Which diet experts eat for lunch

What the pack of pros for lunch and secrets you can fly for your own slim success.

It is too easy to destroy all your day within 13 hours and we are not talking about your morning meeting or your investigation into your non-existing maturity date of your colleague.

The unrecoverable jam work days, your mobile phone and incessant family requests in buzzing can bring you to call in comforting foods, caught reflectively a mysterious envelope of cold cutting down or bypass the same boring salad bar for The pizza. Because you deserve a break, yes?

Of course, but you do not deserve the belly that followed. We had healthy advice of 11 nutritionists who are not only busy, but also the benefits of eating well and feeding long hectic days. These suggestions fill up, energizing and are not released on the flavor. And most are fast and easy to pre-prepare at home - you will save money and serious calories from the bank.


"In the restoration, we suggest" Dunch "or dinner for lunch. For me (and others), there is a large interval between lunch and dinner, so I have my biggest lunch. By Greater, I mean the biggest protein. For this lunch in the entrance. Can have snacks and poched asparagus or a turkey hamburger without angin (I have a burger pesto turkey inThe little pound of thin) and remains of vegetables. "-Lauren Slayton, MS, Rd, founder ofTTRAINERS

Pair protein with fiber

"I make an envelope of the turkey with an entire wheat, whole dishes of 150 calories and the stretch with Farms of Applegate Turkey, biological spinach and honey mustard. Sometimes J 'uses a drunk dried cranberries. Envelop it and it is ready to eat on The GO. The film of the high fiber and the Turkey protein is the perfect combination of slow digestion and keep me longer than my snack. 3 or 16h. I associate with a bag of vegetables, and it's really satisfying. "-Laura Burak MS, RD, CDN,The Nutrition of Laura Burak

"I make a tuna to-go wrap: 1 whole wheat tortilla, 2 cow cheeses or 1 tablespoon of spicy brown mustard, 1-2 tuna packets (light, in the water), plus a green - usually a mixture of spinach, swiss chard, cabbage or cabbage for more crunch. This envelope works perfectly for those who do not want to heat up and it will not require any refrigeration if you decide to eliminate the laughing cow's cheese. No Only this lunch is fast, but you will not quickly hung up one hour later because it contains an appropriate amount of protein and a little fiber depending on the tortilla. "- -Jim White, owner,Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios

Think of your envelopes

Sometimes I order the lettuce envelope of the local delis in my area. I get Turkey, the lawyer, the tomato and the mustard of honey on the side so that I can dive my bites. You save all the calories of these huge charcuterie wraps, which can easily be 300 to 500 calories. The envelopes are misleading. I say to my clients that if you take the wrap and make a bullet, the size of a large bagel or glucidity and calorie equivalent of about 4 or 5 slices of bread. "-Laura Burak MS, RD, CDN

Find a favorite

"One of my favorite lunches is a salad of arugula and quinoa garnished with chicken or shrimp and raw almonds. Sometimes I eaten it clearly, sometimes I add salsa or drizzle of hazelnut oil. I like this lunch because it is easy to whisk together some of my ingredients of the basic kitchen or my remains. These ingredients create a balanced and nourishing plate that will help provide sustained energy, satiety and assistance To long-term health. It is fast to assemble and the main ingredients that need to be cooked, such as quinoa and chicken / shrimp, can be cooked in advance and consumed cooled. "- - -MEG Mangano, RDN, CSSD, CLT,Rejooov Wellness

"I like to bring a fresh salad to work. You can make a salad every day and it will not be boring, as long as you change ingredients. Salads with the good nutrient balance will prevent you from feeling hungry and keep you satisfied until your day is over. It is healthier to consume more protein than fat; it is essential that you consumesome fat, however. You want to make sure to consume a variety of protein and healthy fat, even in your salads. I do this by adding this chicken or cheese to my mixer salad and the lawyer or vinaigrette based on olive oil. You can even add this to sandwiches or wraps if you choose to consume it during your lunch. "-Leah Kaufman, MS, RD, CDN,Leah Kaufman Nutrition

Make eggs at any time

"I have the chance to be able to work and lunch at home a few times a week, then I have some flexibility. My lunch at home: a vegetable omelet with salad greens on the side. Vegetables change in Function of what I have by hand, but I often include fungi, spinach and onions. The egg protein and the fiber of vegetables satisfies hunger and help me to go after the day. In addition, there is very little cleaning. "-Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD, Owner,Marisa Moore Nutrition

