22 Dilemmas of consumption difficult to eat!

Should I add Chia or Linen to my night oat recipe? What is the best in the cafe: Stevia or sugar? Below you will find answers to these delicate nutrition questions that make you every day, more many others.

At an hour of wake up, you will probably decide to eat for breakfast, what to put in your coffee or tea and what to do for lunch. And that's all before leaving home. During an average day, each of us makes about 200 food choices, according to Cornell researchers. Of course, some of the decisions we do are simple (should I bring lunch or buy it?), But there are other people who use a little cerebral power (should I add flax seeds or chia to my oats?) - Even for us. And given each member of the FNT staff reads and writes on nutrition for more than 40 hours a week, that saying a lot.

To help you cut the noise and make better healthier decisions along yourweightloss Travel, we have prepared a collection of daily issues that are difficult to respond to staff and readers and brought them to a leading nutritionist team to help eliminate confusion! Here's what they had to say ...


Q: Does it matter if I eat fast cooking oats instead of the kind of slow cooking? Are not they even healthier than box cereals?

"It depends on the box cereal, but in general, unimproved rapid cooking oats are often even healthier than box cereals - especially if you recommend it with something that has a healthy fat or protein like almonds or unsweetened coconut flaps to slow down its absorption, "says Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN. To learn more about different types of oats, see our Exclusive ReportAll different types of oats-explained!



Q: How can I stick to my diet when I dine with friends without getting attention to myself?

Simple. "I just talk about it," says Schapiro MS, Rd. "People love talking about the latest regimes and trends, but if you do not want to draw attention to yourself, do not discuss what you do. Always check the menu in advance and decide what You come back to order. I like to start with a mixed salad with the vinaigrette on the side, then I usually choose a dish of chicken or fish and ask for double vegetables instead of a starch. Many people have regime restrictions these days, so it should not raise any red flag. "In addition, you may want to eat a smallHigh protein snack Before going out for dinner, like carrots and hummus or a walnut handle so that you do not slip. In this way, you can order appropriately and not be tempted by things like bread basket.


Q: Do I have to use almond or peanut butter?

"More often than no,almond butter is free of oils partially and fully hydrogenated (trans fat) and added sugars. However, when the peanut and almond butter is done with nothing more than nuts and salt for the flavor, then they are pretty to nutrition, "explains Smith. The end result: go with what you like better and choose a container that is free of Hucky additives.

Eating this! advice

To avoid the fatigue of the Goldbud and make sure that you consume a plethora of nutrients, buy another nut butter every time you are at the store. Almond butter a week, peanut next, and maybe cache walnut butter or cashew nuts after that!



Q: Is it preferable to consume additional sugar calories or use an artificial or alternative sweetener?

"Your best is to use an alternativesweetener like the stevia or the nectar of coconut. But if it's not an option, go a little sugar. Your last resort should be used to use an artificial sweetener, "says Amy Shapiro MS, RD, CDN. Although they are free of calories, some research found an association between false sugars and weight gain - no weight loss. Eek!


Q: I only have time to cook a few times a week. That said, who is the healthiest meal for ordering? Breakfast, lunch or dinner?

"From the breakfast, the breakfast is so affordable to make yourself lunch or dinner deserves more of your money if you order in. In addition, they take more careful time and difficult to prepare. Entêchez protein, vegetables and whole grains and ask for sauce on the side for a healthy meal, "suggests Shapiro. Whether you are partial to Chinese, sushi to pizza or something else, we are reducing mode the best orders to bring to your waistline in our exclusive report,Eat this, not that! For take-out food healthy.



Q: What is the best to put in my smoothies and my oatmeal? Chia seeds or flax seeds?

Chia seeds. "They are less sensitive than flaxseed, which must be stored in a dark cold place (to prevent rancacité) and regroup so that our body absorbs nutrients," says Shapiro. "Chia seeds are very stable and can be eaten as is. Moreover, Chia absorbs water, which pushes them in our belly and we keep longer. Chia also contains tons of nutrients, including calcium, healthy fats,proteinand fiber. Flax also has some of these, but in less quantities. "



Q: I've heard so much about fraud fish these days. Is it going to order it in a restaurant? How can I ensure that the fish I order is actually what I asked?

