10 Nutritional Deficiencies Men Should Monitor in 40 Years Quarantine

No need for mid-life crisis! It's time to prepare your body for several decades.

"Healthy aging begins decades before we generally think about it," saysSuzanne Dixon, Rd, Dietitian at the Mesothelioma Center in Portland, Oregon.

It is important to start taking care of your health once you tap theLarge 4-0Because, as scary as this is the risk of dying of a diagnosis of the highest cancer during your 40s, a study published in theAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicine has revealed. But there is a lot that you can do to fight these statistics. "Heart diseases and cancer are the two main causes of death in this country, and the key to minimizing the risk of these diseases is to start early," says Dixon. "We know with certainty, when someone is diagnosed with cancer or a heart attack in the 1950s, 60, or 70 years, that the process of the disease started in the 30s and 40s."

One way to start? Fill in your plate with the best medicine of nature:dense nutrient foods. Here are 10 of the most common nutritional deficiencies for men in their 40s, the easier easiest eats that can help you come back to the right track.



Protein foods

Eat this: Beef, Seafood, Greek Yogurt, Eggs, Nuts

Losing books is not always a good thing. After 30 years old, the typical male throws three to five percent of hismuscular massby decade.

"Proteins not only helps prevent muscle loss, which can increase with age, but it can also help fight a slowdown in metabolism," said Sam Presicci, RD, Lead Dietitian toFood in Austin, Texas. "As you get older, it is becoming increasingly important to eat a balanced plate that includes fiber, with a heavy focus on adequate vegetables and proteins, sources such as grass-nourished meats and wild seafood. captured. They will keep you completely and focused without a bunch of empty calories ".

Purpose for one gram per kilogram of body weight Every day, which corresponds to about 82 grams for a man of 180 pounds. If you can not sneak into a steak,salmon filetAnd a Greek yogurt in one day, with a supplementprotein powder which corresponds to your diet (herbal, without dairy products, etc.). Most powders offer 20 to 30 grams of protein per serving to get you a third of your way to your everyday goal.




Eat this: Dry apricots, lentils, pepper squash, potatoes, beans

Now that you have nourished these muscles,Keep them in advanced performance mode with potassium.

"Potassium is a mineral that plays a role in muscle contractions and arterial pressure management. Adequate intake help can prevent cramps, as well as reduce your risk of developing high blood pressure, osteoporosis and kidney calculations, "says Mary Broe, R & D, Dietitian in Rhode Island Hospital, Rhode Island.

Adult males of less than 50 shouldSearch for 4,700 milligrams of potassium per day. If it looks a lot like, check out these8 potassium-rich foods that boost total health.



Magnesium foods

Eat this: Almonds, spinach, cashew nut, peanuts, black beans, peanut butter

In the news of the health of the heart bound, it is important to your mindmagnesium, Which has a multitude of effects on your general well-being.

"As we get older, adults are exposed to an increased risk of high blood pressure, and the magnesium helps to fight that," saysKayla Fitzgerald, Rd, A dietitian in Charleston, South Carolina. "It also helps in the control of blood glucose, protein synthesis, and nerve function. »

While most men who eat a balanced diet easilyreach their quota of 420 milligram a day, Over-The-Counter Pills are available to fill the gaps. Make sure to look at the size of your supplement.

"The highest dose of additional magnesium an adult should consume is 350 milligrams a day. Consume more than this can cause diarrhea and cramps, "Fitzgerald said.


Vitamin B12


Eat this: Clams, beef liver, food yeast, trout, salmon

Naturally, in many products of animal origin,vitamin B12Helps maintain healthy blood cells and nervous. A level of vitamin B12 in the lowest and desirable blood can lead to fatigue, constipation, weakness or anemia.

"As we get older, vitamin B12 is absorbed worse, it becomes more important to reach your 2,4 micrograms per day," Fitzgerald said.

If you are on avegetarian or vegan The diet or blood tests are low vitamin B12, "it is generally safe to complete every day," she adds. For foods that are full of B12, consultThe 11 best sources of vitamin food B for more energy.


