24 things that nobody ever talks about the gymnasium

Brush on your gym label that will not make others give you major eyes. In addition, these tips will help you feel confident to hit the gym!

Whether you are a gym rat or if you have just plunged your toes in the pool of studio options, we guarantee that there are some things you do not know about the gym. There are ways to work effectively, properly, considerably (!) And strategically. There is a gym label to follow and assure ways to get the maximum results of each visit. And, there is a ton of gym myths out there we are here to break. Here are some unwritten gym rules that will make your experience much more enjoyable - and the probability of you stick with it in the long run rise by a ton! And do not miss our40 Tips for the motivation that actually work For when you feel that your will starts in Wane.


Weights need to clean, too

dumbbells weights

This should go without saying, but all gym equipment come into contact witha lot Hands and sweat people, make sure you wipe all the equipment after using it. Many gymnasiums will leave antibacterial spray and paper towels, which you can use for this exact goal. "And many of us will forget to clean the weights after we use them at the gym," says Becca Napelbaum, cleaning expert at Handy.com. "However, the more people touch the weights, the more sweat and the bacteria they will accumulate. In addition, weights can also accumulate dust, which can irritate your lungs when working. Make sure you wipe them wipe them before and after each use. "


Treat your yoga carpet like gold

yoga mat

If you bring your own yoga mat to the gym classes, you must clean it at least once a month, especially during the hottest months. "You will know when the carpet needs to clean, because it will start feeling and looking dirty because it tends to collect oils and sweat," Napelbaum said. "It is advisable to make a natural solution of water and vinegar and wipe the carpet because it disinfect it, while restoring part of the rubber texture. Avoid using soap and drying your carpet in the sun , as will cause rubber damage. "And if you do not have your own carpet and you use it available at the gym, transport them antibacterial with you and vaporize the carpet before and after each use. People - and their feet - are gross. This is not worth the risk. (Speaking of crude, discoverThe 17 dirty and biggest things in your kitchen!)


Be careful during spinning

spin class instructor

The spinning is an incredible workout, but many do not know that this can be dangerous for your neck if you are not well placed. "Teachers say," The shoulders ", but they do not help everyone," says Trainer Certified Fitness Shari PORTNOY. "It's very important to make sure you tell a spinning instructor that you are new and to ask Questions on your neck and shoulders. You will save a lot of money on massages or chiropractors. "If it is your choice of choice (or if you want it to be), check these33 Cycling Questions in the Room Responding to 5 words or less.


Do not be blind for your classes

women working out class

The gym classes are a great way to make an appointment with yourself so that you know that you will get there at a designated hour. But beware, like classes that use weights and fast movements can not do anything for you others than playing music you love. "Classes are designed to get you in, especially if you have not been a front gym," says Portnoy. "Making False Movements have no advantage. If you are new, ask the gym of a class where the instructor moves to help you. Save a wound and a waste of time."


Make your fun gymnasium time

zumba dance fat loss

"The most important thing that no one will ever inform you of the gym is that it was to be fun," says Sarah Hays Coomer, author ofLightness of the body and mind: a radical approach to weight and well-being. "People who see the most results have generally found a gymnasium that gives them pleasure. Whether yoga, spin or zumba, there is a lot offun ways of losing weight and enjoy your exercise!


Define 3 realistic objectives

woman thinking

When you join a gym, you should have three goals in mind for yourself. Does it lose body fat? Training for a race? Learn to make a pull-up? "Research shows that the definition of fitness goals helps you succeed and prevent you from losing," says Sahmura Gonzalez, Crunch Union Square Coach. "Define to succeed and define a realistic routine for yourself. Start by engaging yourself three times a week for at least 30 minutes. Once it becomes a habit after about four weeks, increase it to four times . If you join a gym and right away, do you a promise of yourself that you come seven days a week, you will feel bad if you miss one day or two and start feeling bad - and As going to the gym is impossible. "


The gym is not filled with types of people you think

protein shakes gym

Gymnasiums are no longer filled with pleasures. "Most older gymnasiums range from 18 to 880 years old and enjoy different types of Zumba exercises, Olympic lifting to patch and rehabilitation and prevention," said Gonzalez. "Everyone thinks they become judged by people with the gym. In fact, even these people have their own goals and their own goals - so do not fear or feel that you are judged!"