"Unfortunately, there is no real way to ensure that the fish you think you are getting is actually what ends up on your plate. I recommend generally that people buy wild fish at home so when they dine, there is less concern. "Smith said. "Assuming that most of us eat at home more often, this strategy will guarantee the majority of fish in your diet are the good things." To learn more about the best fish for your health and your size, check our exclusive report,All popular fish classified for nutritional benefits!


Courtesy of Sarah Koszyk

Q: Should I spend my money on organic eggs, organic meat and organic milk? I do not have the money to spring for all.

"Organic milk, eggs, beef and poultry products are recommended because many cattle and chickens are given hormones. If they are too expensive or not available in your grocery store, look for varieties without hormones or without cage without cage of the cage, "Post Schapiro. To save even more money, Schapiro recommends buying generic biologics.MilkWhich is as healthy as brand names.



Q: What should I add to my daily cup of coffee? Cream? Whole milk? Browse? Something else?

"Use whatever you can use less," said Shapiro. "Anything that you add to your coffee adds calories that many people forget. So if you like your coffee light, use cream or whole milk as you will need much less to reach your color and your desired taste . You would need a lot more skim to meet the color requirement, which is at the end equals more calories and carbs. I also recommend milk almond or coconut milk, because they are lower in general calories but high in healthy fat (5 grams per cup) "And remember. always avoid non-sugar added sugar! You do not want your coffee becomes dessert like this20 coffee beverages with more sugar than a can of coke.


Q: Which is healthier: a smoothie or juice froneux?

"If your smoothie is made with whole fruit (fresh or frozen), not fruit juice, smoothie is healthier, says Christine M. Palumbo, RDN Fand The reason:. It is much more fiber and nutrients than juice. "on the down side, however, if thesmoothie is made from fruit juice and added sweeteners, and the fresh juice is 100% better, "she adds.



Q: Is it better to eat something high in salt or sugar? Sometimes when I dine, it seems I have to choose between the two.

"Neither is awesome. But generally, I find that high salt food can be more satisfying and easier to eat with moderation than sweet foods," says Smith.


Q: When you have no other choice, it's better to skip a meal or eating unhealthy?

"I am a big believer by eating a regular schedule," says Smith. "That said, I would say that eating a less than perfect meal, it's better than having the habit of skipping meals. Consistent healthy habits are essential for making a lasting change. In addition, when you type lunch or dinner (one of the26 bad habits that make you magnify), blood glucose is plunged, allowing you to eat too much and gain weight over time. "


Q: What is the best for you: fatty-free salad vinaigrette or regular vinaigrette?

"The regular salad vinaigrette wins without fat, as long as you hold you with unclear varieties," Shapiro explains. Reason: a fatty salad vinaigrette has tons of sugar to compensate for the lack of fat. "Use real dressing but do not be your greens in the stuff. This is the key," she adds.


Q: What is better for you: a turkey hamburger or a swirloon hamburger?

"Although many people believe that Turkish burgers are the healthier choice, it's not always the case, especially when you eat it in a restaurant," says Schapiro. "FromTimes, restaurants use the skin on the ground and dark meat in their cakes to save money. This can add a considerable amount of fat and saturated calories, making the best choice. However, if you do Hamburgers from the turkey at home, the two lean chopped beef and a lean floor turkey chesthamburgers are good choices. "Here's why: they are both protein sources and contain essential nutrients, such as selenium, niacin, B6 and zinc, a mineral that promotes immune function. Remember: generally, the worst part to have a hamburger is not the patty itself. It's the bun and all other things added between the two. Whether at home, in a restaurant or a fast joint, stick to A galette and Nix the Mayo, the bacon, the processed cheese and the fries onions. You can also consider taking off the top bun and eating it with an open air style or to load it all together.



Q: Between maple syrup, honey, table sugar or agave, what is the best?

"At the end of the day, everything is sugar, but I better love maple syrup, because they offer nutrients," says Smith. "Maple syrup is rich in antioxidants and honey has antiviral and antibacterial properties. They give you more bang for your calorie money."


