20 foods that beat the blues sex

Reducing anxiety, improve your mood and improve your performance in bed with these foods for better sex life.

Of all the reasons your parents gave you so as not to havesexThey probably missed this one: sex can leave you a feeling of sadness.

In fact, according to a new research that nearly half of women have gathered far from feeling the sex lower than before they do.
Forty-six percent of young women say they knew the "post-sex blues", or what scientists call the coitus dysphorie (PCD), according to a new study published in the journalSexual medicine. One in 20 report the experience more than once in the last four weeks.

Why women feel sadness or anxiety after sexual intercourse is unclear; The researchers say it could have an evolutionary function. But the experts do only know the specific foods can reduce anxiety, improve your mood and improve your performance in bed by increasing the blood flow and the levels of the dopamine pleasure hormone leading to better health, happier than you after you after Sexual intercourse.

Eat this, not that! Compiled a list of these essential foods that beat blues sex. Eat before the night of the day and know that you will finish the night satisfied with your lover and yourself. (And to trim your environment and look and feel better than ever, try these50 best-ever weight loss tips skinny people follow.)


Pumpkin seeds

foods for better sex - pumpkin seeds

This Spice Latte pumpkin can be on your first thing thing in the morning, but before bedtime, getting a food from a real pumpkin could lift your minds more efficiently. In fact, the pumpkin seeds are like crispy nuggets little prozac. They are one of the best food sources of an amino acid called tryptophan, which contributes to the production of serotonin in the brain. Antidepressants help the brain with serotonin circulate, so if you take them now, these little pick-up pumpkins can make them even more efficient. They are also one of these50 snacks best result never to lose weight!



foods for better sex - apples

An apple a day can help keep the doctor, but he can help bring one, and others, closer. Italian researchers divided more than 700 female subjects into two groups: those who ate apples a day and those who do not have it. They found that those who regularly consumed the fruit, which is rich in phytoestrogens stimulating sex, polyphenols and antioxidants had more enjoyable and pleasant sex than those who do not. (And while you choose a fruit to finish your meal, avoid the Cantaloupe, it is rich with a molecule called Myo which has been proven to reduce testosterone in women the desire to drive by an exorbitant amount of 65 percent. )



foods for better sex - green tea

The more sexy green tea makes you more sexy, for the simple fact that it castigates the belly fat with abandonment. Its metabolism-stimulating compounds, catechins, metabolism and speed increase liver capacity to transform energy fats. But that's not all: catechines also stimulate desire by promoting blood flow to your Nether region. "Catechins kill free radicals that damage blood vessels and inflame, increasing their blood capacity," says Cassie Bjork, RD, LD, Simple Health Life. "Catechins also cause blood vessel cells to release nitric oxide, increasing the size of blood vessels, leading to improved blood circulation. Nitric oxide is the active ingredient of Viagra.



foods for better sex - red wine

If you are looking for a way to simultaneously stimulate your libido and calm the boss before the date, pour a single glass of red wine. The women who drank one to two glasses of a study by the Journal of Sexual Medicine found the things had increased the sexual desire compared to the ladies who did not down all vino,. The elixir has a rich antioxidant profile which, like green tea, triggers the production of nitric oxide in the blood, resting the walls of the arteries. This blood flow increases south, creating feelings of sexual excitement. Make sure you cut off after your second glass; Enjoy more than it stimulated an excitement further, and too much falling to the reversal can put a damper on your performance and sexual pleasure. And if you are a vodka drinker, consider passing: James Bed Part, University of Washington Researchers found that women who cocktails based on vodka had drunk less the desire to have sex with a new partner than their Sober homologues. For the tastiest wines that will leave you buzzed and chamois, try these16 wines to lose weight!



foods for better sex - steak

Having red meat with this red wine can prepare you for an evening even more relaxing and invigorating. "One of the main reasons Couples cease to have sex is because they are tired and stressed. But sometimes there is a biological component at stake," said the psychotherapist and the expert sex Tammy Nelson, Ph.D. One of the causes of fatigue in women is iron deficiency. The condition can SAP ENERGY, which can lead to a low sex drive. Bjork says the situation requires a two-part approach: "If you think your diet lacks iron, focus on the consumption of meat feeds to the grass. Then make sure your body is capable of 'Use the iron, "she says." The consumption of yogurt rich in probiotic, fat fish and a l-glutamine supplement can improve the health of incidents and help your body absorb the iron more effectively. "and While burning the sheets, you will be happy to know that you are also burning calories. Sex is just one of the20 ways to burn 100 calories without gymnasium.



foods for better sex - mustard

The next time you order a sandwich, exchange a Mayo Omega-6-Heavy for a mustard charged with omega-3 and get an instant mental health boost. Although the essential, omega-6 are also inflammatory and are linked to obesity, diabetes and depression. The mayonnaise, made from grain and seed oils, provides an increase of 11 359 mg of omega-6 per ounce. The humble yellow mustard, on the other hand, is among the dozens of higher sources of omega-3 acids, with almost half, oz per ounce, like a canned tuna. A 2013 study in theNutrition log found that higher levels of omega-3 were linked to the decline in risk of depression.



foods for better sex - spinach

Eating spinach, a rich green in compounds of removing the appetite, can not only give you a figure ready to lingerie, but also put you atmosphere by increasing the blood flow under the belt. "Spinach are rich in magnesium, a mineral that diminishes the inflammation of the blood vessels, which increases the blood flow," says Bjork. Although it does not sound sexy, you are sure to take advantage of the effects. "The increase in blood flow causes blood to the extremities which, like Viagra, can increase the excitement and make sex more pleasant," says Nelson. "Women will find more easily to have an orgasm and men will find that erections come more naturally." (Just say that spinach are one of these essential elements50 best foods for his penis.)



