Thunder God is the plant that cuts body weight up to 45%

Thunder God could be the answer to your weight loss goals.

By the beard of Zeus, it is a great news: Harvard's researchers experiment with the traditional Chinese medicinal plant Thunder discovered that this could be a powerful appetite essin that could lead to an importantweightloss breakthrough.

"This could be a powerful way to treat obesity and improve the health of many obesity patients and associated complications, such as heart disease, foie gras and type 2 diabetes," said the Study Author Umut Ozcan, MD, an endocrinologist at Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School.

Thunder God works by improving the action of leptin, an appetite removal hormone that sends signals to the brain when a person is full and should stop eating, according to thestudy published inCell. The researchers have previously supposed that the lack of sensitivity to leptin can be a fundamental cause of obesity. In the study, the researchers found that obese mice gave high doses of thunder god extract for a week of 80% less food compared to mice that did not receive the compound. After three weeks, the mice treated with the compound lost 45% of their body weight, while the comparison group did not lose weight.

Although this is not yet clear if the plant, traditionally used by Chinese doctors to treat arthritis, has the same effects of leptin improvement on humans, there are a number of grasses commonly used Who are probably already already in your kitchen that have a clear weight loss the benefits as well - and you probably have some in your kitchen already.

White tea

White tea lemon

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A study published in the newspaperNutrition and Metabolism showed that white tea can simultaneously stimulate lipolysis (ventilation of fat) and block adipogenesis (the formation of adipose cells). The combination of caffeine tea and epigallocatechine-3-gallate (EGCG) seems to define greasy cells for defeat.

Pepper mint

Peppermint tea

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A study published in theJournal of neurological medicine and orthopedic I found that people who sniffed peppery mint every two hours lost an average of 5 pounds a month. The flavors of mint send signals to your brain it's time to stop eating.

Oolong tea

Oolong tea

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Oolong, a Chinese name for "black dragon", is a light floral tea that, like green tea, is also conditioned catechins, which help promote weight loss by increasing the ability of your body to metabolize lipids (grease ) A study in theChinese newspaper of integrative medicine I found that participants who regularly sipped Oolong tea lost six books during the six-week period. It's a book a week!



The leafy green that you usually push on the side of your plate is a super-ample secret that is more nuant-dense than Kale. Folate, a vitamin B has been linked to everything from the mood atmosphere to the fight against cancer. It is also a key that works on a genetic level, locking the genes related to insulin resistance and the formation of greasy cells. "It is the B vitamins that play a major role in the epigenetics, in particular B12 and Folate," says Kevin L. Schalinske, Ph.D., Professor in the Department of Food Sciences and the Human Nutrition of the 'Iowa State University.


Cinnamon contains powerful antioxidants called proven polyphenols to change body composition and improve insulin sensitivity. An animal study printed inBiochemistry and biophysics archives showed that the addition of food cinnamon reduced the accumulation of belly fat. And a series of studies printed in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition I found that adding a teaspoon to cinnamon to a starchy meal can help stabilize blood glucose and prepare insulin spikes.

Black pepper

Black pepper

Piperin, a powerful compound found in black pepper, has been used for centuries of eastern medicine to deal with multiple health conditions, including inflammation and belly problems. But recent animal studies have found that the piperine can also have the profound capacity to reduce inflammation and interfere with the formation of new fat cells - a reaction called adipogenesis, resulting in a decrease in size size, body fat and cholesterol.

Mustard seeds

Mustard seed

Scientists from the Polytechnic Institute of Oxford of England have found that by eating 1 barmetard teaspoon (about 5 calories) that can increase metabolism up to 25% for several hours after consumption. Not only that, a study published in theAsian Journal of Clinical NutritionDiscovered that the adipose visceral fabric of rats fed a pure guard regime was lowered when the diet was supplemented by mustard oil.

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