The 10 best foods for your penis, according to science

What if I told you you I could guess if you're struggling to "do" just asking you what you like to eat and how much time you spend outside?

Before calling my bluff, know it's completely plausible. It would not be an exact science, but it would actually be rooted in science. According to a recent preliminary discovery of the researchers at Johns Hopkins University, low levels of vitamin D (a fat nutriment that our bodies absorb by sun exposure and dietary sources and supplements) can be connected to the erectile dysfunction. To achieve this conclusion, the researchers analyzed the data of more than 3,400 US men aged 20 and over, who were free of heart disease, a common state of health related to belt problems below the belt. Among the study participants with erectile dysfunction, 35% were deficient in vitamin D, or "vitamin sunshine", against 29% of those without erectile dysfunction.

Take away here? If you have difficulty rising occasionally, it's worth getting more vitamin. And because prolonged sun exposure is not safe, it is best to do so by adding foods rich in nutrient to your diet. The best part is, it will not just help your boner. The versatile vitamin has also been demonstrated to keep depression and belly fat to the bay! In fact, in a study, vitamin D supplementation has been associated with a decrease of 7% of body fat, while other findings suggest that it contributes to ZAPbig belly!

Here, some of the best sources of restoration of vitamin D in the supermarket, as well as a handful of other healthy foods that have been demonstrated for the benefit of your penis. Consider this list of Get-Hard Hard shopping!

(And for more foods that will help your parcels to stay healthy for life, see these30 best proteins for your penis!)


Pork Loin

pork tenderloin

In addition to providing nearly 7% of your recommended daily allowance of vitamin D, the pork loin is an excellent source of lean muscle building protein. In addition, it can add pizazz to a weekly dinner filled with chicken and beef. Never prepared the meat before? OurPork lanyard and potatoes The recipe is delicious, healthy and super simple to do.




If you are an eager eat it, not that! Reader, you probably know that we are big entire egg fans. Yellow can add additional calories and fat on your plate, but it also contains a crowd of fatty nutrients and health reinforcement - including vitamin D. In fact, a three egg omelet serves 20% the daily requirement d. We suggest adding vegetables to the mixture for an extra boost of flavor and nutrients.

And talking about breakfast foods, be sure to check these50 best breakfast foods for classified weight loss!


Greek yogurt

greek yogurt

If you do not usually connect Greek yogurt with erections, it's understandable (and probably sane). Just know that a container can provide 20% of your daily B12 value, a nutrient that has been linked to healthy erections. And some brands, like Dannon Light & Fit GREEN VANILLA YOURT (one of our25 best yogurts for weight loss is strengthened from vitamin D too, making it a double victory! Yogurt is also a good source of potassium, which keeps your heart in good health and circulating AIDS - two essential factors to become hard.




According to Legend, Casanova - The Amadou Master of his time has regularly eaten a 50 oyster breakfast. It turns out that he could double as nutritionist if he had been able to get out of the bag. In addition to being raised in B12, oysters contain more zinc than any other food source (nearly five times your daily DV). This nutrient is essential for testosterone production and when your levels fall, your business too. Like other bivalves, oysters are high in aspartic acid, an amino acid that has been demonstrated to temporarily increase the low level of testosterone and improve the quality of sperm in sterile men. On a purely aesthetic level, the zinc also helps the body synthesize the protein into the muscles, which will pump you so in more ways.


Fortified cow's milk


Although cow's milk is not naturally rich in Vitamin D, in America, it is commonly fortified with the nutrient. To better absorb the D-and the complete alphabet of nutrients listed on the box-OPT 1% on écuminaire. This is well worth it because the vitamins A, D, E and K require fat to be absorbed. One cup provides more than 19% of D intake recommended by the day.

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Chanterelle mushrooms and shiitake


A mushroom cup provides up to 19% of the requirement of the day, making it the best source of vitamin D in the produce aisle. They are a great addition to omelets, Tub, salads and tacos. Discover ourMous Vegetable Chicken Tacos Recipe To see how we use the vegetable in the dish inspired Tex-Mex. It only takes 15 minutes to fuck! And having looked better naked, check these30 foods that melt of love handles.

7 And8

Wild salmon and mackerel

wild salmon

A three-ounce servings of three ounces of these fish health promoting offers nearly almost all of the recommended intake of vitamin D daily. Salmon is also a primary source of vitamin B12 and iron, which increases blood flow to the penis and strengthen erections.

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Watermelon is one of the richest natural source of L-citrulline, an amino acid that can help make your erection harder. Once it is in the body, it converts L-arginine, stimulating the production of nitric oxide, which increases blood flow to the penis, strengthening erections.


Fourte-fed oxen

grass fed beef

Besides being leaner and lower in calories than conventional cuts, beef on grass offers a host of benefits, muscle building to fat burning to heart protection. You can add support in the chamber to the list of good qualities; This is a good choice to have your B12 if you are not into seafood So eat -. Maybe it is only what you need to get up and stay up.

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