Make the protein a priority

I also do practices: ½ ancient oatmeal with ancient oatmeal, 1 spoon of protein powder and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter. For those who love breakfast or just need a satisfying lunch with a slightly more sweet taste, the supplies are an absolute life. This meal contains at least 5 grams of dietary fiber, a great balance between unsaturated fats and carbohydrates to digest slowly to give you a durable energy before your next meal. It can be quickly assembled if you prepare your oatmeal, or you can buy pre-ported rolled oat flakes packaged from some grocery stores. Make sure to enter the rolled - not the moment - to harvest all the benefits of the totally complete oat grain. "-Jim White, Owner, Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios

"If I buy a lunch, I will take advantage of a salad of a fast casual chain that specializes in them. In this salad, I will always put a lean protein - usually a hard egg, a tofu or a chicken - and A fat like the lawyer. Then I charge the vegetables and uses fresh lemon and pepper for my dressing. The grains are sometimes present, but I always jump the "white things". It does not matter where I go, my lunch always consists of lean or vegan protein and vegetables with healthy cardiac grease. "- -Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN,REAL NUTRITION NYC

Repair of remains

"If I browned it brown, I will often take the remains that I have since the previous night and I envelope it on a bed of green (I buy biological spinach in canned or rocket, it's easy, Fast and washed!). These meals are usually consisting of a lean protein such as chicken or meat pellets nourished with grass, with vegetables that have been steamed or jumped in the oil of Coconut with a little seasoning. Sometimes I will have quinoa or brown rice with her if I left it. "- -Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN

"Most of the days, I do not have time to go out for lunch, so I always bring something with me from home. My lunch lunch is a salad with grilled chicken. I like to add carrots, cucumbers, red, yellow or orange peppers, palm hearts, artichoke hearts or grilled peppers at the top of the baby spinach leaves mixed with Romaine. I also add any cooked grape variety that J Ai since the previous night, such as roasted cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus or rope beans. I top it off with a homemade vinaigrette of olive oil, balsamic vinegar and spices. The Protein of chicken, fiber and lacrosse vegetables and healthy fat from olive oil holds me full for hours. "-Ilyse Schapiro, Ms, rd, cn

Pre-planned lunch

"When I work at my office away from home, I usually do a lunch. It's usually left night left or one of the three quick meals. They are all easy to do and take away. Packed with protein and fibers, they want me to feel satisfied throughout the rest of the day with little desire to snack. If I eat for lunch, I usually opt for soup and salad. In any case, I rarely leave the house Without lunch without lunch plans. It's a recipe for disaster. "-Marisa Moore, MBA, RDN, LD

Do not think

"I usually breathe my lunch and one of my favorites is a plateau of vegetable crudities because it is so simple and you can move it seasonally. For spring, sliced ​​radish and fennel with green beans, Hummus and smoked salmon rollers. The radishes contain the isothiocyanates that provide the largest antioxidant pool of the body (glutathione), fennel helps to improve breathing while green beans are delicious and offer incredible texture. In addition, The smoked salmon provides many omega-3 fats for a better neuron working to overcome the 3-hour crash. It's great on the thumb, as it takes three minutes to pack and can easily be prepared the night before. "- -Miriam Jacobson, Rd, CDN,NYC power coach

"My favorite lunch to do is easy: Two tablespoons of 100% natural peanut butter with two teaspoons of bread on whole wheat bread. I eat the PB & J with one side of Greek Fondable Fondable Bridge Surmunished Sliced ​​strawberries. This lunch is quick to do and easy to shoot. It is also well balanced with four food groups, including whole grains, proteins, dairies and fruits. "- -TOBER AMIDOR, MS, RD, author ofGreek yogurt cuisine: more than 130 healthy and delicious recipes for every meal of the day

Prepare once, eat all week

"My lunch option is a homemade crispy quinoa hamburger on a mixed greens salad or on a roll of whole grain. I like this lunch because I can do crisp quinoa burgers in bulk and freeze them, so j Always have a delicious lunch ready. Coming from the freezer, the burgers take only one minute to warm up, which makes them super practical. "- Gina Conalvo, Ma, Rd, LDN, CDE, NCC, owner of Eating well with Gina

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