How to be an excellent father: 3 to 5 ages

Children these centuries need to walk, run, jump, throw, take a catch and kick. Encourage your child ...

Children these centuries need to walk, run, jump, throw, take a catch and kick. Encourage your child by putting music and dancing with him, or use pillows to make an obstacle course in your living room. Go for walks and trips to the play yard, where he can climb, balance, swing, hang and slip. Here are more advice to do it through preschool years.

Raise a Shakespeare junior

Your children will ignore your advice for most of their lives, but right now, they are at their most attentive. Indeed, in families with two workers' parents, fathers have a greater impact than mothers on the development of their children's language aged 2 to 3 years, according to a study published in theApplied Psychology Journal. Researchers advise dads to use a diversified vocabulary when speaking, but that does not mean you should start reciting Herodotus. Instead, provide a creative and dramatic play, which describes the activities you do and the surroundings giving your child an auditory context for what he sees.

Cement your authority

By admitting errors, not only feels good - it's good. "The way to win a true and lasting authority with your child is to be honest truthful and emotionally honest, not hiding your cravings," says Marc A. Zimmerman, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan . If you shout to your son and you want later that you do not have, say it. If you forget the kindergarten of your daughter and feels bad about it, tell him. Your emotional honesty is a bridge to your child. Cross it often.

Woo a tantrame

Do not attempt to reasoning, bribes or threats. If your child has a melt in a grocery store, he has no ability to hear you. Your best bet is to pick it up and let it purge outside, "said Psychologist Lawrence Cohen, Ph.D., author ofPlayful parenting. Cohen also advises preventive measures: Plan 30 minutes of play before shopping - it gives it quality time with you and fatigue. Lock your eyes before leaving for the store. If your connection is strong, it will not feel the need to burst into the cookie alley.

Raise their equation

Emotional quotient (EQ), the social intelligence marker that business heathuners value so strongly, can be fed your children, says David Perlmutter, M.D., author ofLift a smarter child of kindergarten. Here's how.

Name Feelings. Children have trouble giving names to their feelings (for example, fear, anger, jealousy). By helping them to identify their feelings, you help them take control and recognize them in others.
Emotions. It is almost intuitive to calm our children by denying their feelings ("there is nothing to fear"). Instead, validate their feelings ("I can see you're scared - what are you afraid of?").


Rampy and unlocked praises are not only ineffective but also prejudicial - your child can become dependent on praise and measuring self-value accordingly. The key is to follow this script in three parts, says Larry Koenig, Ph.D., author ofIntelligent discipline: fast and sustainable solutions for your child's self-esteem and peace of mind. Mean exactly what your child has done to win your praise ("I see you help your little brother move away from his toys"), label the action with a positive feature ("who shows me that you really care about your brother "), And express your approval (" I like it about you ").

Show love

Studies show that children who receive physical contact and individual attention are growing to be safer, says Kyle Pruett, Mr.D., Professor of Child Psychiatry at Yale Medicine School. For this to happen, plan a weekly slot in your calendar and surprise your child with a "spontaneous" game. There should be no distraction; Turn off the iPad, the TV and, HECK, even your phone. TP submit. Follow your child's lead and show him that you are interested in what he wants to do. Pruett also advises fathers to establish the physical intimacy rituals they are comfortable, whether it's European-style kisses or personalized handshakes.


Boys as young as 4 years begin to compete with their fathers, whether it's sprintering to the car or the fight on the couch. Feed this spirit. Let it make a lot and soften slowly so that it has to work harder for victory. "It's a way for a child to develop a feeling of being strong and allows it to test his muscles," said Justin Richardson, Mr.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry from Columbia University. It will start walking more in a more conforming way and to be less easy for bullies. This could also fill a philosophical difference with your wife: you do not tire of fights, but you are satisfying your need to help you defend yourself.


To be persistent. It takes more time than previously thought - 8 to 15 exhibitions for a child to accept a new food, said a study in theNewspaper of the American Dieetic Association. So, if your toter tries something and spit it, do not push. Children do not like to eat new foods for a reason: they taste things more strongly than you. This is the path of evolution to keep them away from poisons, who are often bitter. It is natural that things like Brussels Sories extinguish them, although studies show that children will tolerate the foods that their mothers have eaten during pregnancy. Most children go beyond a hard 5 year diet. These suggestions will help.

Introduce new vegetables. Start with puree and propose a cut, well cooked portions, which are more enjoyable. Play the "vegetable set" with your children at the supermarket by letting them choose a new vegetable each trip. In this way, they will be interested in trying new things.

Put them at work. A child of 5 years can crack eggs, mix and fold the dough, and even vegetables peel - often until they are crowded until the size of a toothpick. To build his palace, encourage him to taste the food he makes. The word to the Sage: cooking with children only requires a valund spill. Keep a mop - and soothing words - ready in case.

Avoid the rivalry of the sister

Prepare your toddler so that he does not feel as if his role has been ripped off without warning. Show your toddler photos of itself like a baby. Tell him that he did not do much when he was born first, but he grew up to be a great child. Once the baby arrives, spend time alone with your toddler. Emphasize the benefits of being a big boy: he will go hiking with dad while the baby stays at home and nap. Finally, he will come around.

Have a united front

Researchers at the Seattle Relations Research Institute, a counseling center, have found that about two-thirds of couples feel a sharp decline in the quality of the relationship when they become parents. Isolated researchers "fundamental differences in parenting" and used this as a divorce predictor with an accuracy of 80%.

"Couples disagree on parenting styles are a very serious problem," said Toru Sato, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology at the University of Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. "We do not want to send messages inconsistent to children growing up in a world that is already confusing enough." Follow these guidelines if you and your wife have different points of view.

Know thyself.Some parents have "emotional that have been summarized" like "sucks", Kid "), while others have a philosophy" emotion coaching "(" Let's talk about your feelings "). Both parents should try to identify where they fall on the spectrum and have extremely different approaches - discuss how to reconcile their differences, said John Gottman, Ph.D., founder of the Research Institute on Relationship and Coauthor ofThe seven principles to make wedding work andBaby makes three. "Unless parents talk about it and arrive at a way to honor both attitudes - to their own emotions and children - they will not be anywhere," he says.

Negotiate behind the scenes. Even the best of us has insecurities and it is not uncommon for these issues to sneak into the parent-child relationship. And this can lead to conflicts between the two partners. If you do not like the decision of your spouse, ask you first why it bothers you, "says Sato. "Then express that, then listen. Half of the disagreement is resolved when we believe that our feelings are respected by the other person."

Do not play good cop, bad cop."Putting a parent responsible for the discipline is not just from this parent," said Elizabeth Tingley, Ph.D., Professor of Child Development at Bank Street College of Education in Manhattan. For example, the phrase "just wait for your father to come home!" Not only reinforces the father's male stereotype as "execution" but also breaks a cardinal parenting rule: accept the same responsibility for the discipline of your children. Follow these steps to correct your family's criminal system.

  1. Discuss gender-specific parenting stereotypes with your wife.
  2. Agree on what values ​​are important and that the behaviors you want to cultivate in your children.
  3. Always present a united forehead. See as parents who are equal partners working together. With luck, your children will not use the threat of dad on their own children.

Take a deadline. Not your children you. There will be times when you are scandalized by your wife's approach and that children are in the room. Do not question it before them; Go ahead with the decision and come back later, said Sato. "It will show that you respect your wife as a parent. Take a deadline and discuss the question after you both have cooled," he says,

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