5 meats that burn fast fat

In summer, man can not grill by chicken breasts only.

Although chicken breast either the gold standard of healthy grilling that can help weight loss to weight loss, a high protein - the key to any successful food plan is variety and research shows that you now have options. While you still want to move away from the traditional Solk Chuck supermarket, there are ways to enjoy a beef hamburger knowing that you do well with your turn. And you can open your grill to more creative choices, too all packed with nutrients and proteins that will keep your fitness goals on the right track without sacrificing the flavor.


Fourte-fed oxen

grass fed beef

As for the steak or hamburgers, go to the grass. It can ding your wallet, but it will drink your abdominals. The beef nourished with grass is naturally leaner and has fewer calories than conventional meat: a conventional strip steak of seven oz lean has 386 calories and 16 grams of fat. But a seven ounce grass strip steak has only 234 calories and five grams of fat. Grass-based meat contains higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, according to a study published inNutrition log, which have been demonstrated to reduce the risk of heart disease.


Buffalo / Bison

bison steak

While grass-based beef is an excellent choice, Bison's profile has increased in recent years and for good reason: it has half of fat and fewer calories than red meat. According to the USDA, while a 90% hamburger can on average 10 grams of fat, a relatively gradue buffalo hamburger with two grams of fat with 24 grams of protein, making it one of the meats. more skinny around. But wait, taking a chance on this unexpected meat, you will earn two healthy bonuses: in a single server, you will get a full day of a full day of vitamin B-12, which has been shown to stimulate energy and help. Close genes responsible for insulin resistance and adipose cell formation; In addition, since Bison are naturally fed to the grass, you can lose your burger, knowing that this is free from hormones and pollutants than to manifest itself in your belly fat.



turkey burgers

The lean and protein, Turkey is no longer an automatic replacement of red meat: this bird deserves accessories alone. Burger Turkey Burger Patty contains 140 calories, 16 grams of protein and eight grams of fat. In addition, Turkey is rich in DHA Omega-3 acids-18 mg per serving, the highest in this list - which has been demonstrated to increase cerebral function, improve your mood and extinguish the grease genes, thus preventing the Adipose cells to grow the size. Just make sure you buy white meat only; Dark contains too much fat. And know that you make your health a solid double by grilling at home: the versions of the restaurants can be filled with bold add-ins to increase the flavor. Not your problem because it goes directly from the grill to your plate (ideally with theBest spices Burn fat and peppers mixed with).



ostrich meat

Reduce this eyebrow as you raise. Ostrich meat is the rising feature of grill. Although it is technically red and has the rich taste of beef, it has less fat than turkey or chicken. A three ounce galette contains 146 calories, 22 grams of protein and six grams of fat. In addition, a portion has 200% of the recommended daily indemnity of vitamin B-12. This exotic meat can also help immerse your environment: the ostrich contains 55 mg of choline, a nutrient that helps fat loss. And it is not so difficult to find that it sounds-ostrich is more and more available in the supermarkets of the country.


Pork fillet

pork tenderloin

A long-standing enemy of doctors and Dianangen, pork comes from a healthier alternative at the end of the end of the waist. Your best bet is the pork net: a study from the University of Wisconsin revealed that a three ounce of pork net has a little less greasy than a skinless chicken breast. It has 24 grams of protein per serving and 83 mg of choline (in the last case, about the same thing as an average egg). In a study published in the newspaperNutrientsScientists have asked 144 overweight people to eat a diet rich in lean pork fresh. After three months, the group saw a significant reduction in size size, BMI fat and belly, without reduction of muscle mass! They speculate that the amino acid profile of the pork protein can contribute to more FAT COMBUSTION .

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