That's exactly what Rihanna eats in a day

Rihanna can nibble gummy bear and oresos in her dressing room, but the music icon remains faithful to her roots on the island when it comes to meals.

Rihanna has never had a personal leader before, that is to say until she met Debbie Jamaican Debbie Solomon. After Solomon manifested the multi-platinous sensation with chicken at the para-rice curry, peas and plantains, as well as the lamb and pasta carbonara, Solomon landed the work. Now she cooks breakfast, lunch, dinner and night night for star and spoke toIn good health on requests from Rihanna food.

Since Riri grew up to eat Guyanese cuisine and Barbaena, Solomon enlisted the help of his boss's mother. "It was just, like his mother to come and saying," That's how we do it, "said Salomon. After entering the tastes and textures of the Caribbean cuisine, Solomon now assures that she has now Always the old bay, Adobo, seasoning cubes, curry, cumin seeds, five spices, as well as onion and garlic granules. And the chef sprinses these spices on "every protein you can think of What [Rihanna] Eat ", as well as vegetables, rice and pasta. Unlike sauces, dishes' loans of the corps magnets and irresistible flavors without adding additional calories. We can imagine at what Point the creations of succulent solomon must be.

Debbie nicknamed the new Mogul Makeup "A Moody eater", which is why his meals can not be planned in advance. "[With previous customers] I would send in a menu on a Sunday or Monday and they would choose for the week, then I could buy and prepare," Solomon "but [with Rihanna, it's nothing like that. We do not know not what we are going to want to eat tomorrow, so why even choose today? " PSST, our exclusive report,25 tips for preparing meals can certainly answer that.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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