11 myths on totally false fibers

We degenerate the most common myths of this important carbohydrate.

Maybe you go down a bowl of high fiber cereals every morning, have an apple in the afternoon and a complement of fiber fibers after dinner. You get more than enough fiber. Law? Not necessarily, experts say. All fibers are not created equal, andsome researchfound that only about half of us have enough. According to other foods you eat, you might even have too much.

Fiber is a type ofcarbohydratesThis voces your meals, you feel higher faster, you help control your weight and keep you regular. Here are the myths of fiber, you should stop believing, as well as how to make sure you just get the right amount. And while you're there, subscribe toEat this, not that!magazine today. It is packed with nutrition tips, grocery tips, restaurant guides, and much more!


There is only one type of fiber

Kale on cutting board

Yes, the nutrition labels "Fiber Fiber" under a heading. But there are actually two different types of fibers: insoluble and soluble. "You want both because they each have beneficial effects on health and are good for your intestine. The variety is the key," says Christy Brisette, R.D., President of80-twenty nutrition.

The insoluble fiber is a breaking fiber or dry fiber, because Grissette calls it. "It's the guy that people think when they think of fibers," she says. It mates your stool, moving things with your digestive tract to facilitate constipation. It is commonly found in the Bran,whole grains, seeds and skins of fruits and vegetables.

The soluble fiber binds to the water to form a gel in your digestive tract and slows down the digestion, stabilizing your blood glucose to prevent the peaks that leave you hungry. It also gives your body more time to absorb nutrients and catch cholesterol to reduce your global levels, explains Brissette. And, like an insoluble fiber, he keeps things moving in your digestive tract to keep you regular. Get it in bananas, beans, lentils,chia seeds, hemp and flax seeds.


Cereals are the best source of fiber

Woman eating a bowl of cereal

"Ontimes When people think that this kind of grain or bran cereals is the only way to meet your fiber needs in one day. But most brands have a lot ofadded sugar. Some are higher in sodium and some are treated enough, "says Brissette. Rather than turning to high fiber-processed foods, it encourages customers to opt for natural foods of fiber, such as beans, lentils, fibrous vegetables, chia seeds, flaxeds, hemp seeds and nuts.


There are no too many fibers

Woman eating salad

"Sometimes customers come to think they haveIBS (Irritable Intestine Syndrome). They were really healthy, but they have gaseous, diarrhea and abdominal pain, and they think they have to make a restrictive diet, "says Brissette." I take a look and they eat giant tons of salads. cabbage cabbage, broccoli, rice cauliflower and dry fruits. "But too many fibers, however, in particular an insoluble fiber found in cruciferous vegetables, can make a number on your digestive tract, causing gassing, balloon and Ventilates.

That said, most of us do not relate for 38 grams (men) or 25 grams (women) recommended by theMedical institute. If you suddenly increase your fiber number and you feel swelling, do not nix the fiber. See if you can exchange more difficult fibers to digest for fiber-rich foods that are easier to stomach. Instead of Kale, try spinach; Commercial broccoli for asparagus; Pass the cauliflower and load yourself on mushrooms. Or even simply reduce the size of your portion by mixing a cup of Kale instead of two and adding a cup of vegetables such as peppers, cucumber, fungi and asparagus.


You should avoid fiber if you have diarrhea

Grab toilet paper bathroom

Although it is true that too much insoluble fiber, such as broccoli, can lead to a case of flatulence and soluble fibers can stop a case of races in its tracks. "People think if they have a loose stool, they should cut all the fibers. But when the soluble fiber enters your system, it really slows down your digestive tract," says Brissette. Bring on bananas!


Fiber causes IBS

Bloated woman putting on jeans

If you are diagnosed with IBS, your doctor can recommend aPoor diet in Fodmap, where you will reduce some difficult carbohydrates to digest. As you eliminate certain sources of upsetting stomach fibers, such as apples and cauliflower of your diet, "a low Fodmap diet is not necessarily a low fiber diet," says Brissette. "If you have digestive problems, it is important to include low FODMAP, fiber-rich foods to reduce inflammation and promote health. In other words, there are many foods rich in fiber, such as chia seeds, artichokes and kiwi. Remember that a low Fodmap diet is not supposed to be in the long run. Instead, with the help of a nutritionist, the idea is to eliminate all Fodmap foods and gradually add them to your diet until you discover the specific culprit behind your stomach misfortunes .


