Mars without meat for meat lovers

Do you save money, helping the environment, learn new foods and lose weight - while improving your health? Welcome to walking without meat!

I am certainly proud of my omnivorous status. I never need to explain dismissions or detailed food requests before dinners, I can eat at any restaurant, I receive expenses of vitamin B12 (the only vitamin that can not be supplied with an entire diet, A plant-based diet) and I receive a rich cheeseburger and bacon fleshy whenever I want. Vegetarianism never really appealed to me - and again,Mars without meat Is.

As you might never be able to imagine completely abstain from cute threads of medium rare for the rest of your life, it does not mean that this challenge is not for you. Yes, research has shown that the vegetarian go isThe most effective weight loss diet dietBut walking without meat is more than minimizing belly fat. It's about learning to integrate healthier foods into your diet, challenge yourself to be creative with different recipes and, no doubt, especially, helping to do your part in cleaning our planet. Some reports believe that this can take 14.6 gallons of water, 13.5 pounds of feeding and 64.5 square feet of land to produce a quarter quarter hamburger. In addition to these wasted resources, the same burger will cost an eighth of methane and a total of four pounds of greenhouse gas-two factors in what contributes to human-oriented climate change. Yes, your burger could cost you only a dollar, but it costs a lot more than the planet.

Abandoning animals can be delicate, not only because we aspire to the occasional order of chicken nuggets, but that animal products have traditionally been our main source of protein and important nutrients such as vitamin D and B12. With this Mars Plan without meat, you will learn how to do this vegetarian (and possibly vegan) work for you. Read to get a new perspective on diet and nutrition with a meat without meat, then keep the thematic days of food by seeing what's going on for the50 national restoration holidays for what is really healthy.

Why you should do a MARSE without meat


We eat too much protein ...

meat aisle

Federal food guidelines recommend that the average adult requires 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, which comes out to 71 grams for the average man and 60 grams for the average woman. But these figures are much lower than the Americans ate: a national health and nutrition review report revealed that the average American man consumes 102 grams of protein per day and the average woman of about 70 grams. The dietary guidelines of 2015 finally spoke about the problem, indicating that "adolescents boys and adult men must reduce the overall intake of protein food by decreasing meat, poultry and eggs and more into More vegetables ". According to the USDA, the meat alone contributes 40% of the daily consumption of proteins of all Americans.


... and too few vegetables

Meatless March plan meat more than veggies

The same dietary guidelines 2015-2020 revealed that the average plugs of vegetables throughEach age group and sex is lower than current recommended admission ranges. This applies to green, red and orange, starchy starch and "other" vegetables as well as beans and legumes. Food guidelines recommend most individuals should "gap Consume more vegetables "and that" as a result of a healthy feeding scheme would include an increase in total vegetable consumption of all vegetable subgroups, dense nutrient forms and an increase in the variety of different vegetables. "


Too much protein can lead to weight gain

Meatless March plan weight gain

From7 things happening to your body when you eat too much protein, Gaining weight is one of them. While a low protein and low carbohydrate diet can help you lose weight from the bat, long-term, it can actually cause weight gain: according to a Spanish study, the researchers had More than 7,000 participants completing questionnaires on their eating habits over six years. After analyzing the data, they found that those who have eaten high protein regimes had a 90% risk of more than 10% of their body weight during the study than those who eat less.


Maybe it's time for a change

Meatless March plan change

If you havehit a weight loss trayIt's probably time to change something about your diet and one of the best ways to fight fat concerns meat meals filled with fiber! Dr. Sean Mr. Wells, the owner of Nalles Training in Personal Training, "Emerging Research Show that Focus on High Fiber Foods can help you lose books after other diets have caused a Tray, probably because the nutrient is so filled. " In fact, a study revealed that for every gram of fibers we consume, we eliminate seven calories from our diet later in the day.


You will help heal the planet

Meatless March plan cow

The USDAUse of energy in the American food system report indicates that if a large number of people have chosen to eat less meat that would result in substantially less energy used in meat production - it means that we use less coal, oil and diesel, and send So less dangerous CO2 in the air. This would also cause less cows to send methane-gas - a greenhouse gas that is disastrously better than carbon dioxide to trap the heat in the atmosphere - in the air, as well as a significant decrease in The use of water. It takes about 1,847 gallons of water to produce a single beef book and 518 gallons per pound for chicken, according to a report from the Netherlands Institute for Water Education.