Minus is more

pushup exercise girl workout

When it comes to working, especially for beginners - sometimes less, it's more. Keep in mind, it's because your results will not come in one day. It is very common to try to "crush it" in the gym a day, and finish for your next two training sessions, or even a few weeks because you are too painful or too tired of the first! "Keep training sessions at a level that you can do in a consistent way for the best results over time," Recommend Tyler Spraul, Certified Force and Packaging Specialist. "Once you have built a constant base, you can take action to increase the difficulty and continue to improve."

Icymi:30 most efficient 30 seconds workout movements


Strategy your showers

sleep weight shower

If you plan to take a shower at the gym before going to work, take a look at the planning of the class to see when a class goes out so that you are not blocked in the line of people who must also take a shower. "About 8 years old, when people are just finishing with their training and getting ready - so, plan accordingly!" Recommend Gonzalez.


It is possible to avoid and deal with the "New Year Resolution"

gym lifting weight

Yes, it is true that January is one of the busiest moments of the year at the gym - but there are ways to minimize the mania in your own gym sessions. "Do a search on Google of your gym and it should show you when your gym is busiest. If your schedule allows, avoid these moments. It differs from the gym to gym, but for the most part, the hours of point falls on Monday to Friday of 7 years. Ages at 8:30 and from 17:30 to 20h, with an occasional mini-thrust from 12:30 to 14:00 on weekends, avoid at any time from about 9h to 12h30, "says Blaire Massaroni, personal trainer of Crunch Union Square.

And if you can not help you, but go during rush hours, there are ways to get around the crowd. One way? Head to the weight room. "In a world filled with cardio kings and queens, take this chance to be a pioneer of free weight. It may be a little hectic, but you will not find you to wait for almost as much equipment." And you can also search for extra space. "Look for a group of machines where additional equipment should not be suitable, but where you could easily get your stretching or use the space to create a 10-15 minute self-contained home session instead of waiting for this cardio machines." And finally, Massaroni says to find other ways to make your movements. "If you enjoyed rows of dumbbells, but all the benches are taken, think of the movement range that you really try to train. Then, try to reproduce it on the TRX or hanging under a machine Secure Barbel or Smith. It's a good opportunity to try new ways and find new ways to create creative and spice up your workout. "

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It's a game of numbers

exercise workout fitness

Do you know how gym members seem to be lower and lower? And you know how some people, maybe you may be your friends-pay each month but never appear? "The gym case is actually based on people who are registering and do not pay, but do not really come up," says Tim Blake, owner and founder of Superfitdads.com. Some figures suggest that only 20% of members regularly use the gym. "So, for a fairly big gym to support 1,000 active members to be commercially viable, they will have to sell about 5,000 members. That's why rates have remained sufficiently low so that people do not cancel their membership, even though They do not show. "


Your "nicacity" will be tested

gym selfie

There is a unwritten culture at the gym and there are rules. "He turns in social dynamics with people; how do you attentive to others others? Are you taking useless spaces? Are you being hygienic and wipe in the machines After use? Are you reset to their normal volume after using them for the next person? " Dr. Dr Rob Silverman from Ny Chiro Care. "Working at home or engage in other solitary athletics like running or cycling is different from immersing yourself in a place where hundreds of people will work every day."


You will gain a mental clarity

fit women at gym

If you are dedicated to the use of this gym composition, you will notice some other shifts in addition to falling the size of the pants. "You will better go to planning and time allocation. You can better sleep better and your mind is clearer. You will begin to break down the mental barriers and apologies like:" I do not want to leave " And just do it, said Silverman. "As we say, the biggest step is to start but once you started, you can not stop."


You can not count on cardio

walking on treadmill

You arrive at the gym and weights look intimidating, while the overabundance of rolling carpets and elliptical coaches call your name more, you know you are guaranteed to break a perspiration. Good movement? Not so fast, says Kathleen Trotter, personal trainer and author ofFind your adjustment. "Do not count on the cardio in the state of equilibrium. You must do more than simply cardio and should rather do intervals training two or three times a week," she recommends. "Interval workout improves cardiovascular form, insulin sensitivity, HDL cholesterol (good) and helps reduce visceral and subcutaneous grease." One of the driving sessions of the preferred trotter interval is "Bearing Intervals". After warming, drag 30 seconds to the regular intensity, 20 seconds at a slightly upper intensity and 10 seconds at an even higher intensity. Repeat for 10 to 15 minutes. Diehard Runner? Well, in this case, do not miss ourEat this, not that! For riders to guide.


Do not be lazy after a gym session

workout gear phone

Do not fall into the trap of believing that lifting weights and making intervals a few times a week means that you can be a laziness on the days you do not get a gym workout. A prolonged session negatively affects cardiovascular, lymphatic and digestive systems, not to mention your metabolism, "says trotter. "It is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes and affects how our body metabolized glucose. Move everywhere and as much as possible."