The fibers and prebiotics are the same thing


The prebiotics are a subset of fibers that nourish healthy bacteria living in your intestine andMake up your microbiome-But all the fibers are not prebiotic. There are some different types of prebiotics, especially pectin (found in apples), polyphenols (dark chocolate), resistant starch (oats, corn and lentils) and inulin (artichokes, leeks and onions). "As two weeks, having a larger diet, a herbal diet can help change intestinal bacteria positively," says Brissette. Make your intestine an additional favor by choosing fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi that pack prebiotics and probiotics, a type of intestinal bacteria beneficial.


You only need fiber to stay regular

Oats and berries

"This one I hear a lot of customers. They will say they do not need to increase the fiber because they are regular. But the fiber does not just concern your digestive system," says Brissette. A high fiber diet includes loads ofAnti-inflammatory antioxidants, reducing your risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and type 2. diabetes because it keeps your check appetite, it helps control your weight. Get a good dose of fiber per day Reduces the risk of colorectal cancer by motion holding things in your digestive tract. And prebiotics in certain types of fibers feed the good bacteria in your intestine, which have been shown to stimulate yourimmune system andMental Health.


Constipation of fiber cures

Stomach pain

It is true that a low fiber regime is a frequent cause of constipation, there are many other guilty behind this condition.Dehydration Can support you, even if you eat fiber charges, because your stool is not sufficiently wet to effectively pass through your digestive tract. Do not be active can lead to constipation, brissette notes, as can some medicines. If you suddenly hit the LOO less than usual or if you are concerned about your bathroom habits, talk to your doctor to exclude other potential problems.


All fruits and vegetables are good sources of fiber

Healthy organic carbs vegetables
Twenty -20

With regard to fiber, all fruits and vegetables are not created equal.Liquid productslike cucumbers and watermelons have very little fiber, while cruciferous vegetables (curly cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower) and denser fruit (lawyers, pears, apples) are excellent sources of Fibers As long as you eat the skin (except, of course, on lawyers), which contains about half of their fiber content. Dried fruits are also an excellent source of fiber; Just look at preservatives like sulphites and added sugar. Pay attention to your size of your serving, because you will get more calories in less bites.

And remember, produce that the less fiber still guarantees many other health benefits. "All fruits and vegetables serve antioxidants and phytochemicals. Each color indicates a different disease combat compound," says Brissette.


High fiber foods never fall under blood glucose

Oatmeal with berries

"Customers often think that if a food is high in fiber, it is also low on the glycemic index. This is not true, and this confuses people," says Brissette. As a rule, when you exchange white rice for a higher fiber brown rice, your blood glucose is less likely to crash and crash. That said, some foods rich in fiber, like his flakes andgroats are raised on the glycemic index. Other foods processed like cereal bars and protein have a fiber added to them, but not always the genre that prevents blood glucose from hitting the roof.

For the most part, the more cooked or transformed a food, the more he lifts the blood glucose, says Brissette. Most integer, whole foods, on the other hand, have a fiber that is more difficult for your body to decompose. If you have oatmeal, opt for steel cup or rolled with instant oats, which have been thermally treated so that they are quickly digedted as soon as they hit your system. With regard to bread, whole wheat is better than white, while the stone is even better, says Brissette.


You should take supplements to make sure you get enough fiber

Psyllium Fiber

If you want to add fibers to your diet, a supplement is not the place to start. "Studies show if you simply add fiber supplements such as powder fiber at your day and that your diet does not contain entire fiber foods, it does not have protective effects on your overall health She said. In addition, too many soluble fibers supplements can bind them to minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc as well as some medications, so that they move to through your system without being absorbed. Instead, start by adding more full fiber foods to your diet. If you still think you do not get enough fiber, pay attention when you take this supplement. " If you take a complement of fiber in the morning and make your multivitamin, think back to the timing. Perhaps you have the night instead, "says Brissette.

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