7 foods that move from winter diseases

With changing leaves and cooling temperatures, the dreaded season of colds, FLUS and general snowflash has come down.

By washing hands often, it is also important to build your immune defense from the inside. The addition of certain foods in your diet can protect you from all things that are happening. Here are 7 edible ways to give your immune system the boost that it needs this season - and get started on this.weightloss goal too.

Carrots for vitamin A

Vitamin A has been demonstrated to play an important role in the immune system by helping to regulate T cells, or the warriors of the immune system. That's why even if they may not be your usual to taste, the carrots are the perfect flu and the cold season. Only one average carrot contains 200% of the consumption of suggested daily vitamins. So, go ahead and shred from the carrot on your salad, disappointments some for dinner or eat one, rabbit-style bugs.

Salmon for vitamin D

If you like beautiful grilled salmon, you're lucky! This fatty fish offers a ton of vitamin D, which has been demonstrated to help athletes to obtain less upper respiratory infections during the winter (a.k.a. Cold and other similar issues). If you are not a huge fan of salmon, enjoy a little milk or Olympics that is enriched with vitamin D. As the sun goes down earlier (do not bring us about it) throughout In winter, you get less sun necessary for your body to produce its own vitamin D, which makes a conscious effort to work these foods in your diet and pop a daily supplement is increasingly necessary (and worth it. 'Extra effort because it makes you happier).

Mushrooms for a jumpstart

When it comes to causing diseases, these fungi can help stimulate your immune system and do it. Try to include fungi as one side of your favorite dinner, throwing them into your salad or adding them to a soup or sauce.

Strawberries for stress reduction


It has become commonplace that heavy or prolonged stress weakens your immune system. Although there are many good foods to help fight stress, strawberries are a snack, dessert or an easy added to a salad. Strawberries have a lot of vitamin C, making it a great option to reduce stress (and, in turn, help your immune system). Even with new techniques of agriculture, the depths of winter can be a strawberry desert. Turn to frozen strawberries when they are not available fresh (or seem suspicious) and add them to a hot dessert for a double comfort.

Cereals for zinc

Although an immune system response is important when viruses attack, another response can be problematic; Zinc helps regulate this response to external forces. The good news is that many cereals - from Cheerios to Wheaties - will give you a good zinc dose to start your day. Check the label for upper zinc content (a portion of Waleats has 45% of your daily suggested zinc consumption) and stimulate your immune system before leaving the home.

Squash and pumpkin seeds for zinc


Just in time for autumn harvest! The squash and pumpkin seeds pack a ton of zinc, then they are another great way to build your immune system. Record the seeds of your Jack o 'lantern and roast them as a snack (add it from Cayenne for a spicy snack that also hits your high gear metabolism) or buying in the store and sprinkle on a salad.

Yogurt for probiotics


Although less research has been made on the links between probiotics and immune health, some studies have found that some probiotic strains help regulate the intestine, which contributes to your immune system. In addition, Yogurt gives you an additional zinc dose. It can therefore really strengthen your immune system.

Categories: Healthy Eating
By: tania
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