The 30 worst habits for your brain

These health habits can take brain fog to the next level.

Healthy habits that are usually associated with weight loss weight loss are also others that enhance physical and mental well-being. So when you are navigating dense nutrient foods and stick to your training diet, not only are you closer to your dreambar, you also reinforce your brain significantly.

But, there are common culprits that are guilty of distracting you from your list of things to do or make you forget the anniversary Monilon to come from Aunt Diane. To keep your cognitive wheels to turn at their game, we organized a list of 30 worst habits for your brain that you should remain aware of avoiding. You want to continue sharpening your brain and fight the fog? Sort by our list of30 best and worst food for your brain To find out what you should do stocks during your next grocery store.



soda glass

Of course, the sodas are packed with a pressure of sugar, but it's not even the worst! Many sodas like sunfall, the dew of the mountain and the crushing grapefruit also contain bromine vegetable oil (BVO), a toxic flame retardant that has been banned in Europe and Japan. Although small levels of BVO are not harmful to humans, the substance can accumulate in our systems and possibly cause memory loss and nervous disorders. If you can not leave sparkling drinks, take a12 sodas actually healthy.


You go for diet options

woman drinking diet coke
Sean Locke Photography / Shutterstock

Unfortunately, diet sodas are not better. A study in theEuropean Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences found that aspartame, an artificial sweetener commonly used inDietary drinks, protein bars and iced creams without sugar, alterations of memory performance and increased stress of brain oxidative in mice. As old adage happens, you'd better protect that you are sorry, so extinguish clearly from this diet moke.


You crash too many tuna cans


Although the American Heart Association recommends eating fatty fish at least twice a week to protect your ticker, crack too many tuna cans can do more harm than good. Bigeye, ahi, yellow yellow and tuna are all raised in Mercury, which, in height, quantities can be toxic and cause a cognitive decline. To keep the brain fog at the bay, opt for other fatty fish that do not contain as much mercury. Anchovies, wild salmon or trout are all great options that come from loving greases to the brain.


You have a close relationship with salt shaker

salt shaker

If you want to keep your brain working at full capacity, it may be time to take high sodium foods. According to a study published in 2014 byNeurologyHypertension can limit blood flow to brain and negative impact on focus, organizational skills and memory. As this condition is often triggered by excessive sodium consumption, jump on these20 salted restaurant meals on the planet Maybe in the best interest of your brain.


Skip your workout

man working out

Regular exercise reinforces not only your muscles; He also keeps your mind in good health. According to Marcel Daane, the author ofPerformance Headstrong: Improve your mental performance with nutrition, exercise and neuroscience"The movement produces protein and hormones in the brain that stimulates memory and makes you more alert." The best news? You do not need to do everything in the gym to harvest these mental rewards. "It is sufficient for 12 minutes of moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise improves cognitive function and oxygenation and provides energy."


You are sitting all day

Man working
Man in officeRefuge

Sitting all day affects only your size of jeans. According toThe Washington Post"The muscles in motion pump fresh blood and oxygen through the brain and trigger the release of all kinds of chemicals to improve the brain and mood. When we are sedentary for a long time, all slows down, including brain function. "


Insisting on

Stressed out woman

If you are stuck in too much of the hair, research shows that this can lead to long-term brain changes that can potentially contribute to vulnerability to mental illness, a study inMolecular psychology find. Feed your mental health with these20 ways to remove stress.


You can not ignore sugar desires

Pastry shop

Thinking that these frosted desktop donuts can crush your 2 m. Marasme? According to a study of the neuroscience magazine, a western regime (a rich in sugar and fat) can cause a cognitive decline. While desserts that break the belly can harm your skills in memory and thought, choosing rich antioxidant candies such as raspberries and dark chocolate, it's a better choice for your brain and size.


You are a house

couple sleeping

You may want to reconsider jumping on your next office hour or your secondary session. On aUniversity of Michigan Study, people of all ages who spoke and socialized with friends, family and neighbors have better performed on cognitive tests than those who have not spoken or share their feelings with others. Even if you are normally the wallflower of your group of friends, you make the effort to join a face-to-face conversation for 10 minutes can have major critical rewards.