You must take care of your bottle of water

woman drinking water workout

Taking a bottle of water at the gym is also necessary to bring sneakers - but if you do the respectful environment of the environment to bring a reusable (and we hope you are) so be sure to wash it carefully afterall Gym visit. "If you do not clean it after, each sip that you take will be filled with thousands of bacteria. In addition, bacteria flourish in dark and wet environments, so if your bottle does not have the chance to dry, it is guaranteed to play the host. For many bacteria, "says Napelbaum." Clean your bottle of water after each use; Some of them you can simply throw in the dishwasher and others that you can clean with hot and soapy water and a brush. "


Care of your painful muscles

girl lifting large weight

The painful muscles are extremely common if you are a weight training at the gym, but that does not mean that it is normal. "You should not have to suffer over the next two days after a high-intensity training session," says Dr. Matt Tanneberg, the sport chiropractor and the certified force and packaging specialist (CSCS). "There are ways to prevent muscle pain before arriving and also ways to cure it once it has already defined. The delayed muscle muscular pain (Aka Doms) is the term derived muscle pain post -English that many of us have known. It is caused by small micro tears of the muscle that occur during exercise. We thought that muscle pain was due to the accumulation of lactic acid in our muscles but that more recent research has shown that these micro tears cause inflammation in the muscle that is actually causing the pain we feel. Typically, we will start experiencing DOMS 12-48 hours after training, with The pain culminating at about 48 hours and start to dissipate between 48 and 60 hours. "To avoid this, be sure to warm up, cool, use a foam roll after your workout, then Engage Dan s Controlled static stretches, followed by the icing of your muscles and then rest. And talking about recovery, discover the12 best recovery fuels for each workout.


You do not progress by showing you simply

attractive man at gym with phone

Do not assume that if you go to the gym, you automatically make progress. "If you do not change your routines by varying the rhythm, the resistance or type of exercise, you do not go too far," says Coomer. "Exercise is always better than any exercise, but if you Are not out of breath or a little painful from time to time, you probably do not challenge you to progress. "


Enter the full range of motion

Medicine ball Pike

When working at the gym, you get a full range of movements in your movements is very important. "I often see people doing biceps loops or whatever the movement with half of the moving range needed to get the full advantages. Weight descend if you need to check with a coach to make sure to fully complete The motion without going far or get hurt yourself, "says Coomer." This applies to all of the aerobic weightlifting. It is always better to exercise with a correct shape before adding the resistance or additional sets to your workout. "


The gym will not help you lose weight

girl on gym bike

Yes, go to the gym and work is ideal for your health and general metabolism, but it is not a magic solution to lose weight. "You can work at the gym every day, but if you have to lose weight, you have to make changes to your food consumption," says Carol Michaels. "The number of calories burned is not always accurate on a machine. Do not just think that you have just burned 500 calories in 30 minutes while walking on the treadmill."


Be open to coaches

personal trainer

Trainers will approach you and you should be open to their suggestions. "They will probably try to get a test session and this can be a useful session, even if you do not want to buy sessions," says Gonzalez. "If they are good coaches, they will be respectful of your wishes, learn your name and always say hello to you when they see you. The more you feel that you have a community at your gym, the more you go! "


If you are not embarrassed sometimes, you stand back

happy woman at gym

"If you do not have an embarrassing gym moments, you probably do not go as hard as you might or if you should be," says Joshua Petrecky's competitive bodybuilder. "If I had a dollar for every time I was falling at the gym and I was somewhat embarrassed by the attempt, I would be rich."


Think twice when it comes to bare feet

pregnant yoga

If you take a yoga class, make sure to wear your shoes or flip-flops from the cloakroom to the yoga room. "No one likes naked Tootsies in the gym," says Gonzalez. Now, with that say, some people will remove their shoes while they are squatting, dead lifting or some exercises, so do not be surprised! "Although they should really keep their socks!"


Your fears are all in your head

workout with trainer

You do not have to be afraid or intimidated, which is one of the main reasons why new gym gymnasiums fail regularly. "Everything is organized for you at the gym; there is not a single machine, a weight rack, a bar bar or a cardio machine that you can not handle. Just start staying little and to work until complex and more advanced machinery. All your fears are judged are in your head, "says Silverman. Always need a boost? Check these33 Tips for Total Trust To give you the edge you are looking for!

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