These are Shotchy chemicals in your soda

We are not sure how many times we have to say that, but we will repeat it again. Put the soda down.

It is difficult, we know, and the addictive properties of caffeine in every can certainly do not give soda easier. But listen to us. Doubling soft drinks Every week is doubling your risk of pancreas cancer, according to a study by the American Association for the Cancer Research Journal. Drinking a standard bobbin of Cola is like pouring 39 grams of sugar in the throat, and there is nothing sweet about what it will do in your turn. Even if you go for sugar-free options, a recent study in the newspaperCerebral accident Discovered that artificial sweet drinks lead to an increased risk of times and dementia. And we have not even touched the bond of soda to diabetes or obesity.

Chances are, it's not a new for you. You have already heard everything before - the soda is bad. But it is not that simple. We broke down all the dangerous chemical ingredients that hide in a small impression on your favorite box. If it does not convince you to throw the six packs that are in your fridge, we do not know what else. Maybe the fact that Diet Soda did it on our list of50 instant feed on the planet?


Caramel color

coke ice glass

While the color of the caramel added to the dark sodas like colas and the root beer seems quite innocent thanks to its approval of the FDA, when the International Agency for Research on Cancer Lists something carcinogen, we reconsider. 4-MEI, found in Caramel Color, has been demonstrated by the National Toxicology Program to increase the rate of malignant and benign tumors in rats. Humans never consume 4-Mei so large doses, but can you blame us so as not to be very relieved by that?



crushed soda can

BPA is not only found inPlastic water bottles, but also in the plastic mucosa of aluminum bobbling. This chemical imitates estrogen when in the body, which leads to early puberty in women, reduces the number of spermatozoa and increased breeding cancer rates, according to a study ofClinical and experimental reproduction medicine. The risk is even worse if the plastic is left out and stressed by heat or light.


Brominated vegetable oil

bowl of oil

Who would not want to hide flame leaves in their soda? Oh, wait, we consume too much bromine vegetable oil can lead to bromine exposure, characterized by skin lesions, nervous problems and reproductive problems, according to a study ofe-eros. No wonder Europe and Japan have banned.



woman blowing nose

Beware of asthmatics and those who have intolerances of aspirin. A studyAllergy and Clinical Immunology Journal Said that you are much more likely to have allergies or sensitivities to this coloring that is found in bright yellow sodas. But anyone worried about the hyperactivity of children or the reduction of the number of spermatozoa, do not worry too much. There is no scientific evidence that supports these rumors.


Phosphoric acid

man smile

Without phosphoric acid, the soda spoils faster and missed that the net flavor we know and loves. But is there a trip to the dentist? This fort will erode your teeth if you drink it every day.


Fructose-rich corn syrup

corn syrup

Did you know how you eat can affect how you think? A UCLA study showed that high fructose regimes can actually slow down your brain, change your ability to learn and remind you of new information. The high fructose corn syrup has also been associated with obesity, according to a study ofThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.



artificial sweetener

That's why Diet Soda can really hurt you than good. Not only a study inCellic biology and toxicology claim that this artificial sweetener turns into toxic alcohol and formaldehyde when reaching your body, but it is not eliminated by your normal filtering of normal kidney and liver waste. It is also an excocumentoxin that gets your neurons overexcited enough to burn and die. It's just as bad as it sounds - it can really reduce intelligence.



empty plate chocolate

Compared to other commercial artificial sweeteners, it is less dangerous. That being said, it is good to stay away from sweeteners in general. According to a study in theYale Journal of Biology and MedicineThey can push you to eat more, and it is in some brands of SODA Régie.


Potassium acesulfame

soda can sugar

Do not look like a broken record, but avoid artificial sweeteners, usually found in diet sodas, as far as possible. This has similar properties to aspartame and a study inPreventive medecine Liez it with urinary tract tumors in Argentine patients.



diet pepsi cans

Surprise, surprise - we are not a fan of this artificial sweetener either. A Purdue and National Institute of Health Study has shown that rats nourished with rich saccharin regimes have gained more weight compared to rats that eat real sugar.


Sodium hexametaphosphate

scared drinking soda movies

It is prudent to say that most of us do not think too much about our kidneys, but soda drinkers should be wary of what sodium hexamosphate makes them. When researchers from aInternational toxicology newspaper The study tested this chemical on rats, their kidneys became pale and swollen. As if it were not serious enough, they also suffered from skin irritation.


Sodium benzoate

girls soda beach

According to him, sodium benzoate is not so serious. But when it combines with ascorbic acid in your soda, benzene, a known carcinogen, can form. The rhythm at which benzene forms are increased by heat, light and preservation of conservation, so always store your six pack in the fridge.


Citric acid

teeth floss

To balance the sweet sweetness of a soda, drinks companies add citric acid. A study in theInternational Journal of Pediatric Dentistry connects this acid to the erosion of the teeth. This is just another of the13 things that can happen to your body when you drink soda, and it's nothing to smile.

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