You will save money

Meatless March plan money

Go without meat will also reduce your weekly budget! Meatless meals are built around vegetables, beans and grains instead of meat, which is usually more expensive. By using data from the US Ministry of Labor, we found that in January 2016, the average price of meat per book in America was $ 4.16, while the same book of vegetables would cost you only 1,67 USD. This cost difference is mainly due to the fact that meat production requires additional expenditures such as food, health maintenance, processing and transportation.


It's a movement

Meatless March plan everybody

Even if the number of vegetarians / vegetarians has remained around 2% of the American population, more people choose to reduce their consumption of meat and dairy, regardless of their status as a food trend, resulting in a 10% decrease. From meat consumption per capita since 2007. And a recent survey of the Nutrition Business Journal found that about 26% of the US population said they have consciously chosen to eat less meat in the last 12 months. What does it look like exactly? In 2014, about 60,000 fewer dairy cows were raised in factory farms than in 2008 and 400 million terrestrial animals were killed for food in the United States as in 2013, according to human society .


Plant-based protein is the future

Meatless March plan veggie burger

Former CEO of McDonald, who worked 25 years for theGiant Fast Food Who Cogne 75 Hamburgers A Second, is now the board of directors of a vegan enterprise which wants to reduce the consumption of global meat. Beyond the philosophy of meat is that because of the negative impact of meat on the well-being of animals, global resources and the environment, animal proteins must be exchanged for Plant-based proteins. The company sells articles called "Bearth Beargers" and "Beyond Chicken Bands" made with non-GMO pea proteins. This is not a single company either. The 2015 Special Special Nutrition Business Journal Special Regime report found that sales for vegetarian-specific foods are expected to increase by 6.9% between 2015 and 2018, a growth rate three times higher than what is expected to Total food sales.


It's an opportunity for learning

Meatless March plan learn

Mars without meat is a great way to discover not only a different different regime from that of yours, but it is also a wonderful opportunity to learn more about nutrition in general. You will start thinking about food in a new light, discover alternative protein options, try new restaurants, new recipes, learn on local foods, experience different cooking techniques and find ways to integrate healthier foods in your meal plan. Because the plan turns around vegetables (and you risk eating broccoli every day), you will be encouraged to connect and try vegetables that you have never tried before. Never heard ofsunchokes?



Meatless March plan easy

That's right. Living without the meat does not mean that you must start developing your own vegetables or only subsist on a tofu diet. The fact is that you can find deliciously satisfactory meat options in the grocery store. And if you follow the tips below, your walk without meat will be a breeze!

Tips for knowing how to go without meat


Choose your plan

Meatless March plan pick

While some of you may think: "All this sounds good! I can not wait to start!" Others might be a little more pessimistic about their ability to fully engage in a month of meat without meat. Do not worry, there are options! Already vegetarian? Try Veganism! If all the month is too much for you, try a 7-day challenge. If an entire week is too much, why not try once a week a Monday without meat? Kissing part-time vegetarian method: Eat without meat until dinner, or maybe throughout the week with weekends. Just try the first day of spring, March 20, otherwise known as "meat day". Still not convinced? There is another option! If you are someone who thinks you can never give up the meat, use this month as a chance to eat more vegetables and whole grains. Choose a plan that will match your life.


To calm down

Meatless March plan ease

Regardless of your Mars Plan without meat, it is not necessary to make Cold Turkey from the bat. You can progressively pass into your meatless diet, focusing on one type of change. Identify a meal (like breakfast) or a day every week where plants will be frontal and central. In your first days, plan meat without meals that you already like, such as lasagna, pasta or soup, then gradually transparent in the unknown with one of theseVegetarian dishes of the week. You can also make sure your meal has vegetables starting your dinners with a salad.



Meatless March plan journal

Setting specific goals will help you stay focused and learn more about you and general nutrition on this 31-day challenge. Start by challengeing yourself to try a new food every week. Try Vegan one day. Reduce treated foods, junk food. Since March, the month of national nutrition has also been a nutrition newspaper to help you understand where all of your micro and essential macronutrients come from. Take a kitchen class. Read a newEat this, not that! Item every day! Do you do that to help you reduce your carbon footprint? Develop your environmental prospects by cycling to work one day, reducing yourBottled water habit, visiting a local farm or turn off your lights more often. The possibilities are endless, but only you have the power to make your personal journey and punishment.


Embrace vegetables

Meatless March plan veggies

The first vegetarian rule: do not pretend that you eat beef. No matter how much you try to manipulate tofu or wheat gluten, it will never taste a big mac. Wendy Bazilian, RDPH, Rd and author of SuperfoodsRx Dangy recommends that you "focus on adding fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, tea and water. . Not on the reduction of meat ". So do not think about "replacing" your meat, simply accept its absence and check these26 Best sources of vegetarian proteins.


