Why you should take a break from your diet

Here is a reason to bring back the greenhouses into the refrigerator and bite into a juicy hamburger instead.

When working hard to reach your weight goal by counting calories and incorporating vegetables with each meal, a pause of your diet does not likely seem like an option. After all, if you succumb to a cheat day, you risk harming all the difficult work you have already put. But what about the week of cheat, or better yet, two?

In a recentto study published in theInternational Journal of Obesity, Dieters who took a two-week break from their low calorie meal plan lost more weight than those who have regularly settled. To arrive at these conclusions of the spirit, Australian researchers divided 51 obese men aged 25 to 54 in two groups: a group followed a 16-week system that cut their normal daily calories from a third while the Second group earned diet for two weeks and took a two-week break. This cycle has been repeated eight times.

The researchers have discovered that those who have deviated from the prescribed plan have decreased by about 50% of more weight, in addition to losing more body fat than coherent diet. Although the two groups got a little weight six months later, people with intermittent diet weighed about 18 pounds lighter than those that do not pend their diet for a few weeks.

How is it possible? "When we reduce our energy consumption (food) during the regime, the rest metabolism decreases with greater extent as expected; a phenomenon called" the weight loss of adaptive thermogenesis more difficult ", responsible for the 'School of Health Sciences at the University of Tasmania Professor and led the author of the study Nuala BYrne explained in aStatement on the study. "This" Famine Reaction ", a survival mechanism that has helped humans survive as a species when the food supply was incompatible with the Millennie past, now contributes to our growing size when the food supply is Easily available. "

When you take breaks from your diet, you can finally help you crush your goals, it does not mean that you can go on food without food for two weeks. The study participants eaten the number of calories to maintain their starting weight during diet hiators. If you try this regime yourself, Byrne suggests to discoverHow many daily calories you have to maintain your weight then reduce this amount by a third party. Make sure to eat only this specific quantity of calories daily for two weeks, then increase your calories to your maintenance floor (subtract 100 calories or more to take into account all lost books) for the next two weeks. Repeat repetition until you get the desired results. And for more ways to throw the pagesky books, try them44 Ways to lose 4 inches of body fat.

Categories: Weight Loss
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