphases on both time!), And you can satisfy your naughty desires without blowing your diet. This is nostalgia without guilt.


Lucky Charms

Calories142fat1 gsugar14 gprotin2 g


Apple Jacks with marshmallows

Calories110fat1 gsugar14 gprotin1 g

Okay, remember, they are naughty cereals and we do not think that Guimber words and breakfast should be associated at all. But ... If you have to indulge in a marshmallural breakfast cereal, you will not find one with less sugar than lucky charms. (But it is always 40% sugar by weight per serving).

The skin has fled in search of an apple on some boxes of apple trees, on the other hand, should be sufficient to keep you away from this limited edition cereal, but if you need more convincing: it's 50% of Sugar by weight per serving and list of ingredients as a bad chemistry test held together by trans fat.


Cheerios fruit

Calories100fat1.5 gsugar9 gprotin1 g


Froot loop with marshmallows

Calories110fat1 gsugar14 gprotin1 g

Okay, the colors of cheerios fruies are not natural, but if you turn your milk colors, that's what you are after, it's the cereal for you. Nine grams of sugar are still a lot, but it is 50% less than most other fruity cereals. The Froot loop is 48% sugar by weight with trans masking greases in the list of ingredients. Sorry, toucan, no can do.


Oat Honey Bouches

Calories120Fat1.5 GSugar6 GPROTEIN2 G


Honey Smacks

Calories100FAT0.5 GSUGAR15 GPROTEIN2 G

Now forget that the title of this room is the best "naughty cereals". So, although we normally do not recommend cereals with 4 different types of sugars and conservation BHT (forbidden in other countries because it could be carcinogenic), we do not know that and we focus on the fact that this cereal Naughty contains only 6 grams of sugar per serving while honey smacks should be released "candy box" for sugar consumption of 56% by weight. Only one served will give you 50% of your daily sugar intake.


Kashi 7 puffs of whole grain honey

Calories120fat1 gsugar6 gprotein3 g


Golden puffs


With only 6 grams of sugar and 10 things on the list of ingredients (7 of which are whole grains), this offer Kashi is a sweet cereal that can satisfy your sweet desire for puff without getting at risk of diabetes. Golden puffs let us wonder what it is inflated wheat that makes food manufacturers want drowning in sugar; This is another cereal of 56% sugar by weight and 50% of your daily sugar intake in a portion.


Frosted flakes

Calories110fat0 gsugar10 gprotin1 g



Calories100fat0 gsugar14 gprotin1 g

Yes, you'd better with a bowl of frosted flakes (10 grams of sugar per serving) that you are with one of the worst cereals in this list. In addition, you have the chance to say, "They are grrrrrreat!" and say it. Yes, they added vitamins and minerals to Golden Crisp, but it is still a cereal of 52% of sugar by weight and 47% of your daily sugar intake in a portion. No thanks.

Categories: Groceries
Tags: Cereal
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