You mix sleep

Woman sleeping

Kick insomnia at the edge of the edge, for the health of your brain. According to Daane, "a study showed a single reduction of 90 minutes reduced performance and vigilance by a reduction of 32%". Long-term effects are not enough either. "Another study has shown that a chronic lack of sleep caused a significant decrease in the volume of the brain and memory. Curious of what you can do to improve your sleep habits? Check out our list of25 doctor tips for a better sleep.


You attend too many hours

guys at bar

If you attend a happy hour too ... Well ... frequently, you can prevent yourself from your brain. In addition to the temporary blurred vision and the delighted word, throwing too many tequila shots on the REG can pose long-term damage, including memory sheets and the new growth of the cerebral cell, theNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and AlcoholismExplain.


... and cheating meals

bacon cheeseburger

That evenNeuroscience The study that proves that sugar can lead to a cognitive decline has also shown that high fat diets can give the same brain modification results by deactivating long-term and short-term memory. Avoid paying frequent workout visits and opt for cooking and cooking rather than proud your food.


You drink too much coffee

Freshly ground coffee

Since it is the most widely used stimulant in the world, many of us are guilty of doing too much cup of Joe to answer our requests for our busy day. Although your Java can lend you temporary productivity, a study inNeuropsychopharmacology I noticed that whistling too many slats can lead to an increase in the amount of adenosine receptors (the chemical in this brain that makes you feel tired) in the long run. What does this mean for you? Over time, you can develop a caffeine tolerance, requiring more espresso to wake up. You can also feel caffeine deprivation headaches and withdrawal symptoms. The Mayo Clinic recommends not more than four cups of coffee (or 400 milligrams of caffeine) per day.


And not enough water

woman drinking water

Do not drink enough water can leave your tongue and brain beyond the skin. A study in the mapping log of the human brain has discovered that dehydration causes the removal of brain tissue as well as negative effects on cognitive performance. Try to mount your water intake by sipping out of detoxification water if you are bored from the ol 'h2o plain.


Your headphones are still in full explosion

Headphones and iPhone

It's time to turn your Spotify Down playlist as soon as possible. Not only listen to music at high levels of bad decibels for your ears, it is also potentially harmful for your brain. According to a report ofBest hearing instituteThere is a link between hearing loss in the elderly and a cerebral tissue loss. This damage can arise from the extra work that your brain must do to understand the conversations when your hearing no longer works at full capacity. You want to make sure you do not overload your ears? Keep the volume below 60% of the maximum of your device and take a sound break every two hours.


You smoke cigarettes


The American Cancer Society warns that smoking causes approximately 20% of deaths in the United States and, if not enough incentive to help you or your loved ones had to leave, a UCLA study found that "the largest dependence of A teenager with nicotine, the less active it is. The pre-frontal cortex was, suggesting that smoking can affect brain function. "Even if you are an adult, get out for a coffee and a cigarette break can cause memory and attention deficits over time.


You are in the dark

watching tv

If you do not get enough natural light, you may be depressed and it can slow down your brain. The search also shows that sunlight helps keep your brain work well. Break windows and soak the sun, because a lack of light can seriously harm your brain and mood. To researchNational health institutes Shows that sunlight helps keep your brain working effectively, so do not dampen anytime or at least near a window.


You jump breakfast ...


Even if your stomach does not grope in the hunger of the first time in the morning, you may want to prepare a fast lawyer toast in one to two hours of awakening. Ato studyinBorders of human neuroscience Discovered that children who have eaten a morning meal had a better concentration and were more alert at school. Need another reason not to sit at an A.M meal. Find21 things happening to your body when you jump breakfast.


... or choose bad breakfast

sugary cereal

If you have prepared oatmeal for your children this morning, we are totally applauding you. According to a physiology and behavioral study, children who have eaten their breakfasts at each A.M. better performed that day that those who did not do it - but there is a grip. Children who have shown the most stellar performance were gobilling of the dense oatmeal nutrients while those who did not work as well eaten cereals.