foods for better sex - dark chocolate

The darker chocolate, the more sex. This is because cocoa, cocoa febes that has been found in a much larger amount in dark chocolate, increases the levels of hormonal mood-stimulation serotonin, which can reduce stress levels, stimulate desire and facilitate access to orgasm. And that's not all: cocoa also increases blood flow in the arteries and relaxes the blood vessels, sending blood to all appropriate regions, which can stimulate sexual pleasure. (We love the endangered species with natural dark chocolate with 88% cocoa.) And while you feel good, you will feel good, you will feel as well: dark chocolate is an excellent booster metabolism. We even included it in these20 Best Weight Loss Foods for Protein Shakes.



foods for better sex - red bell peppers

The red bells are high in vitamins C, which could be the nutrient element of magical sexual mood. In a study, young adults who took vitamin C supplements reported more sexual frequency and a lower level of depression. They also decreased stress levels, lowered by anxiety and had higher levels of the feeling of hormonal oxytocin. Why red? Are not all peppers the same? In fact, red peppers - which have been allowed to mature on the vineyard and not picked when ever higher nutrition scores are considerably higher than their underdeveloped brothers, more than double vitamin C and up to 8 times more vitamin A.



foods for better sex - brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are a top source of selenium, vitamin E and magnesium, nutrients that stimulate testosterone and help increase the sex drive. (This is important for women on the pill because they can often be weak in magnesium.) Selenium is also essential to keeping healthy cum, in case you hope that you - and me, the Time will be a given day a package of joy. To make sure that his swimmers are of Olympian quality, store them on these8 best foods for male fertility.


Pomegranate juice

foods for better sex - pomegranate juice

Studies have found that pomegranate juices have positive effects on erectile dysfunction and testosterone. Grenades are also loaded with antioxidants that support blood flow, which can help increase sensitivity and pleasure. Just make sure to water your juice a bit: a cup of stuff has 31 grams of sugar.



foods for better sex - bananas

Bananas are one of the main sources of potassium, which makes it possible to compensate for the effects of foods rich in sodium. Salt foods can not only reduce the flooding of blood to the genitals, which can make it harder to reach orgasm, but they can also bloom. Keep your slime waist and your portfolio fat, with these30 foods that reveal your abs for less than $ 1!



foods for better sex - ginger

As his namesake on Gilligan Island, ginger is a spicy feel that is made to titillate. Consume a simple teaspoon of things a few times a week is everything you need to stimulate the testosterone libido hormone. Use it in place of another popular spice, mint green: the regular consumption of grass can significantly reduce testosterone levels, according to a phytotherapy research study.



foods for better sex - black eyed peas

That you find beats will.i.am of sexy or not the point. The other peas in black eyes are one of the richest sources of folic acid of vitamin B. Studies show that folic acid contributes not only to reduce depression itself, but can increase the effectiveness of antidepressants . Peanuts, lentils and vegetables are also high in the nutrient. Bonus: they are all among the25 Best-ever carbohydrates sculpt your abs!



foods for better sex - halibut

Halibut, as well as tuna and salmon, is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which combat inflammation - a biological cause of major depression. A study at King College in London revealed that omega-3 can be effective in patients with high risk of chronic inflammation. The good thing about halibut is that it is low in pollutants and ecological, so you will not end up your date with arguments about your impact on the environment. , It will help you bring your evening to a more pleasant conclusion instead - the healthy greases of halibut are one of the7 best foods for your orgasm.



foods for better sex - pesto

Pine springs, one of the main ingredients in the pesto sauce, are exceptionally rich in zinc, and women with a high level of zinc in their system have been shown to have a higher libido than those with lower levels. . Zinc is also the driver behind the aphrodisiac effects of oysters, also a proven fire starter. It is also a reminder of demonstrated mood. In a 2013 meta-analysis several studies that was published in the journalOrganic psychiatryThe researchers found that people suffering from depression had lower levels of zinc in their blood than people without depression, and zinc supplementation improved their condition.



foods for better sex - coffee

A recent study discovered that point 1 for the first dates is Starbucks. It looks like we understood why. In a recent study on consumption but coffee animals was found to make women more eager to engage in sex, and more likely to want again after a brief rest. But studies show that men are more sensitive to caffeine than women are; Guys start reacting within 10 minutes by sipping Joe. Since decafféiné also creates an increased level of vigilance, a bean without buzz could be the right pick-me-up for guys who want to avoid the first day boss.



foods for better sex - oysters

Oysters are full of zinc, and women with a high level of zinc in their system have been demonstrated that they have a higher libido than those with lower levels. And guys can harvest the benefits too. A study showed that six months of zinc supplementation in slightly deficient slightly zinc men have doubled serum testosterone levels. This, as well as the reputation of zinc like cheer up mineral will help replace your blues room with a supreme love. Just half a dozen oysters on the half-shell will provide you with 33 mg zinc, nearly three times 12 mg RDA for adult men.



foods for better sex - potatoes

Whether they are white or soft variety, potatoes are a large source of potassium. This counteracts the effects of nutrients salt bloating and stimulates traffic, which can help you better see in bed and also stimulate your room pleasure. It can also improve your mood: studies have established a low potassium rate link with depression.



foods for better sex - tomatoes

Tomatoes are packed with lycopene, a powerful anti-divence that protects against cancer and heart disease. Recent research shows that it could work as an antidepressant, too. In a 2013 study of 983 Japanese individuals printed in theAffective Disorders JournalThe researchers found that those who ate a rich tomato regime had a lower incidence of depressive symptoms. Your move: Go Italian on the date at night, early and often.

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