OMEGA-3 fatty acids


Eat this: Linen seeds, nuts, eggs, canola oil, sardines

Turn of the clock byFill your diet with healthy greases. Omega-3 can "reduce the risk of heart disease and even improve the appearance and health of your skin," saysAnthony Youn, MD, A certified plastic surgeon-in Troy, Michigan.

Omega-3s also "helps prevent inflammation and contribute to the health of your eyes and your brain," said Jonathan Valdez, Rd, a registered dietitian atNutrition Genki in Astoria, New York and a media spokesman forAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics of New York.

While only four ounces of salmon to reach yourDaily Omega-3 dose 1.6 grams, you can complete if you are not a fan of highest level food sources. Omega-3 supplements have also been linked to less severe.Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.


Vitamin C

Vitamin c foods

Eat this: Peppers, oranges, broccoli, strawberries, Brussels sprouts

As your immune system is aging, it is important toStay healthy with vitamin C.

"You can not work if you are sick! Many fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, essential to optimum immune function, especially during the flu season," says Valdez.

As omega-3s, vitamin C can also keep the skin looking for the skin, because "he is responsible for collagen formation," he adds.

Adult men need90 milligrams Every day, which equates to six ounces of orange juice. It does not seem too difficult, but if your doctor finds your vitamin C deficient, theNational health institutes recommend ester-c.


Vitamin D

Vitamin d foods

Eat this: Cheese, yoghurt, milk, sardines, green leafy, skin salmon on salmon

You have probably heard about the importance of "Vitamin Sunshine", but did you knowVitamin D is also associated withMaintain testosterone levels in the body?

D "Protects against age-related changes and regulates calcium and phosphorus in the body", explains Fitzgerald. If that was not enough, this vitamin "also plays a role in the absorption of calcium to keep the bones strong".

Vitamin D has been linked to the risk drop in pancreas, esophagus and cancers of the head / neck and can slow the growth of tumors forOther types of cancers, too.

AllYou need 600 international units (IUS) vitamin D per day, that you could get from a three-ounce piece of swordfish.



Folate foods

Eat this: Liver, spinach, black peas, asparagus, Brussels sprouts

You may have heard about the support of folate in prenatal health, but it is not only important for women wearing children, saysSuzanne Dixon, Rd, a dietitian registered at the Mesothelioma Center in Portland, Oregon.

"Folate of natural food sources - Non-complementary - help protect cerebral function as we get older," says Dixon. "Taking a folic acid supplement is not a good idea, because too much folate can increase the risk ofcertain cancersincluding colon cancer. This is why food prevails over a pill, especially for folate in the crowd of more than 40 years. "

Barely eight asparagus offer 178 micrograms, which is almost halfway from your400 objectives per day.


The iron

Fresh spinach

Eat this: Fortified cereals, lentils, beef, oysters, spinach

Iron is the most common nutrient deficiency around the world, theWorld Health Organization Reports. This is a big problem because the iron helps to oxygen move in your body via hemoglobin in your blood.

"As you fear at work and at home, you do not want to feel tired on the way," says Valdez.

WhileWomen are more prone to being anemic (iron low), men who are vegetarian, who make a blood donation frequently and who suffer from a digestive disease (as celiac disease) are also quite frequently anemic. Symptoms ofanemia Include shortness of breath, lack of energy, brittle hair and nails, or pale skin.

A cup of lentils equivalent to seven milligrams of iron, you get almost yourDaily goal of eight milligrams.



Hard boiled eggs peeled

Eat this: Seafood, eggs, dairy products, chicken

Selenium has been shown toRisk lower than prostate cancer As it is an antioxidant that fights cancer-causing free radicals, says Presicci. At the same time, however,Supplements on supplements are linked to increased risk for the same stateSo, it is better to eat and drink your selenium.

You can mark yourRecommended 55 Micrograms Every day By tuna (92 micrograms in three ounces), ham (42 micrograms in three ounces) and eggs (15 micrograms each).

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