Meat alternatives are not always healthy

Meatless March plan alternatives

Beware of exchanging meat for vegetarian alternatives. A packet of vegan chicken nuggets can be just as charged with nasty and sodium additives as normal.chicken nuggets (And they will probably not bring your cravings for the real deal).


Go international

Meatless March plan ethnic

Unlike America's idea of ​​a meal, many international rangers are centered on vegetarian dishes. Indian foods offer spicy and filling vegetable curgs, Mexican is ideal for spending Fajitas legislatures and Guac, and Japanese cuisine has a range of veggie sushi rolls and miso.


Rethink how you shop for food

Meatless March plan frozen veggies

The product section will be your main stop at the supermarket, but there is no reason to jump entirely the other aisles. Foods retain, jarrés and frozen are all just games and can strengthen your daily diet as long as you are looking for products that use whole foods and have short and simple ingredient lists. And that could surprise you, but the Umami flavor is not right in the meat. Pick up foods such as Parmesan cheese, Kalamata olives, mushrooms, miso and tomato dough, to help you improve the tasty side of your whole grain pasta dishes or meals based on Beans and tofu.


Get to know your spice drawer

Meatless March plan spices

Unlike meat, vegetables do not have a lot of saturated grease to make them savor. And yes, a meat-centered meat regime has many Umami flavors, but many of these come from grease and sodium marinades and rectical sauces that can add inches to your size. The best weapons of your vegetarian arsenal are herbs and spices; They are low on calories, a high flavor and help you transform any meals from blah into a masterpiece to the mouth. Start by adding a pinch of fat burns,Metabolism-boosting Cayenne Pepper at your next batch of Guac.


Attention carbohydrates

Meatless March plan carbs

When a food goes out, another is quick to replace it. When you switch to a meatless diet, you get rid mainly from what has always been a great source of protein. As a result, it is very likely that carbohydrates will slowly begin to take a greater part of your meals. However, replacement of protein and grease with empty carbohydrates is a ugly vegetarian and vegan business. Make sure to stay away from refined glucides in blood sugar.



Meatless March plan nuts

Recent searches show that nuts can be a boon to lose weight and allow you to get enough protein when you reduce traditional and animal sources. Get creativity and drag them into your morning oats or on them with a mix of trails. We suggest picking nautical. These heart-shaped nuts are one of the6 best nuts for weight loss Because they are packed with protein and fiber to prevent you from feeling more complete for effective weight loss.


Live in the past

Meatless March plan ancient grains

While your parents may not have heard about ancient grains in biblical passages, quinoa grains, Amaranth, millet, Tff and Saracen are all bars of Granola, cereals, breads, Chips and even cookies. So why all the hype? Unlike modern grains such as wheat, corn and rice, antique grain genetic maquins have not been manipulated a lot of antiquity. More, grains like Amaranth andquinoa Are perfect for meat diet, because they are rich, complete proteins, as well as meat, they are packed with the nine essential amino acids that the body can not produce alone.


Gently play

Meatless March plan smoothie

Studies show that low-protein and low grease smoothies are very effective in precipitating nutrients to your muscles and mixed fruit drinks - which, unlike juices, include fiber - you will keep you longer. If you want to do it vegan, do one with a non-dairy basis, such as non-elevated almond milk. If you are worried, you will not receive enough protein in your diet, not to fear. Add a spoon of vegetarian protein powder to your pick-up in your morning. For more inspiration, check theseSmoothies of weight loss.

10 things that will arrive at your body during walking without meat


You will lose weight

Meatless March plan weight

Building your meals around a range of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and nutritious beans, and beans are likely to make your weight loss efforts much easier than if you are following other diets. When you consciously substitute more plant-based foods for meat or even animal-based foods, you will find that you establish a healthier consumption model. In fact, when a recent study published in the newspaperNutrition Compared the effectiveness of plant-based diets for weight loss, researchers have found that vegetarians and vegetables have decreased their body weight of more than 3% and 4.5%, respectively, more than omnivores on a period of 6 months. Part of this weight loss can be attributed to an increase in fiber consumption. The macronutrient keeps you not only regularly, but it also prevents you from, which forces people to eat less calories.