Q: Some studies say that high diets in saturated grease can cause inflammation that leads to obesity. However, further studies show that fatty foods such as dairy and yogurt can reduce the risk of obesity. So what kind of dairy products should we eat? Low fat or full fat?

"The search is constantly changing, so you have to know what works better for your body and that I want you to that. I usually recommend 2% because it's a happy medium," says Schapiro.



Q: Is it better to keep frozen dishes stored in my freezer for well-filled nights or is it better to order?

"Have a handful of frozen dishes in the freezer, it's an" insurance "for these parties when you are too tired for cooking. Frozen meals can either be any items you have prepared in your own kitchen (think of soup in Chile or one of these20 healthy and incredible freezer meals to lose weight Or commercially prepared frozen dinners that include a vegetable. Anyway, your dinner will be controlled by a game and quite well balanced, which is not guaranteed with take-away foods, "explains Palumbo.


Q: Count calories and weigh my food is too difficult and unrealistic. What can I do instead if I want to lose weight?

"I agree! When I need to lose a few pounds, it's too many people I'm concerned about counting calories or measuring food," says Palumbo. "Instead, I'm going to eat about a third less than I usually do it. (You can do it by leaving bites behind your plate at each meal.) This way, I can always enjoy my foods Preferred, and if I eat slowly, I still feel so satisfied. I also cut sweets like cakes, sweets, cookies and sweet drinks. "Palumbo also recommends maintaining a 12-hour fasting between dinner Tonight and the breakfast of tomorrow if you try to lose weight. "Research suggests that it helps prevent and even reversing weight gain," she says.


Q: I know that eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables can help me lose weight, but they often give me inflate. What can I do?

"The fruits are raised in fiber, so it can sometimes eat too much can cause bloating and embarrassment. To deflate the punch, stick to about two or three portions of fruit a day. An apple, an orange, half a half -Tasse of berries and a cup of melon all equal to a portion, "says Schapiro." As for vegetables, know those who tend to teach you to allege you. Some typical offenders are broccoli sprouts, cauliflower and Brussels. The less blotting vegetables are corporal beans, asparagus and spinach jumped. "Finally, do not consume too much at a time and do not wait for you to boost to die. When we let ourselves too hungry, we tend to eat too much Quickly, which can create gas and ignite because we succeed more air as we eat, literally inspire our food and our air!

RELATED:35 things that give you an inflated stomach


Q: I'm aware of myself on my own food plan, which makes me very difficult for me to stay on track with social and work events. What do I do?

"Social pressure to indulge in people around us is mainly in our mind. Once we can go beyond the idea we are the strange man, it is usually clear that there is a lot Ways to stay on track, "says Miriam Jacobson, RD, CDN. Some of his festive tips: "have a drinkWhere Something to eat in your hands at a given moment, not at a time. "Eat slowly. Get engage with those around you instead of putting too much attention on food. Gravitate to vegetable dishes and keep your plate structured as you would normally do: half-vegetables, a quarter of protein and A quarter of healthy carbohydrates. "Trust me, people will be concentrated to have fun, do not dissecrate what you eat," she adds.



Q: How can I say if my olive oil is legitimate? I have heard a lot in recent news about most things to be false or bad quality.

"If you can not access a specialized olive oil store, the best thing to do is to read labels and search for quality seals," says Palumbo. "The USDA Quality Monitoring Program, the North American Olive Olive Association, the California Olive Oil Board and the extra virgin alliance will only give their name to Legit products. Recently, I bought several extra virgin olive oils (one of the20 Best Complete Foods for Weight Loss!) Trader Joe's. "



Q: Do I really need to eat something special before or after exercise?

"What you consume before and after exercise, everything depends on the time and intensity of your workout," says Palumbo. "If you work for an hour or less, all you have to do is make sure you are well hydrated in advance and have a large glass of fresh water after. If you work for more than An hour, then you are going to want to have a complex carbohydrate half an hour in advance, like a half-peanut butter and a banana sandwich. Then after finishing your workout, consume carbohydrates. (like a glass of 8 ounces of low fatChocolate milkThis will help reconstruct the impoverished energy stores of the muscles. "

Categories: Healthy Eating
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