7 thin secrets of Chris Powell

How would you feel if I told you you had a year to help 17 people - who weigh a combination of 5,275 books-citeux in their skinny jeans?

ForChris Powell, the trainer who has helped hundreds of overweight people losing up to half of their body weight on the ABC series of realitiesExtreme weight lossHelp people lose weight is a daily challenge - and one to which it excels. Thank you to his vast arsenal ofSmart weight loss stuffPowell helped the 15 participants who completed the last season show a total of 2,476 pounds.

Although anyone can grant the show and remove some of Powell's thin tips, all aspects of the processing process are not presented on television. This means that some of its best tactics are only known by a selection of some so far.We arrived in Powell and we asked him to overthrow thin secrets on the stage This helped candidates lose hundreds of books - and how the rest of us can use them at home. Read it to see how to integrate some of the Powell tips into your own efforts - then check42 ways to lose 5 inches of belly fat!


They quill water by gallon


You probably heard that you should drink eight cups of water daily, which is half a gallon. If you think of significantly reducing that a lot of liquid would send you from the bathroom very often too often, consider this:Extreme weight loss Candidates drink more than double this amount each day. "You do not see it on the show, but our candidates drink plenty of water - at least one gallon daily as a baseline. Then they drink additional 32 ounces for each hour, they do exercise,", declares Powell. "Not only does it increase their metabolism slightly, but it also keeps them between meals and neighborhoods of too much food. This strategy plays a key role in their extraordinary success," he said. Bored with ordinary water? Check theseWater ideas of detoxification.


They have feu trees

slices of cinnamon bread with butter
Arlene Grace Evangelista / Shutterstock

Although sweet carbohydrates and carbohydrates - like quinoa, potatoes and similar fruits, are not totally out of bounds, participants never consume them after nightfall. "For dinner, candidates always have a high protein meal and fat with lots of fibrous vegetables," says Powell. "If they have a post-dinner snack, they stick to foods rich in protein, fatty fatty foods such as almonds or 2% mord-string cheese," he says. Indeed, he adds, carbohydrates the nights of the night return the oily combustion switch by increasing the number of burning hormones of liberated fat while we are asleep. Bedtime can be a critical part of your weight loss course; Do not miss theseThings to do 30 minutes before losing to lose weight.


They keep their eyes on the price - literally

workout class

"When people are in the middle of the mill, work hard and a diet, they often forget why they do it and simply focus on the sacrifices they do. It makes it difficult to continue," says Powell. "To thwart this, we revisit each personmotivation Losing weight throughout their weight loss path and put a visual. We will draw photos from their children, an ambitious type of body, even copies of their medical records, "says Powell.

To use this tactic at home, put a visual reminder of your weight loss motivator on the refrigerator, the bathroom mirror or the car dashboard, or set the image as the background of your phone portable. It will remind you that you work towards something that will improve your happiness and quality of life, according to Powell.


The meal preparation is all

Healthy snack meal prep with cut carrots celery hard boiled eggs apples grape almonds and rice cakes

We asked Chris to tell us his first food board. His answer: essentially,meal meal is all. "Prepare your meals in advance and have you always ready to eatHealthy snacks With you, "he says. Chris and hisExtreme weight lossThe bulk participants-prepare their proteins (chicken, turkey and fish) and starches (potatoes, whole wheat rice and noodles) every four days and store them in plastic containers. This preparation allows them to enter healthy meals quickly before leaving the house.

"We always wearprotein powder With us, "he says." You will never capture us without almonds in our bags. They are filled with healthy and satisfying greases and protein and do not need to be refrigerated, so they are really easy. "


They do not look at the clock

woman doing resistance band workout at home

You must complement at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week, which has long been the recommendation of the Ministry of Health and Social Services forTotal health, at least. Chris, however, says to his clients to stop watching the clock, especially those who are new to exercise.

"When it comes tocardio, Maximize weight loss is not a definite duration or intensity. This is progress slowly, but surely. Every two weeks increase the duration and intensity in a little, "says Powell". Month after the month, you improve slowly and will soon be adapted and seeing incredible results weight loss. "

To optimize the results, take the time to make weight at least twice a week. The more muscle you have, the more your body will burn at rest.


They make special requests

Waiter and customer

"Participants find it difficult to stay on track with their diet when they ate - especially when they are with friends who do not share their newly adopted healthy lifestyle," says Powell. There are few different ways Powell helps customers stay on track in front of this obstacle. To start, he suggests drinking a large glass of water before the meal begins. This hunger tames, which facilitates the control of an intelligent entry. "Damage all that is fried, skipped, crust or breaded and control all training and sauces on the side," he says. "When you order, let the server know that you would like a box to go when the food arrives. Cut your meal in two immediately and place half in the box to go." Out of sight, out of mind - and do not forget, similar rules apply totakeaway, too much.


They clean the house

beans grains lentils pasta oats flour pantry containers

"You have 10 pounds for losing or 100, the first thing to do is create a successful environment," says Powell. This requires removing all the temptation of your kitchen. "Pick up all the processed, sweet and fat foods of your home and bring them to a local food bank for the gift. Then re-examine your kitchen withHealthy grocery store-Real, natural and integers resembling fresh fruit andvegetables, almonds and meat protein such as turkey, chicken, fish and eggs. "

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