That's why you eat the yogurt

Have you ever noticed how a layer of liquid is often formed on your yogurt?

I like to think that I am a pretty economic person. And like any economic person, I buy my yoghurt in large containers with several portions. In this way, I can feel good not to waste as much plasticand I can save money.

The first Scoop is never a problem. But every time I dig in my 24-ounce comic, there is always a layer of liquid forms on the yogurt. And every time this mysterious liquid, that I failed to wrong as a condensation of water, forming on my yoghurt, I would just see it in the sink.

Provides, it was a big mistake.

What I thought was that water is actually whey. Lactoseum is simply the aqueous part of milk (and by-products of milk, such as yogurt). It contains minerals (such as calcium), micronutrients and lactose proteins. In thicker yogurts, such as Greek or Icelandic style, yogurt becomes thicker by striving for part of this whey. But all the lactoseum is not tired. Some would still stay, and it is natural to separate from yoghurt.

When you pour this liquid into the drain, you are paying a part of theAdvantages of yogurt. Instead, simply shake in your yoghurt.

If you read as far and you think: "Well, that does not apply to me because my yogurt never has liquid on the top!" Do not think you are in the clear. This can be a sign of a different problem.

The natural whey separating from certain brands of yogurt is actually a sign of a good yoghurt. This means that manufacturers add amids or chemical stabilizers that help prevent this type of separation from occurring. So, if your yoghurt does not have this problem, you should probably take a look at its ingredients. Need help with friendly yoghurt of the enemy? Do not worry, we did all the work for you in our exclusive report:Each vanilla flavor of 17 Yogurt brands - classified!.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Yogurt
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