You choose white rice on brown

white rice

Transformed carbohydrates are not just a nutritional Dud; They do not want favors either. A study published byThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Linked to the consumption of high glycemic foods with a risk of depression in post-menopausal women. The same research has shown a decrease in depression in women who have consumed more lactose, fiber, fruit and vegetables.


You start your day with orange juice

orange juice

It may be a breakfast, but you really better skip the OJ if you want to keep your brain healthy. The newspaperNeuroscience Published a study indicating that high sugar regimes result in significant declines in cognitive function as well as long-term memory and short-term memory. It is proved that the sugar interferes with healthy intestinal bacteria at the microbiome, which therefore affects the cognitive function. Because a glass of 12 ounce orange juice contains 33 grams of sugar, Nixing is a great way to reduce your sugar consumption at the beginning of the day.


You can not give up contact sport


NFL players are not the only ones to put their brain at risk. You may want to avoid contact sports to protect the health of your mind. Activities such as rugby and football make you more susceptible to concessions, which can possibly cause chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Depending on the search byThe American Medical AssociationThis condition is associated with increased risk in the development of dementia in average or later life.


You do not take days of illness

mat at office

Forget to save your days of illness; Take a day off work when you are sick is the best thing to do for your brain. When you are under the weather, your mind and your body are taxed with the fight against the disease and can not work at the same level they do normally. If you strive to work while you are sick, you will not be able to do the job as effectively and risque long-term brain damage.


You sleep in the wrong way

Is there a bad way to sleep? With regard to the preservation of your cerebral health, there are. Sleeping with your covered head causes increased consumption of carbon dioxide and a decrease in oxygen. Since oxygen is vital for cerebral function, limiting it in this way can damage your brain cells.


You live in a big city

New York

You may not be able to choose where you reside, but you must be aware of the potential impact on your brain. Breathable polluted air leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen that reaches your brain. Since oxygen is essential to cerebral function, a decrease in air quality can also mean a decrease in the effectiveness of your brain. A recent study of theThe University of Toronto I found that people living near road pollution had a 12% greater risk of dementia development with peers residing in a more distant location.


You try too many accident plans

hungry woman

On ato study in the newspaperNeuropsychiatric disease and treatment, deprive that your nutrient brain can have harmful effects. If you often limit your calories drastically or purge after frenzy, this can considerably change your regions on the right side of your brain.


You often go to the steakhouse often


If you are regular to your local steakhouse, you may want to consider reducing your visits. A study published byPhysiology and behavior I found that the consumption of saturated fats (such as those found in red meats) is correlated with the development of Alzheimer's disease and a decrease in brain function. Since state-of-the-art steak offers such as coast eyes can have up to 12 grams of 6 ounce service saturated, try not to do your dinner.


You always want fat food

french fries

Fatty foods are not just a risk for your size. They also have the potential to put your brain in danger. A study published byNutrientsI found that the consumption of fat foods can cause fatigue that will make your brain less sharp. If you are looking to avoid this cerebral fog of the mid-afternoon during the days of the week, try to rehabilitate your diet and reduce your fat consumption.


You freez eat

empty plates

According to webmd, "eating too much food, even the healthy guy, can affect the ability of your brain to build the necessary connections to think and store memories." Not only that, inhaling too much GRUB can cause obesity, develop your belly and possibly increase your blood pressure, linked to brain modification evils such as blows and dementia.


You mutate on the microwave makeup artist

microwave popcorn

Many popcorn marks line their microwave bags with perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a chemical found in Teflon that has been linked to infertility, weight gain and learning altered. Not only that, if you choose buttered flavored nuclei, you can be numbered on diacetyl, a chemical can decompose the brain protective cells. If you need a cinema time snack, make a handful of organic nuclei on the old style of the hob and try them20 delicious ways to dress up your popcorn instead of butter.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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