You will reduce cholesterol levels

Meatless March plan cholesterol

LDL high, or "bad", cholesterol is a major contributor to high blood pressure and fouling arteries, which at risk of heart disease and stroke. Total cholesterol levels are mediated by our genes and our diet; However, the food cholesterol itself is not an important actor in the lifting of internal cholesterol levels. Although yes, a vegetarian diet will decrease your dietary cholesterol consumption, because only animal derived foods contain cholesterol, the reason why your cholesterol levels will decrease, it is another reason: a vegetarian diet is focused on the Products that is filled with fiber and phytosterol products. Or the version of cholesterol plants. A review of clinical trials inFood Plants for Human Nutrition Found that phytosterols and dietary fibers inhibit the absorption of LDL cholesterol, through two different mechanisms, the same result of the reduction of LDL levels.


You will have a pure intestine

Meatless March plan gut

In addition to the benefits of decreasing your intake of meat products loaded with hormones, hormones, conservation and antibiotic, your meatless intestine will also receive spring cleaning. The human meter consists of $ 100,000 billion, symbiotic microorganisms, called probiotics, which influence nutrition, metabolism, immune function and maintaining our happy digestive system. Like all living beings, probiotics must be fed to survive and do their job, which is where prebiotics enter. Prebiotics act as food for probiotics, maintain healthy and functional. Where do they come from? You guessed: Fiber! Foods like oatmeal andbananaContains soluble fibers that release their food source when they are broken down into your intestine, and your MARSE without meat will be full.


You will reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome

Meatless March plan metabolic

Additional fiber and good bacteria in a vegetarian intestine reduces inflammation, explain the nutritionist Keri Glassman®, Rd, CDN and founder of nutritional life. This reduction in inflammation associated with better GUT flora has been demonstrated to improve risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome - in just 1 month! A study inReports on environmental microbiology Put 6 obese volunteers who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and / or hypertension on a strict vegetarian diet for a month. They found that the increase in prebiotic consumption reduced the risk factors associated with metabolic diseases - participants would have better glucose tolerance, lower LDL levels and lost weight loss while improving the composition of the GUT microbiote.

RELATED: Your guide on theanti-inflammatory regime This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.


Your skin will shine

Meatless March plan skin

Beauty can only deep skin, but it reflects how happy our digestive situation, says Susan Tucker, holistic nutritionist and founder of Green Beat Life. She claims that herbal eaters, find that their acne, rosacea or eczema strive when they give up meat, "she says, adding that antioxidants, fibers and minerals in a diet. Factory help the system to detoxify daily, contributing to health. skin. You want an extra boost of extra detox? Try one of them50 detoxification water for grease engraving and weight loss.


You will have more energy

Meatless March plan energy

Balanced vegetarian diets are full of whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables rich in complex carbohydrates to digest slowly, which help to provide the body a lot of fuel and more coherent energy levels. It is not surprising six of the7 energizing foods better than a red bull are factory-based.


You will increase your metabolism

Meatless March plan metabolism

Much of the body's work is to break the food so that the body can absorb nutrients. It takes the additional efforts of the body to decompose whole grains than more refined and transformed grains and fibrous vegetables such as cabbages, spinach and bananas in their solid form. When you obey the priority of these fibrous vegetables, the entire fruits and grains that the body must work stronger, you drive to the TEF (thermal effect of food), keeping your high metabolic rate and exceeding more calories on digestion. Need a little more coating of your metabolism? Check these50 ways to strengthen your metabolism.


You make the symptoms of menopause

Meatless March plan menopause

Studies connect debilitating symptoms of peridenage and post-smoke at low levels of estrogen that occur due to lack of ovarian hormones. Fortunately for you, a good dose of vegetables can help your body regulate these hormones and helps your menopause symptoms, according to a study published by the Chinese Pharmacological Society. It is thanks to the presence of Phytoestrogen in some plants, such asChickpeas, apples, soy, beets and more. These plants chemical compounds mimic the behavior of estrogen and can increase and decrease estrogen and progesterone levels, maintaining a balance of them in your diet.


You will be more regular

Meatless March plan regular

Another advantage of increasing your fiber consumption! The fiber insoluble in fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes do not digest in your stomach. Instead, it helps you better improve waste by moving stool. If you suffer from a kind of intestinal problem, you could have IBS. Do not miss these essentials37 IBS remedies that will change your life!


... and gas

Meatless March plan gas

If people seem to migrate away from you during the first days of the mileless challenge, do not take it personally. The sudden increase in your fiber intake can make you known from gas and bloating because of changes in your intestine. To compensate for this unwanted side effect, try to ensure you in the diet during the first week, advancement of the meat and regularly increase the foods that are packed with fibers. 30 high fiber foods that should be in your diet .

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