The 10 largest food breakthroughs of 2017
These food advances change the world, a bite at a time.

Although we are still years of culpability cheese development, and a wine-hanging wine will probably not hit the shelves at any time, 2017 gave us a lot of culinary creations that deserve their weight in gold. All-in-one devices will save a serious counter to ecological packaging that could simply save the entire planet, these 2017 food advances definitely live up to the hype. Continue reading to see how these food innovations are total players, then when you are ready to start planning these New Year's resolutions, be sure to include the100 healthiest foods from 2017On your menu!
The hamburger impossible

Unemployment in a juicy hamburger is a generally lost pleasure for those who avoid products of animal origin, but 2017 might have changed it for good. It was in 2017 thatImpossible foods, a Startup of the Silicon Valley, created the impossible burger, a burger fully based on the planting that looks, tastes and even "bleeding" like real meat. This lasting alternative to chopped beef is not only better for your body, it is also better for the planet, using a fraction of the water and lands necessary for livestock breeding and producing a single eighth of gas. Greenhouse. For more ways to increase your protein intake without turning to meat, give theseHerbal protein bars A whirlwind.
Multifunctional devices

For any person with comfortable life districts, looking for enough space for devices can be as part of culinary tetris. Fortunately, a company has a solution.Tovala, a counter machine that hit the market in June 2017, combines an oven, a toaster, a liner and a grill, which facilitates the kitchen with a limited space to create healthy meals at home.
Edible water bottles

38 billion bottles of plastic water make their way into American landfills each year. Extra billions are deployed around the world, polluting our water and mortgage the future of our planet in the process. The good news? A smart company may have found the solution this year. OOHO, a component of edible water, biodegradable, biodegradable that requires significantly fewer resources to produce that a typical bottle could be the solution to our overflowing discharges.
Non-brown apples

Although the safety of GMOs is a topic to debate strongly debated, an apple that does not like does not seem very good. EnterArctic apples, a genetically modified fruit that remains firm and flawless, even after the trench.
3D printed cheese

If you think that 3D printers are valid only to make LEGO emergency parts, think again. In 2017, Ireland researchersUniversity College, Cork said so long to the filament, opting instead to print with cheese. Although the result has widely transferred melted cheese of interesting forms, their dedication to the cause was really inspiring.
Cricket Flour Bread

The healthy bread has got a new look in 2017. This year, the Finnish company Fazer bakeries has created a cricket flour-based loaf, a product that has been built as a more sustainable alternative to protein sources based on mammals. While bread does not look significantly different from what you are used to, you will get 70 grill on the ground rich in vitamins in each bread.
Travel farms

Food deserts are a very real problem and are often cited as a major cause of obesity, diabetes and other health problems throughout America. Fortunately, 2017 saw a potential solution emerging.Freight farmsA startup based in Boston, created the green green leafy machine, a vertical hydroponic farm built inside a shipping container that can carry healthy foods to locations where fresh foods and foods are rare.
Oral care drinks

See Ya, Seltzer. Make your dentist proud to have much easier this year this year. In 2017, Inventor Ted Jin developed Qīī, a drink that promises to neutralize acidity, kill bacteria and refresh breathing, keep these cavities at the bay.
Clay protecting plants

Each year, an incalculable amount of food is lost in the farms due to disease and plague. Fortunately, the solution to this question could be closer than we think. A team of Australia scientistsQueensland University Developed Bioclay, a durable and biodegradable biodegradable clay that can protect plants without the need for chemical pesticides.
Food without price inexpensive

As food prices continue to increase worldwide, food security crears. EnterValueless. This non-brand brand offers kitchen staples delivered to your door at only $ 3 by pop, which makes it easy to enjoy a healthy and filling meal. When you want to further reduce your food bills, try to control these 50 RECIPES WITH SLOW COTIBLE CHEWED AND EASY !

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